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Reichman R. — Getting Computers to Talk Like You and Me. Discourse Context, Focus, and Semantics (An ATN Model) |
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Abstract process module, and context space resumptions 119—154
Abstract process module, use of ATN mechanism and 95—97
Activation, focus level assignment during 75—81
Analogies, in spontaneous discourse 163—166
Augmented Transition Network (ATN), and abstract process module 95—97
Augmented Transition Network (ATN), arcs in 91
Augmented Transition Network (ATN), discourse grammar compared to sentence grammar in 93—95
Augmented Transition Network (ATN), discourse grammar in 97 98 99
Augmented Transition Network (ATN), grammar in 91—97
Augmented Transition Network (ATN), registers in 91
Augmented Transition Network (ATN), states accessed in 128—136
Augmented Transition Network (ATN), trace of 93
Augmented Transition Network (ATN), violation of tests of 109—114
Boundary, of context space 25 27
Clue word(s), and conversational moves 36
Clue word(s), in discourse grammar 157—158
Cognitive processing, analogies 163—166
Cognitive processing, clues 36
Cognitive processing, expectations 29—30
Cognitive processing, formal logic 161—163
Cognitive processing, frame of reference 155—161
Cognitive processing, segmentation 23—27
Communicative dynamism (CD), approach 178—182
Context space 24—25 27
Context space constituents 51—66
Context space constituents, abstract slot 57
Context space constituents, antagonists slot 56
Context space constituents, authority slot 59
Context space constituents, claim slot 56
Context space constituents, contextual-function slot 52
Context space constituents, counterclaims slot 57
Context space constituents, countersupports slot 57
Context space constituents, derivation slot 52
Context space constituents, focus slot 53 55—56
Context space constituents, goal slot 52
Context space constituents, H-events slot 59
Context space constituents, mappings slot 57 59
Context space constituents, O-events slot 59
Context space constituents, orientation section slot 58
Context space constituents, protagonists slot 56
Context space constituents, relations slot 57
Context space constituents, speaker slot 52
Context space constituents, status slot 52—55
Context space constituents, support-cs slot 56
Context space constituents, support-fact slot 59
Context space constituents, support-statement slot 60
Context space constituents, topic slot 56
Context space constituents, type slot 52
Context space example 60—62
Context space theory, cognitive processing and 155—166
Context space theory, compared to world knowledge approach 189—204
Context space theory, features of 12 15—16
Context space, and characterization of abstract discourse structure 186—188
Context space, and concession of subargument 122—127
Context space, and discourse grammar rules 187—188
Context space, and linguistic theory 189—204
Context space, and theory of reference 71—90
Context space, and world knowledge 189—204
Context space, boundary points of 25 27
Context space, closed 84—85
Context space, components of 32—33 51—53
Context space, controlling 85—90
Context space, corelator slot in 32
Context space, direct challenge move and 65
Context space, further development move and 65—66
Context space, goal slot in 32
Context space, indirect challenge move and 64—65
Context space, influence of 28—29
Context space, interruption move and 64
Context space, maxim on quantity and 30
Context space, method slot in 32
Context space, open 83—84
Context space, prior logical abstraction move and 65
Context space, protagonist slot in 32
Context space, restatement move and 64
Context space, resumption of 81—90 120—121 127—136
Context space, resumption of, after subargument 120—121
Context space, resumption of, by joining forces 127—128
Context space, resumption of, states accessed in simulation of 128—136
Context space, return move and 64
Context space, speaker intent in 190—192
Context space, status slots in 33
Context space, status value of 72—74
Context space, subargument concession move and 65
Context space, support move and 62—63
Context space, suspensions of 119—154
Context space, trace of resumption of 136—139
Context space, types of 56—62
Context space, types of, comment 58—59
Context space, types of, issue 56—57
Context space, types of, narrative 58—59
Context space, types of, nonissue 58—62
Context space, types of, support 59—62
Conversation, defined 21 35—36
Conversation, moves of 35—49
Conversation, moves of, analogy 45—47
Conversation, moves of, clue words and 36
Conversation, moves of, direct challenge 41
Conversation, moves of, further development 44—45
Conversation, moves of, indirect challenge 40—41
Conversation, moves of, interruption 39
| Conversation, moves of, prior logical abstraction 43—44
Conversation, moves of, restatement 39
Conversation, moves of, return 39—40
Conversation, moves of, subargument concession 41—42
Conversation, moves of, succession of 47—49
Conversation, moves of, support 37—39
Conversation, moves of, support and logic rules for 37—38
Conversation, moves of, support challenge 42—43
Discourse analysis, CD approach to 178—182
Discourse analysis, content space approach to 171—173
Discourse analysis, ethnomethodology and 173—176
Discourse analysis, FSF approach to 178—182
Discourse analysis, genre approach to 167—172
Discourse analysis, hierarchical approach to 182—186
Discourse analysis, speech act, world knowledge approach to 11—15 190 192—204
Discourse analysis, Tagmemic school of 176—178
Discourse grammar 51—66
Discourse grammar, and focused processing 156—158
Discourse grammar, and frame of reference identification 158—159
Discourse grammar, and point of reference 159—160
Discourse grammar, and speaker selection 108—109
Discourse grammar, ATN representation of 97 98 99
Discourse grammar, clue word in 157—158
Discourse grammar, context space and 187—188
Discourse grammar, deictic expressions in 160—161
Discourse grammar, explicit shift mechanisms in 157—158
Discourse grammar, formal logic and 161—163
Discourse grammar, hierarchical structuring of information in 156
Discourse grammar, program representation of 100
Discourse modeling 100—101
Discourse modeling, of resumptions 139—140
Discourse modeling, registers of 101—114
Discourse modeling, simulation of states accessed in 128—136
Discourse modeling, updating of 101—114
Discourse, analogies in 163—166
Discourse, constituents of 24—33
Discourse, content-dependent structure of 167—168
Discourse, content-independent structure of 169
Discourse, elements of 21—33
Discourse, ethnomethodology and 9—10
Discourse, expectations of 29—32 106—107
Discourse, formal logic and 161—163
Discourse, forms of 168
Discourse, genre of 9 167—173
Discourse, hierarchical structure of 23—24
Discourse, major features of 31—32
Discourse, maxims for 18
Discourse, need for theory of 3—19
Discourse, processing of 105—106
Discourse, spontaneous 3—8
Discourse, structure of 167—188
Discourse, theories of 8—18
Discourse, world knowledge and 11—12
Ethnomethodology, and discourse 9—10
Ethnomethodology, and discourse analysis 173—176
Focus level 29
Focus level, activation during 75—81
Focus level, reassignment rules of 82
Focus, and pronominalization 69—90
Focus, importance of 68—71
Focus, of attention 70
Frame of reference, and focused processing 156—158
Frame of reference, discourse deictics and 160
Frame of reference, discourse processing and 158—160
Frame of reference, point of reference and 159—160
Functional-sentence-erspective (FSP), approach 178—182
Grammar see also “Discourse grammar”
Grammar, abstract process module of 91—117
Grammar, ATN model 91—97
Grammar, context space 91—117
Grammar, reference 73—74
Linguistic theory, argument for 192—195
Linguistic theory, context space and 189—204
Linguistic theory, Logic rules 37
Modus-Ponens, defined 37
Modus-Tollens, defined 37
Processing, focused 27—29
Processing, focused, discourse grammar and 156—158
Processing, focused, frames of reference and 156—158
Processing, focused, selective attention and 156—158 160—161
Pronominalization, focus and 67—90
Reference, and focus level assignments 74—90
Reference, context space theory of 71—90
Reference, grammar rules of 73—74 75—76 82
Register(s), in ATN model 91
Register(s), in ATN model, CCS 104
Register(s), in ATN model, discourse-mode 104
Register(s), in ATN model, domain-constraints 105
Register(s), in ATN model, expectation 102—103
Register(s), in ATN model, expectation-list 103—104
Register(s), in ATN model, future-defender 105
Register(s), in ATN model, head-CCS 104
Register(s), in ATN model, participant-list 105
Register(s), in ATN model, sides 105
Register(s), in ATN model, speaker 104
Register(s), in ATN model, type-further-challenge 104
State(s), in ATN model 91
Surface linguistic phenomena 67—90
Trace, in ATN model 93
Trace, of resumption of context space 136—139
Tracking the relevant discourse context 62—66 119—154
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