Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Schank R.C. — Computer models of thought and language |
Предметный указатель |
Abelson, R.P. 256 257f. 276f. 287ff. 289 293 336 368
Actions 192
ACTs 192 220 224ff.
Ad hoc systems 372ff.
Affect-variables 267 272
Agent 315ff.
Albrecht, F. 289
Algorithm 16
Amslei, R. 108
Analogic-matching 419ff.
Analogy 17f. 45
Anderson, J.R. 358
Anderson, N.H. 46
Anger 267 272f.
Anscombe, G.E. 48
artificial intelligence 1ff. 114ff.
Artificial intelligence as theoretical psychology 42f.
Artificial intelligence, nature of 1ff.
Arts, visual 3
Associated structure 409ff.
Atkinson, R. 37 38
ATRANS 221f.
Augmented finite state transition network 82ff. 102f.
Austin, G.A. 17
Axelrod, R. 288
Backus Normal Form 20f. 126
Backus Normal Form, BNF grammars 49
Bar-Hillel, Y. 115 122
Baronofsky, S. 74 108
Basic English 373
Becker, J.D. 396ff. 433
Belief 222ff. 253 315
Belief pool 258f.
Belief system 3 5 251ff. 332ff.
Belief system, artificial 262ff.
Belief, conflict in 258f.
Belief, consistency of 255 262 264
Belief, direct evidence for 254f. 264
Belief, foundation of 255 264
Belief, grounds for 254
Belief, inference rules for 258ff. 261f.
Belief, neurotic 258ff.
Belief, normal 260
Belief, paranoid 265f.
Belief, pathological 255 258
Belief, regnant 258
Belief, source of 254 264
Belief, themes of 315f.
Beloff, J. 44
Benevolence 267f.
Berlucchi, G. 346
Bierwisch, M. 120
Big Arrow 404
Bobrow, D. 167
Bobrow, S.A. 366
Boies, S. 349
Bollinger, D. 106
Bower, G. 37
Brain 346f.
Bransford, J. 367
Brill, D. 247
Broadbent, D.E. 35f.
Brown, J.S. 383ff.
Bruce, B. 79 80 108
Bruner, J. 17
Bugs 3
Caddy, J. 247
Carroll, J.D. 287
Cartwright, D. 42
Case relations 67ff.
Catnap, R. 116
Celce-Murcia, M. 64 68 69 70 72 75
Chafe, W.L. 69
Character recognition 3
Charniak, E. 121
Checkers 3
Chess 3
Chomsky, N. 39 70 119
Clark, H. 40 41
Clarkson, G. 367
Clowes, M. 66
Cognition 288 341ff. 397ff.
Cognition, inteimediate-level 397ff.
Cognition, low-level 397ff.
Colby, K.M. 5 251ff. 259 269 277 280 293 415
Coles, L.S. 5
Collins, A. 359 369
Compiler 350f.
Computer science 2 4
Computers 46ff. 59
Computers, digital 4
Concept formation 3 17 26
concepts 67ff. 168 188 254 257f. 409
Concepts, flare 273f.
Conceptual acts 195
Conceptual cases 195ff. 295
Conceptual relations 202ff.
Conceptual relations, causality 202ff.
Conceptual rules 194
Conceptual semantics 232ff.
Conceptual tenses 206ff
Conceptualizations 187ff. 254 257 261ff.
Confidence weight 408
Constraints, open 56f.
Conversation 3
Copeland, P. 346
Cowen, G. 357f.
Credibility 253f. 255 264 290
Criteriality 413ff.
Cutting, J. 346
Day, R. 346ff.
Deduction 16f.
Deep-case structures 68ff.
Delusions 266
Dependencies 192ff.
Design 3
Desirability 255
DeSoto, C. 289
Dictionary stereotypes 142ff.
Dictionary-based systems 116ff.
Differentiation 431ff. 404
Diggory, S. 27
Disambiguation semantics 106
DTRANS 302f.
Ducasse, C.M. 44
Earley, J. 358 360
Eastman, C. 57 58
Effective procedure 255 257
Elements 294ff.
Elliott, R.W. 377ff.
Enablement 305f.
Enea, H. 260
EPAM 41 42 53
Ernst, G. 5 50
Evans, T. 23
Executive assembly 53ff.
Expectations 189ff
Experiential information 396ff.
Eye movements 22 29f.
Family trees 373f.
Fear 267 272f.
feelings 65f.
Feigenbaum, E. 41 53 349 367
Feigl, H. 44 45
Feldman, J. 6 49
Festinger, L. 289
Fikes, R. 5
Fillmore, C.J. 64 68 69
Floyd, R. 14
Fodor, J. 40 48
| FORTRAN 358f.
Foster, C. 370
Franks, J. 367
Freedman, J. 354 369
French, generation of 115 145ff.
Freud, S. 25 26
Frost, N. 346 354 371
Functional equivalence 252f.
Functions, intellectual 2ff.
Functions, mental 2ff.
Galanter, E. 300
Game-playing 3
Garner, W.R. 288
Garvin, P. 126
Gating 313f.
Gazzaniga, M.S. 370
Generality 3 59
Generality, nature of 51f.
Generalization 404 428ff.
Generate and test 12ff. 24
Geschwind, N. 346 370
Glucksberg, S. 357f.
Goal pursuit 406f. 423f.
Goal-monitoring 403ff.
Godel’s theorem 48
Goldman, N. 183 228 247
Goldwater, B. 289
Goodnow, J.J. 17
Governors 193
GPS 5 42 51ff.
Grammar 188
Green, C. 5 52 80 163
Gries, D. 361 367
Haber, R.N. 41
Halliday, M.A.K. 173
Hammond, K.R. 288
Hand-eye systems 6f.
Harary, F.R. 42 307
Hawles, T. 347
Hayes, J.R. 122 351
Hays, D. 188
Heider, F. 289 329
Hempel, C.G. 49
Hemphill, L. 247
Heuristic search 12ff. 24
Hewitt, C. 55 165 300
Hilf, F.D. 265
Hill-climbing 12ff. 23f.
Hunt, E. 17 343ff. 344 347f. 351 354 367
Huttenlocher, J. 41
Hyman, R. 346
Hypothesize and match 12ff.
Ideas 65ff.
Ideology 287f.
Indistinguishability test 277ff.
Induction 3 16ff. 48ff.
Inferences 376
Inferences, commonsense 123ff.
information 251
Information-processing systems 50f. 59
Integration 3
Intelligence, artificial 1ff.
IPL-V 372
Jacobs, R.A. 71
Jervis, R. 288
John, E.R. 355ff. 370
Johnson, E.S. 17 19 23
Johnson, W. 287
Jones, E.E. 288
Joos, M. 128
Juola, J.F. 354 369
Jurca, N.H. 366
Kahnemann, D. 288
Kanouse, D.E. 336
Kaplan, R. 178
Katz, J. 40 124
Kernel 400ff.
Kinship 373f.
Klein, S. 116 192
Klienmuntz, B. 367
Kotovsky, K. 17 23 27f.
Kramer, H. 278
Kuhn, T. 25 43
Kuno, S. 152 189 191 236
Lakoff, G. 119 124 204
Lamb, S. 191
Landauer, T. 354 369
Language, interpretation of 3
Language, models of 61ff.
Language, natural 114ff. 187ff.
Language, understanding of 63ff.
Lansdell, H. 346 370
Laughery, K. 37 349
Learning, general 55
Learning, S-R 3 55
Learning, stochastic 23 25 42
Learning, verbal 26 41ff.
Lee, R.C. 4 52
Lenneberg, E.H. 40 346 370
Lewin, K. 26
Lewis, J.L. 357
Lexical structure 106
Liberman, A. 347
Lindsay, P.H. 345 358
Lindsay, R.K. 372ff.
Linguistic, competence 40
Linguistic, performance 40
Linguistics 39ff.
Lisp 65 112 121
Little Arrow 403
Loftus, E.F. 359 369
Loftus, G.R. 354
Logic, formal 116f.
Love, L.T. 354
Luria, A.R. 370
Machine Translation 114
Machine-mediated interviewing 277
Machines 46ff.
Mackay, D. 46
Malevolence 267f.
Man, information processor 26f.
Management-science tasks 3
Mandlei, G. 288
Mann — Whitney statistic 278f.
Manna, Z. 14
Marin, J. 351 367
Markov models 26
Markov, A.A. 4 33 42
Mattingly, I. 347
Matuszek, D. 82 108
Maxwell, G. 45
McCarthy, J. 122
McCawley, J. 124
Meaning 167ff.
Mechanism, definition of 4
Memory 341ff. 416f.
Memory, addressing 352ff.
Memory, broadcast 355ff.
Memory, distributed 344ff.
Memory, immediate 26f. 35ff.
Memory, intermediate 345f.
Memory, long-term 345f. 400 425ff.
Memory, short-term 3451 400
Messick, S. 258
Methods, weak 9ff. 24 53 57
Metzler, J. 358 369
Michie, D. 115 117
Milgram, S. 288
Miller, G. 37 40 288 300
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