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Solomon C. — Computer environments for children
Solomon C. — Computer environments for children

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Название: Computer environments for children

Автор: Solomon C.


In this book, Cynthia Solomon takes a welcome look at the possibilities and issues of learning with and about computers in schools or in any other learning environment.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Computer science/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1986

Количество страниц: 183

Добавлена в каталог: 09.12.2005

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Socratic interactions      31—68
Software, commercially prepared vs. student-written      92
Solo learning      11 12
Solo/NET/ works Project      see “Project Solo”
Soloworkers Laboratory Project      see “Project Solo”
Soloworks      see “Project Solo”
Soloworks laboratory      5
Sony (SMC-70) microcomputer      30
Speech recognition      147
Speech systems      27—28
Speedway (Plato lesson)      43 44—45 49 67
Spiderweb (Plato lesson)      49 56—57
Sprite Logo      163n
Sputnik      35
Stanford Achievement Test      26
Stanford Laboratory      25
Stanford University      5 20 21 141 Patrick”)
Steinberg, Esther      65
Stop rales      126
Strands, in CCC curriculum      17—19
Strands, in Plato math curriculum      61—62 66
Street BASIC vs. True BASIC      93—94
Student populations      25 27 143
Subtract with Sticks (Plato lesson)      43 46—47
Suppes, Patrick, behaviorist approach of      5 13 16—30 67
Suppes, Patrick, comparative evaluation of      35—37 88—89 112 143
Suppes, Patrick, intellectual background of      8 22—24
Suppes, Patrick, learning environment of      8—9 10 135
TALMIS      141
Teachers, and BASIC difficulties      92
Teachers, and Madison Project      33—35
Teachers, as facilitators      73
Teachers, computer education of      33—35 133 141—143 146—162
Teachers, computer use by      92 140
Teaching strategies      3 32—33 159—160
Technocentrism      128
TELCOMP      85
Tenzsar, Paul      64
Texas Instruments      163n
TICCIT      163n
Time, for computer use      135—140
Time-sharing      6 27 90
Title I funds      25 143
Torpedo (Plato lesson)      49 52—53
Tower of Hanoi puzzle      66
tree structures      94—98
Turtle geometry      104—111 118 147 15.3—159
Tutor      64
Tutoring/coaching systems      42—43
Typing Tutor      164n
Walter, Grey      105
Weaver, Charles      66
West (Plato lesson)      37 41 49 66 67
Wheel of Fortune (Plato lesson)      66
Whitehead, A.N.      113 114 115—116
Xerox Palo Alto Research Center      101
Zacharias, Jenold      63
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