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Oram A., Talbott S. — Managing Projects with make |
Предметный указатель |
" see "Tilde"
# see "Comment" "Pound
#ifdef, use with macros 71—78
$$ see "Dollar sign" "Macro" "Shell
suffix, handling by SCCS 27
suffix, handling by SCCS 27
suffix, handling by SCCS 27
suffix, handling by SCCS 27
suffix, handling by SCCS 27
suffix, handling by SCCS 27
suffix, handling by SCCS 27
suffix, handling by SCCS 27
suffix, handling by SCCS 27
% see "Percent sign"
' see "Backquote"
() see "Parentheses"
* see "Asterisk" "Metacharacter" "Pattern-matching"
- see "Hyphen"
-b option 88 99
-D option 89—90 99
-e option 15 99
-F option 35 85 100
-i option 57 87 100
-k option 57 100
-l linker option as macro 23
-N option 36 85 100
-p option 35 100
-q option 86 100
-R option 88 100
-S option 36 85 100
-t option 86 100
. see "Period"
.a suffix see "Library"
.c suffix 20
.c suffix in relation to lex (.l) and yacc (.y) files 33
.cshrc file see "Environment variables"
.DEFAULT target 88
.e suffix 25
.F suffix 25
.h files, dependencies 61 78—81 106 111
.h suffix, suffix rule for 38
.IGNORE target 57 87
.l suffix 33
.login file see "Environment variables"
.mk suffix 85
.o suffix 20
.p suffix as convention for profiled object files 77
.p suffix for Pascal files 25
.PRECIOUS target 87
.profile file see "Environment variables"
.r suffix 25
.s suffix 20
.sh suffix 28
.SUFFIXES target 21 44
.y suffix 33
: see "Colon" "Double
; see "Semicolon"
< see "Less-than sign" "Metacharacter"
= see "Equal sign"
? see "Question mark" "Metacharacter" "Pattern-matching"
@ see "At-sign"
ar(1) command in default suffix rules 31
ar(1) command, defined 29
ar(1) command, minimizing rebuilds 30 50
Archive see "ar(1) command" "Library"
AS macro 36
ASFLAGS macro 36
Assembly language see "Source files" ".s
asterisk (*) 53
Asterisk (*), internal macro 32 102
AT&T, history of System V make(1) 118
AT&T, nmake and mk 105
AT&T, toolkit 107
At-sign (@) 86
At-sign (@), internal macro 17 24 32 102
Backquote ('), storing results of command in a macro 66
Backslash (\), to continue line in description file 7
Backslash (\), to continue long shell command 55 95
Backward chaining 4 106 108
Backward chaining, limitations of 43
Bad octal character, error message 91
Bell Labs see "AT&T"
Berkeley Standard Distribution, version of make(1) 118 118—124
Blank lines in description files 7
Bourne shell 58
Braces ({}) in macro definitions 11
Braces ({}), optional use with single-character macros 11 19
Brackets ([]), shell pattern-matching 53
Brackets ([]), shell pattern-matching, test command in Bourne and Korn shells 95
Brunhoff, Todd 110—111
BSD, version of make(1) 118 118—124
BSD, version of SCCS 26
built-in commands 56 see
Built-in commands, setenv 14
C compiler, -c option 35
C compiler, -D option 23 67 71—78
C compiler, -D option CFLAGS macro see also "CFLAGS macro" "Version
C compiler, -g option 23
C compiler, -l option 23
C compiler, -M option 79
C compiler, -O option 38
C compiler, -p option 77
C compiler, maintaining consistency across builds 71—78
C compiler, suffix rules 22
C compiler, using a nonstandard version 12
C language source files 20
C preprocessor, conditional compilation and version control 71
C preprocessor, used by Fortran F files 25
C preprocessor, used by imake 110
C preprocessor, used by makedepend 111
C preprocessor, used to find dependencies on header (include) files 80
C shell, adding environment variables 14
cat(1) command 7
CC macro 36
cc(1) command see "C compiler"
CFLAGS macro 36
CFLAGS macro and -M compiler option 79
CFLAGS macro, adding to existing options 67
CFLAGS macro, basic use for compiler options 23
CFLAGS macro, conditional compilation (#ifdef) 71—78
CFLAGS macro, default 38
CFLAGS macro, maintaining consistency through recursive make 72
CFLAGS macro, specifying multiple options 23 67
Chaining, limitations of 43
Chaining, method for tracing dependencies 4 106 108
CHARACTER see "Bad octal character" "Metacharacter" "Pattern-matching" "Individual
Clean, conventional target 8 73
Clobber, conventional target 63
colon (:) 3
Colon (:), double 33 95
Colon (:), inconsistent use of 96
Command on dependency line 7
Command options, maintaining consistency 24 72 75 106 113
Command options, suffix rules 23
Command, associated with target 53—54
Command, built-in 56
Command, cc(1) see "C compiler"
Command, echoing to standard output 85
Command, linking 3 19 23
Command, make(1) see "make(1) command"
Command, multi-line 55 95
Command, overriding suffix rules 43
Command, setenv 14
Command, status 57—58
Command, storing in file from make(1) build 85
Command, using output within a build 66
comment 7
Compilation of makefile 106
Compiler, C 79
Compiler, conventions 49—50
| Compiler, Fortran 25
Compiler, Pascal 25
Compiler, suffix rules 22 38—41
Compiler, using a nonstandard version 12
Compiler, which language used by suffix rules 21 43
Conditional macro definition 72
Conventions, compiling 49—50
conventions, naming 49—50
Coshell 106
cpp(1) command 25 see
csh see "C shell"
Current target name (in command lines ($@)) 17
Current target name (in dependency lines ($$@)) 18
D modifier for macros 67
date see "Dependency relations" "Modification
Debug option (-d) 89—90
Debugging 85—86
Definition, macro 9 12
Definition, macro and #ifdef 71—78
Definition, suffix rules 44 46
Dependency line 3
Dependency line with double colon (::) 33
Dependency line, command on 7
Dependency line, inconsistent use of double colon (::) 96
Dependency line, order in relation to macros 12 82
Dependency line, problems with 96
Dependency line, semicolon (;) to start command 7
Dependency relations, among files 1—2
Dependency relations, nonexistent file 8 73
Dependency relations, testing 86
Dependent 1 see
Description file 2
Description file, compatibility with earlier implementations 88
Description file, conventional .mk suffix 85
Description file, making maintenance easier 10
Description file, rules and format 7
diff(1) command, exit status 55
Directory as macro 10 60
Directory, handling in make(1) 64 67—68
Directory, SCCS subdiiectoiy 27
Directory, using viewpath (VPATH macro) 68
Distributed files, problems with make(1) 82
Distributed processing, and make(1) 114
Dollar sign as macro 36
Dollar sign in macro 9
Dollar sign in shell variables 56
doname in output from -d option 90
Double colon (::) 33
Double parentheses (()) 30
DuBois, Paul 111
Dummy target 62
Dummy target, dependencies in relation to actual files 73
Dummy target, using suffix rules 49
EFL, source files 25
Entry point, module within library 29—30
Entry point, name 29 31
envflg in output from -d option 90
Environment for software development 59—60
Environment variables in .profile/.cshrc/.login file 14
environment variables, adding 14
Environment variables, MAKEFLAGS and MFLAGS 88
Environment variables, printing out 36
Environment variables, priority of 14
Environment variables, relation to macros 13—15
Environment variables, to control directories on large projects 60
eqn, example of suffix rules to support document production 45
Equal sign (=) in macro definition 10 101
Equal sign (=) on make(1) command line 13 99
Equal sign (=), defining variables in Bourne shell 13
Error 87
Error codes, ignoring 87
Error from command in description file 57—58
Error, $! nulled, predecessor cycle 96
Error, bad octal character 91
Error, branching on exit status from command in description file 58
Error, cannot load command 93
Error, command not found 93
Error, couldn't load shell 94
Error, don't know how to make 91
Error, ignoring exit status from command in description file 57
Error, inconsistent rules lines 96
Error, infinitely recursive macro? 97
Error, messages 89—98
Error, must be a separator 91
Error, syntax 91 95
Error, syntax error in description file 91
Error, target up to date 92
Error, too many command lines 96
Executable files, building large numbers of 18
Exit command in description files 56
exit from make(1) 56
exit, branching on status from command in description file 58
exit, status from command in description file 57—58
exit, status from make(1) command 86
Extensions to make(1) 105—115
Extensions to make(1), GNU make 107—108 118
Extensions to make(1), imake 108
Extensions to make(1), makedepend 111
Extensions to make(1), mk 105
Extensions to make(1), nmake 105
Extensions to make(1), shape 112
F modifier for macros 67
f77(1) command 25 see
FC macro 36
fc(1) command 25 see
Feldman, S.I. 118
FFLAGS macro 36
FILE see "Dependency relations" "Description "Directory" "Object "Pathname" "Prerequisite" "Source "Suffixes" "Target"
Flag see "FLAGS macros" "Options"
FLAGS macros in suffix rules 23 38—41
Forcing rebuilds 73—75 79
Fork, running commands in make(1) 59 106 115
Formatting macros (nroff/troff) 45
Fortran, source files 25
Fowler, Glenn 107
FRC macro and target 73—75 79
Free Software Foundation 107—108
Fulton, Jim 110
Function, module within library 30
Future of make(1) 114
GET macro 36
get(1) command (SCCS) 27
GFLAGS macro 27 36
GNU make 90 107—108 114 118
grep(1) command, exit status 55
grep(1) command, listing on separate dependency lines 8
Header files, dependencies 61 78—81 106 111
Hidden dependencies 61 106 111
Hume, Andrew 105
Hyphen(-) as name of description file 35 85 100
Hyphen(-), to ignore errors 57
imake 108 111
Include files, dependencies 61 78—81 106 111
Include statement (including description files) 81—82
Install, conventional target 63
Internal macro in suffix rules 24
Internal macro, $$@ 18 102
Internal macro, $% 32 102
Internal macro, $* 24 27 32 102
Internal macro, $< 22 27 32 102
Internal macro, $? 17 32 102
Internal macro, $@ 17—19 24 32 102
Koch, Wilfried 114
Lampen, Andreas 114
Last-modified time and NFS 82
Last-modified time in output of -d (debug) option 90
Last-modified time, defined 3
LD macro 36
ld(1) command see "Linker command"
LDFLAGS macro 36
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