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Maier D. — The theory of relational databases
Maier D. — The theory of relational databases

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Название: The theory of relational databases

Автор: Maier D.


This remarkably comprehensive new book assembles concepts and results in relational databases theory previously scattered through journals, books, conference proceedings, and technical memoranda in one convenient source, and introduces pertinent new material not found elsewhere.
The book is intended for a second course in databases, but is an excellent reference for researchers in the field.
The material covered includes relational algebra, functional dependencies, multivalued and join dependencies, normal forms, tableaux and the chase computation, representation theory, domain and tuple relational calculus, query modification, database semantics and null values, acyclic database schemes, template dependencies, and computed relations. The final chapter is a brief survey of query languages in existing relational systems. Each chapter contains numerous examples and exercises, along with bibliographic remarks.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Computer science/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1983

Количество страниц: 637

Добавлена в каталог: 08.12.2005

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Faithfulness condition, for objects      430
Faithfulness condition, strong      428 — 432
FD      see Functional dependency
Finite domain      see Domain
Finite implication      see Implication
Finite replacement system      see Replacement system
First normal form      see Normal form first
Fischer, P, C.      122 145 599 609
fix      see Fixed-point
Fixed-point containment      see Containment
Fixed-point equivalence      see Equivalence
Fixed-point operator      533
Fixed-point, of a project-join mapping      147 — 148 203 206 217 220
Fixed-point, under a database scheme      208
Folding      350 — 353
Folding, inverse      352
foreign key constraint      see Modified foreign key constraint
Formula      see Domain calculus formula Tuple
Forsyth, J.      70 599
fourth normal form      see Normal form
Fox, S.      606
FR      see Full Reduction
Fragment      359 — 361
Fragment, scheme      see Fragmentation scheme
Fragmentation scheme      359 — 361
Fragmentation scheme, elimination requirement      360 — 361
Fragmentation scheme, valid      359
Frankl, P.      595
Free variable      see Domain variable Tuple
Full dependency      see Functional dependency
Full FD      see Functional dependency
Full JD      see Join dependency
Full reducer      357 — 359 439 460
Full reducer, and consistency      468 — 469
Full reducer, and join trees      464 — 468
Full reduction      356 — 359 441 445
Full TD      see Template dependency
Functional dependency      42 — 44
Functional dependency, and logic      485 — 492
Functional dependency, and MVDs      127 — 129 132
Functional dependency, and nulls      see Null value
Functional dependency, annular cover      see Cover
Functional dependency, application to a tableau      see Transformation rule
Functional dependency, applying to a scheme      95
Functional dependency, as propositional formula      485
Functional dependency, avoidable attribute      see Attribute
Functional dependency, canonical cover      see Cover
Functional dependency, closure of a set      see Closure
Functional dependency, closure of a set of attributes      see Closure
Functional dependency, completely characterized      94 107 176
Functional dependency, compound      see Compound functional dependency
Functional dependency, cover      see Cover
Functional dependency, database obeying      95
Functional dependency, DDAG      see Derivation DAG
Functional dependency, dependent      99
Functional dependency, direct determination      see Direct determination
Functional dependency, embedded      218
Functional dependency, embodied      94
Functional dependency, enforceable      95 137 212 218
Functional dependency, equivalence classes      see Equivalence classes
Functional dependency, equivalent sets      see Equivalence
Functional dependency, equivalent sets of attributes      see Equivalence
Functional dependency, exterior of a set      49
Functional dependency, external dependency      see Attribute
Functional dependency, extraneous attribute      74 — 77
Functional dependency, full      74
Functional dependency, fully dependent      99
Functional dependency, generalized      see Generalized functional dependency
Functional dependency, hard violation      see Violation
Functional dependency, hidden transitive dependency      106
Functional dependency, implication      see Implication
Functional dependency, indirectly enforceable      121
Functional dependency, intended database scheme      see Database scheme
Functional dependency, key      see Key
Functional dependency, left side      43
Functional dependency, left-reduced      74
Functional dependency, minimum cover      see Cover
Functional dependency, nonredundant cover      see Cover
Functional dependency, optimal cover      see Cover
Functional dependency, over a scheme      see Database scheme Relation
Functional dependency, partial dependency      105 — 106
Functional dependency, partially dependent      99
Functional dependency, projected      211 — 217
Functional dependency, reduced      74
Functional dependency, removable attribute      see Attribute
Functional dependency, representation by a GFD      517
Functional dependency, represented by a scheme      94
Functional dependency, restricted to a database scheme      212 — 217
Functional dependency, right-reduced      74
Functional dependency, satisfaction      see Satisfaction
Functional dependency, soft violation      see Violation
Functional dependency, test for redundancy      73
Functional dependency, testing satisfaction      see Satisfaction
Functional dependency, transformation rule      see Transformation rule
Functional dependency, transitive dependency      101 — 106
Functional dependency, transitively dependent      100
Functional dependency, trivial      49 179
Functional dependency, unenforceable      95
Functional dependency, violation      see Violation
Functionally determines      43
G-rule      see Transformation rule
Galil, Z.      144 599
Gallaire, H.      286 599
Garey, M. R.      92 599
Generalized dependency      548
Generalized functional dependency      516 — 518
Generalized functional dependency, application to a tableau      see Transformation rule
Generalized functional dependency, closure under projection      see Closure
Generalized functional dependency, conclusion      516
Generalized functional dependency, convention for writing      517
Generalized functional dependency, hypothesis rows      516
Generalized functional dependency, inference axiom      see Inference axiom
Generalized functional dependency, representing an FD      517
Generalized functional dependency, restriction      526
Generalized functional dependency, satisfaction      see Satisfaction
Generalized functional dependency, trivial      516 522
Generalized functional dependency, typed      516
Generalized intersection      see Boolean operation
Generalized relational operator      386 — 406
Generalized relational operator, adequate      390
Generalized relational operator, associativity      see Associativity
Generalized relational operator, definite equijoin      391
Generalized relational operator, faithful      389
Generalized relational operator, for Biskup’s possibility function      401 — 406
Generalized relational operator, for closed possibility functions      396 — 398
Generalized relational operator, for open possibility function      394 — 396
Generalized relational operator, for partitioned relations      401 — 406
Generalized relational operator, join      392 — 398 403
Generalized relational operator, maybe equijoin      390 — 392
Generalized relational operator, precise      389
Generalized relational operator, project      395 — 398 401
Generalized relational operator, restricted      390
Generalized relational operator, select      395 — 398 401
Generalized relational operator, union      395 — 398 403
Generating sequence      see Chase
Gewirtz, W. L.      438 599
GFD      see Generalized functional dependency
Ginsburg, S.      223 549 599
Goldstein, B. S.      437 — 438 600
Goodman, N.      122 370 437 483 594 600 606
Gotlieb, L. R.      369 600
Graham reduction      456 — 457 460
Graham reduction, and acyclic database schemes      460 — 463
Graham reduction, and join trees      464
Graham reduction, edge removal      456
Graham reduction, node removal      456
Graham reduction, preserving blocks      460 — 461
Graham reduction, success      457
Graham, M H.      194 223 438 456 483 600
Grant, J. J.      437 548 601
Graph      see Connection graph Hypergraph Intersection Join
Graph, chord      481
Graph, chordal      481
Graph, clique      481
Graph, for a hypergraph      see Hypergraph
Graph, of a relation      500 — 502
Graph, of a TD      500 — 502
Gray, N. J.      593 596
Griffiths, P. P.      593 596 P.
H      see Label-preserving homomorphism
Hagihara, K.      144 601
Hall, P. A. V.      41 369 482 549 601
Hammer, M.      438 601 606
Hannak, L.      595
Hard violation      see Violation
Harel, D.      549 597
Heath, I, J.      122 601
Held, G.      608
Heuristics, for evaluation      see Query decomposition
Hidden transitive dependency      see Functional dependency
Hitchcock, P.      41 482 549 601
Ho, Y.-C.      483 597
Homomorphism      see Label-preserving homomorphism
Honeyman, P.      223 370 437 483 594 601
Hopcroft, J. E.      63 70 483 593
Horizontal decomposition      see Decomposition
Horn clause      548
Housel, B, C.      438 601
Howard, J. H.      144 594
Hull, R.      223 549 599 601
HV      see Violation
Hyperedge      see Hypergraph
Hypergraph      309 447
Hypergraph, acyclic      451 — 452 462
Hypergraph, articulation set      451 462 473
Hypergraph, block      451
Hypergraph, bottleneck      469
Hypergraph, chordal      481
Hypergraph, chordless path      481
Hypergraph, closed subhypergraph      452
Hypergraph, closed-acyclic      452
Hypergraph, closed-cyclic      452
Hypergraph, conformal      481
Hypergraph, connected      462 — 463
Hypergraph, connected component      449
Hypergraph, connected edges or nodes      449
Hypergraph, cycle      481
Hypergraph, cyclic      451 — 452
Hypergraph, edge      309 447
Hypergraph, for a database scheme      448
Hypergraph, Graham reduction      see Graham reduction
Hypergraph, graph for      481
Hypergraph, hyperedge      448
Hypergraph, induced      450
Hypergraph, knob      462
Hypergraph, node      309 447
Hypergraph, path      448
Hypergraph, reduced      448
Hypergraph, reduction      448
Hypergraph, solitary node      463
Hypergraph, split by articulation set      462
Hypergraph, subhypergraph      450 462
Hypergraph, trivial      451
Hypothesis row      see Template dependency
Hypothesis rows      see Generalized functional dependency
i      see Interpretation
IC      see Independent component condition
Idempotence      see Project-join mapping
Identity, algebraic      295
Image      197
Image, component-wise      198
Image, direct      197
Imcomparable relation      see Partial relation
Implication rules      see Inference axiom
Implication, by FDs      517 — 518 543
Implication, by FDs and MVDs      215 — 216
Implication, by GFDs      517 — 518
Implication, by JDs      179 215
Implication, by partial TDs      499 — 500
Implication, by TDs      522
Implication, counterexample      494
Implication, decidability      494 506 549
Implication, finite      145 494 506 549
Implication, for arbitrary relations      520 522
Implication, in the world of two-tuple relations      486 — 493
Implication, infinite      145 494 506 520 549
Implication, logical      486
Implication, of a ID by its MVDs      443
Implication, of arbitrary dependencies      148
Implication, of EJDs      142 188
Implication, of EMVDs      492 — 493 548
Implication, of FDs      44 — 68 132 177 186 215
Implication, of FDs in the world of two-tuple relations      486 — 487
Implication, of GFDs      517 — 518 520
Implication, of JDs      175 — 177 186 442 492 548
Implication, of MVDs      127 — 135 186 215 543
Implication, of MVDs by JDs      443
Implication, of MVDs in the world of two-tuple relations      489 — 492
Implication, of selection conditions      359 — 361
Implication, of TDs      504 506 517
Implication, of values for nulls      379 — 384
Implication, on arbitrary relations      506 515
Implication, under restricted FDs      213 — 216
Implicational dependency      see Embedded implicational dependency
Implicit key      see Key
Implicit object      see Object
Increasing join property      447 460
Increasing join property, and consistency      472
Increasing join property, and running intersection property      471 — 472
Independence      see Inference axiom Uniqueness
Independence, of database schemes      422 — 427
Independent component condition      199 — 204 206 211
Indirectly enforceable FD      see Functional dependency
Induced hypergraph      see Hypergraph
Inference axiom, additivity      46 129
Inference axiom, Armstong’s      48
Inference axiom, augmentation      46 129 509
Inference axiom, coalesence      132
Inference axiom, complementation      129 138
Inference axiom, completeness      49 — 51 133 494
Inference axiom, correctness      45 — 47 130
Inference axiom, for ECs      385
Inference axiom, for EIDs      142
Inference axiom, for EMVDs      493 — 494 548
Inference axiom, for FDs      44 — 47
Inference axiom, for FDs, and MVDs      127 — 129 132
Inference axiom, for GFDs      517 — 518
Inference axiom, for JDs      493 — 494 548
Inference axiom, for MVDs      129 — 135
Inference axiom, for TDs      494 504 506 509 545
Inference axiom, independence      48
Inference axiom, projectivity      46 129
Inference axiom, pseudotransitivity      129
Inference axiom, reflexivity      45 129
Inference axiom, replication      132
Inference axiom, transitivity      47 129 486
Inference axiom, weakening      509 — 510
Inference, from finite domains      384
Infinite implication      see Implication
Infinite relation      see Relation
Information preservation condition      201 — 205 207 211
Information System Base Language      see ISBL
Ingres      288 307 550 556 591
INGRES Interior node      see Decomposition tree
INGRES, query decomposition      see Query decomposition
Inhomogeneous tuples      see Tuple
initial node      see Derivation DAG
Instance      195
Instance, image of a set      see Image
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