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Lim A.S.M., Constable P.I., Wong D.T.Y. — Colour atlas of ophthalmology
Lim A.S.M., Constable P.I., Wong D.T.Y. — Colour atlas of ophthalmology

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Название: Colour atlas of ophthalmology

Авторы: Lim A.S.M., Constable P.I., Wong D.T.Y.


We are delighted with the numerous enthusiastic reviews that we have received from international journals of the first three editions of this book. We are of course pleased that the book has been translated into eight languages: Malay, Spanish, Italian, Chinese, French, Finnish, German and Portuguese and that it continues to be popular. In the last few years, new procedures and drugs have emerged. We have therefore updated every chapter to include the latest in ophthalmic management, but take pains not to increase the size of the book so that it can be easily carried around by medical students and residents in the clinics. We are also delighted that this book has been produced on video and CD-ROM.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Медицина и здравоохранение/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1995

Количество страниц: 161

Добавлена в каталог: 10.12.2005

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Morphine      103
Myasthenia gravis      105
Myasthenia gravis, ptosis in      105 111
Myopia      140 141
Myopia, high (degenerative)      72
Myopia, ophthalmoscopy in      72
Myopia, pathological      141
Myopia, progressive      141
Myopia, simple or physiological      135 141 143
Naevus      46 66
Nasolacrimal duct, congenital, blocked      125
Neonatorum, ophthalmia      115 125
Neovascularisation      92
Neuritis, retrobulbar      102
Neurofibromatosis      119
Night-blindness      see “Retinitis pigmentosa”
Nystagmus      105
Oblique muscles, paralysis      111—112
Occlusion in amblyopia      116
Occlusion, branch retinal vein      68 75
Occlusion, central retinal artery      67 75 109
Occlusion, central retinal vein      68 75
Occlusion, punctum      35
Occlusion, vascular      67
Ocular hypertensives      54
Onchocerciasis      88
Opacity, cornea      3 7 8 10 33 36 39 40 49—50
Ophthalmoscope      7 16 68
Ophthalmoscope, direct      7 15 70 72
Ophthalmoscope, indirect      10 20 70
Opportunistic pathogens      88
Optic atrophy      101 103 109—110
Optic chiasma      see “Lesions”
Optic cup      54 61
Optic cup in papilledema      96 100 107
Optic cup in papilledema, pseudo      96 108
Optic cup, normal      16
Optic cup, oedema      100 107
Optic cup, pallor of      102 109
Optic nerve atrophy      102 109
Orbit, injuries      132 139
Orbital cellulitis      26 32 90
Orbital tumour      11
Panophthalmitis      38
Papilledema      100—101 107
Papilledema in hypertension      85 95 107
Papilledema, pseudo      101
Papillitis      100 101 107 109
Paralytic squint      104 114
Pars planitis      66
Perimetry      9 18 19
Perimetry, Goldman      10
Phakomatosis      118 126
Photocoagulation      70 84 95 114 119
Pilocarpine      55 103 147
Pinguecula      37 46
Pneumocystis carinii      88
Post-chiasmal lesion      see “Lesions”
Potential visual metre (PAM)      11
Pre-eclamptic hypertension      85
Presbyopia      142
Preseptal cellulitis      see “Cellulitis”
Proliferative diabetic retinopathy      see “Retinopathy”
Proptosis (exophthalmos)      22 26 32 93
Pterygium      37 46
Ptosis      24 30
Ptosis in myasthenia gravis      105 111
Ptosis, acquired      24
Ptosis, congenital      24
Ptosis, senile      24
Pupil      6 103
Pupil in diabetes      83
Pupil in glaucoma      43 62
Pupil in iritis      43 65
Pupil in retrobulbar neuritis      102
Pupil, dilated      43 62
Pupil, irregular      103
Pupil, large      103
Pupil, reaction      6 104
Pupil, small      8 103
Radiotherapy      67
Red eyes, bilateral      33 41
Red eyes, unilateral      35 42
Reflex, corneal light      6 14
Reflex, red      7 15 70
Reflex, white      5 118
Refractive changes      81
Refractive changes in diabetes      81
Refractive changes in myopia      140 141
Refractive changes in presbyopia      142
Refractive changes, astigmatism      141 142
Refractive changes, hypermetropia      141
Refractive errors      140
Retina, arteriosclerosis of      68 84
Retina, detachment of      69 80 114
Retina, detachment of exudative      68 70
Retina, detachment of traction      70 92
Retina, haemorrhage of      69 75 79 97
Retina, tears (holes)      67 70 80
Retinal artery occlusion      68 75 109
Retinal haemorrhages      75 97
Retinal vein occlusion      68 75
Retinitis pigmentosa      73 109
Retinoblastoma      113 122
Retinopathy, central serous      72 79
Retinopathy, diabetic, background      82 91
Retinopathy, hypertensive      85 96
Retinopathy, hyperviscosity      86 97
Retinopathy, maculopathy      77 82
Retinopathy, proliferative      82 83 92 93 95
Retinopathy, sickle-celled      86 97
Retinopathy, vascular      86
Retrolental fibroplasia      113
Rheumatoid disease      89 90 99
Rodent ulcer      25 31
Sarcoidosis      66
Scan, CT      11 21 87 103
Scan, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance      103
Scar, chorioretinal      76
Scar, corneal      49
Scleral necrosis      37
Scleritis      89 99
Scleromalacia      99
Sclerosis, disseminated      101
Scotoma      54 60 101
Scotometer      9 18
Sebaceous adenoma      126
Sickle-celled anaemia      86 97
Siderosis bulbi      135
Sjogrens syndrome      35
Slit-lamp microscopy      9 20 40
Squint      114—116
Squint, convergent      104 111 115 123
Squint, divergent      111 115
Squint, head tilt in      111 115
Squint, management of      115
Squint, non-paralytic or concomitant      113—115
Squint, paralytic      104 112 114 116
Squint, pseudo      116
Squint, vertical      114
Staphylococcal antigens      39
Steroids, contraindication of      148—149
Steroids, dangers of      148—149
Steroids, indications for      148—149
Stevens — Johnson’s disease      35 90
Still’s disease      66
Sturge — Weber syndrome      119
Stye      23 29
Subconjunctival haemorrhage      36 139
Subconjunctival injections      39 149
Subretinal fluid drainage      70
Subretinal neovascularisation      72
Synechiae, posterior      58 65 103
Syphilis      66 89 103
Systemic conditions      35
Tarsorrhaphy      27 98
Tearing      117
Thyroid disease      27 87 98
Thyroid disease, exophthalmos in      87
Tonometer      9
Tonometer, Goldman applanation      9 20
Tonometer, non-contact      9
Tonometer, Schiotz indentation      9 20
Toxocarioxis      66
Toxoplasma gandii      88
Toxoplasmosis      76 66
Toxoplasmosis, congenital      120
Trabeculectomy      56 64
Trachoma      36 45
TRIC (Trachoma inclusion conjunctivitis)      36
Trichiasis      24 30
Tuberculosis      66 89
Tuberous sclerosis      118
Tumour, choroidal      66 77
Tumour, eyelid      25 31
Tumour, pituitary      10
Tumour, pituitary, severe loss of      1 44 55
Tumour, pituitary, sudden      1 51 53 65 67 69 71 73 101
Tumour, pituitary, telescopic central      54
Ulcer, corneal      38 39 47
Ulcer, dendritic      38 44
Ultrasonic disintegration      52
Ultrasonography      10 21
Unilateral red eye      35 42
Uveitis      62
Vascular occlusion      67
Vasculitis      87
Vision, loss in quiet eyes, gradual      2 51 67 70
Visual acuity, assessment      see “Examination”
Visual field      5
Visual field, chart      19
Visual field, defect, hemianopic, bitemporal      102 110
Visual field, defect, homonymous      103 110
Visual field, examination of      5 18
Visual field, in glaucoma      see “Glaucoma”
Visual field, loss of      51 54 60 101
Vitamin A, deficiency      88
Vitrectomy      73 86 70
Vitreous, conditions      73
Vitreous, detachment      73
Vitreous, haemorrhage      73 86
Von Hippel — Lindau disease      118 126
Von Recklinghausen’s disease      119
Watering of eyes      2
White pupil      113
White pupil, congenital      120
White pupil, management of      113
White pupil, retinoblastoma      113 123
White pupil, squint due to      114 123
Wor d Cataract Surgeons Society      53
X-ray, in intraocular foreign body      135
Xanthelasma      25 31
’Halos‘ in glaucoma      57
’Lazy eye‘      116
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