Katja Lindenberg — Random walks with nonnearest-neighbor transitions. II. Analytic one-dimensional theory for exponentially distributed steps in systems with boundaries
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Название: Random walks with nonnearest-neighbor transitions. II. Analytic one-dimensional theory for exponentially distributed steps in systems with boundaries
Автор: Katja Lindenberg
Exact analytic results for symmetric, nonnearest-neighbor random walks in one-dimensional finite and semiinfinite lattices are presented. Random walks with exponentially distributed step lengths are considered such that variation of a single parameter permits one to cover the whole range of step lengths from nearest-neighbor transitions to steps of aribtrary length. The generating functions for such lattices are derived and used to calculate a number of moment properties (mean first passage times, dispersion in the mean recurrence time). Since explicit expressions for the generating functions for these walks are obtained, additional moment properties can readily be calculated. The results found here for a finite system are compared to results found previously for a system with periodic boundary conditions. Two different semiinfinite systems are also considered.