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Lebowitz J.L., Penrose O. — Cluster and percolation inequalities for lattice systems with interactions
Lebowitz J.L., Penrose O. — Cluster and percolation inequalities for lattice systems with interactions

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Название: Cluster and percolation inequalities for lattice systems with interactions

Авторы: Lebowitz J.L., Penrose O.


For a lattice gas with attractive potentials of finite range we use the inequalities of Fortuin, Kasteleyn, and Ginibre (FKG) to obtain fairly accurate upper and lower bounds on the equilibrium probabilityp(K) of finding the set of sitesK occupied and the adjacent sites unoccupied, i.e., on the probabilities of finding specified clusters. The probability that a given site, say the origin, is empty or belongs to a cluster of at mostl particles is shown to be a nonincreasing function of the fugacityz and the reciprocal temperature=(T) –1; hence the percolation probability is a nondecreasing function ofz and. If the forces are not entirely attractive, or if the ensemble is restricted by forbidding clusters larger than a certain size, the FKG inequalities no longer apply, but useful upper and lower bounds onp(K) can still be obtained if the density of the system and the size of the clusterK are not too large. They are obtained from a generalization of the Kirkwood-Salsburg equation, derived by regarding the system as a mixture of different types of cluster, whose only interaction is that they cannot overlap or touch.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Физика/

Тип: Статья

Статус предметного указателя: Неизвестно

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Год издания: 1976

Количество страниц: 17

Добавлена в каталог: 25.03.2012

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