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Hirst G. — Semantic interpretation and the resolution of ambiguity |
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"Temperature is ninety" problem 30
a, frame determiner 17—18 56—57
Abelson, Robert Paul 33 77 78 87 118
Absity 43 44—72 98 126 189—191
Absity, abilities 72
Absity, examples of 52—55 73
Absity, hiding disambiguation in 96—97
Absity, implementation 56
Absity, inabilities 59—72 73
Absolute adjectives 69
Actually 71
ADJ-to-V ambiguity 148
Adjectival 145
Adjectival/present-participle ambiguity 145
Adjective phrase 63 139
Adjective-phrase/prepositional-phrase ambiguity 139 141
Adjective/present-participle ambiguity 139 142
Adjectives 48 49 69 139 213
Adjectives as nouns 144
Adjectives, absolute 69
Adjectives, intensional 69
Adjectives, measure 69
Adjectives, role 69
Adverb attachment 133—136 184—185
Adverbs 7 31 48 50 71 184—185
again 71
AGENT case 7 9 61 109 111 115 169 217
Ajdukiewicz, Kazimierz 31
Akmajian, Adrian xi 13 51 113
Ali, Yawar B. 69
All-readings hypothesis 85 91—94 152
Allen, James Frederick 4
Ambiguity and heart rate 84
Ambiguity in Amhara culture 205—206
Ambiguity in non-Western cultures 205—206
Ambiguity in Somali culture 205
Ambiguity, case 7—9
Ambiguity, categorial 5—6 86 92—94 143 149 157
Ambiguity, categorial, definition of 5
Ambiguity, lexical 4—6 69 112 157 212—213
Ambiguity, lexical, definition of 4—6
Ambiguity, local 11
Ambiguity, morphological 212
Ambiguity, structural 9—12 38 131—152 215
Ambiguity, structural, analytic 137—149
Ambiguity, structural, as closure problem 150—152
Ambiguity, structural, attachment 131—136
Ambiguity, structural, attachment, non-exam pie 134—136
Ambiguity, structural, definition of 9—12
Amhara culture, ambiguity in 205—206
Amsler, Robert A. 5 200—201
Anaphors 4 38 81 209
Anaphors, focus for referents 17
Anaphors, focus for referents, psychological reality 18
Anaphors, surface count 4
AND 49
Anderson, John Robert 86 88 124 125
Anti-promiscuity rule 102
Antos, Stephen J. 230
Appelt, Douglas 38
Applications of this research 192
Archbold, Armar A. 38
Arens, Yigal 110
Arguments, abstract representation of 192
Artificial counterexamples 20 173 176 191 194
artificial intelligence 32—34 39
Artificial intelligence in military systems 194
Assert function 16 17
ATN parser 19 81 82 198
ATN parser, structural disambiguation in 152—153
Attr 68
Auble, Pamela 200
Auxiliary 48 50
Backward chaining 16
Bakei, Carl Lee xi
Ballard, Dana H. 200 203
Barwise, Jon 190 195 207
Base rules for be 65—66
Base rules for pseudo-words 51
Base rules of grammar 45 55
Base rules, correspondence to semantic rules 45
Base-structure rules 19
Bates, Madeleine 19
Bauer, Laurie 70 144
Be 30 62—66
be, frame semantics for 64
BE, syntactic category 65
BE2, syntactic category 66
Because 49
Becker, Joseph D. 1 110 134
Benjamin, Thomas B. 90
Berkovits, Rochele 136
Bever, Thomas G. 11 42 143
Bienkowski, Marie A. 92—94 119 121 220
Birnbaum, Lawrence 2
Biuniqueness condition 8
Blank, Michelle A. 88
Blocks world 15
Bobrow, Daniel Gureasko 13 14 169 198—199
Boden, Margaret A. xi
Boguraev, Branimir Konstantinov 3 81—82 126 153
Boltzmann machine 214
Boots-And-All Theory of Language Comprehension 212
Bottom-up priority 42 196
Boyd, Julian 4
Brachman, Ronald J. xi 13 198
Brautigan, Richard 203—205
Bresnan, Joan Wanda 8 11 114 133 136 137 140 143 150 152 153 155—158 160 161 162 167 168 172 177 217 218
Brown University 15 44
Brown, Gretchen P. 4
Browse, Roger Alexander 7
Bruin 15—16 59 68
Brunson Barbara Anne 8 9 10 166 216 217
Burger, John F. 34
Burgess, Curt 94
Buy 106
buy, Polaroid Word for 107
Cairns, Helen Smith 90
Canned phrase 70 110 195 209—210
Carbonell, Jaime Guillermo Jr. 7
Carlson, Greg 177 220
Carlson, Marcia 9 161 162
Carpenter, Patricia A. 85 89 120 122 176 191
Cascaded ATN 198
CASE 40 81 82
Case theory 7
Case, preferred 155—157
Case-slot identity theory 48
Categorial grammar 31
Cater, Arthur William Sebright 2 3
Cement Semantics 59
Chapman, Jean P. 90
Chapman, Loren J. 90
Charniak, Eugene xi 3 12 15—17 18—20 33 39 48 59 78 97 98 102 116 119 124 171 193 198 200 203
Chierchia, Gennaro 208
Chomsky, Noam Avram 19 39 45 217
Church, Kenneth W. 9 197
Clark, Eve V. xi
Clark, Herbert H. xi 158
Clause end 48 50
Cleft sentence 146 147
Cleft/non-cleft ambiguity 146 147
Clifton, Charles Jr. 137 168 177 178 220
Closure 150—152 155—157
Closure, counterexample 151
Closure, definition of 150
Cognitive modeling 12 20 191
| Cohen, Leonard 205
Cole, Peter 4
Collins Allan M. 86 124 125
Combinatorial explosion, preventing 175—176
Common-sense knowledge 15
Compositionality 14 26 27 28 32 35—38 39 43 50 58 61 62 65 183
Compositionality, definition of 27
Compositionality, words that violate 71—72 212
Compound nominal 69—70 144 154—155
Conceptual Dependency 29 193 194 199
Conceptual graphs 191 199
Conjunction 48
Conjunction, coordinate 49
Conjunction, not in Absity 69
Conjunction, subordinate 49
Connectionist systems 214
Connine, Cynthia 168 177
Constructed path 100
Construction rule, in grammar 45
context 17—18 78 83 85 87 158 183
Context, marker passing in 114
Context, recognition of 77
Context, representation of 114
Contingent obligation, no representation in Frail 68
Conversational implicature 71
Cooper, Robin 67 207
Cornell, Garrison Weeks 199 200
Counterfactual, representation of 209
Cowie, A.P. 182
Crain, Stephen 11 147 158—162 167 221
crook, Polaroid Word for 111
CSAW 82—83 98 118 125
Cullingford, Richard Edward 77
Cumulating evidence approach 123
Cunningham, Anne E. 78
Cutler, Anne 10 136
Danernan, Meredyth 85 89 120 122
Dative movement 162
De dicto reading, definition of 26 59
De Groot, Annette M.B. 125 215
De re reading, definition of 26 59
Deadlock, in Polaroid Words 112
Decision point problem 85
Declarative sentence 35—38
Declarative/interrogative ambiguity 147—148
Decompositional semantics 28—29 207
Definite reference 4 17 38 40 170 209
Definitional be 62—64 66
Deixis 4
DeJong, Gerald Francis 29
Dell, Gary S. 90
Demands of design 191
despite 166 217
DESTINATION case 109 179—180
Determiner 31 48 49 50
Determiner, complex 67
Determinism, not in idiom interpretation 210
Determinism, strict 19 167
Deverbal noun 140
Dick, Judith Patricia 192
Dictionary, on-line 200
Dictionary, structure of 200
Dinneen, David A. 158
Disambiguation by lexical preference 155—157
Disambiguation, categorial 160
Disambiguation, effect of constituent length 218
Disambiguation, effect of intonation 136 147
Disambiguation, effect of punctuation 136 146 147
Disambiguation, effect of reading skill on method 78
Disambiguation, lexical 15 43 77—127 176 181 183 193—194 199 200—201 213—215
Disambiguation, lexical, impaired in schizophrenia 90
Disambiguation, lexical, in MOPTRANS 195
Disambiguation, lexical, local cues in 78
Disambiguation, lexical, psychological research 84—95
Disambiguation, lexical, statistical approaches 77
Disambiguation, lexical, time course of 121—123
Disambiguation, structural 15 43 152—186 197 198—199 216—217
Disambiguation, structural, decision point of 219
Disambiguation, structural, in MOPTRANS 195
Disambiguation, structural, time course of 123
Disambiguation, structural, with spreading activation 199
Disambiguation, unnecessary 194
Discourse comment 185 211
Discrimination net 83 213
Distributed representations 200
Dominant sense 90—92 94 110 123
Donnenwerth-Nolan, Suzanne 3
Dore, John 162 179
Downing, Pamela 69 144
Dowty, David R. xi 30—32
Driscoll, Alan S. 200 214
Drury, Donald 5
Dyer, Michael George 196
Dynamic verb 61—62
eat 206—207
Eiselt, Kurt P. 121—122 213
Eliot, Thomas Steams 205
Engelman, Carl 193—194 209
Epithet insertion 212
Epithets 72
Erase function 16
Even 71
Exemplar Principle 169 178 182
Expert Systems 192
Extension 59—60
Extension, definition of 26
Eye movements, in disambiguation studies 161
Fahlman, Scott Elliot 98 203 214
False positive 102 203
Fanty, Mark A. 200
Fass, Daniel C. 170
Fawcett, Brenda Louise 60
Feed 206—207
Feedback to parser 26 38 39 43 45 58
Feeman, Dorothy J. 78
Feldman, Jerome Arthur 200 203 214
Fenstad, Jens Erik 208
Ferrara, S. 4
Ferreira, Fernanda 161 168 219
Fikes, Richard E. xi
Fillmore, Charles J. 4 7
Final Expected Argument Principle 156 167 171
Finin, Timothy Wilking 70 101 155 169
Fischler, Iia 215
Flag, case 7 40 50 70 79 106 112 167
Focus 17—18 57 170
Fodor, Janet Dean xi 10 11 28—29 156 221
Fodor, Jerry Alan 28 38 117
Follett, Wilson 134
Ford, Marilyn 11 133 136 137 140 143 150 152 153 155—158 160 161 162 167 168 172 174 177 217 218
Forster, Kenneth I. 42
Foss, Donald J. xi 87 88 89 90
Fowler, Henry Watson 1 166 177 182
FRAIL 12 14 15—18 33 44 46 49 58—61 64 105 108 120 121 168—169 171 191 198 206 207 209 219
Frail, marker passing in 98—100
Frail, meta-notation for 56—57 69
Frail, no representation of sets 66
Frail, representation of counterfactual 209
Frail, representation of negation 68
Frame descriptor 46—50
Frame determiner 17—18 46—50 56 169 191 209
Frame determiner, adding negation to 69
Frame equivalence statement 66
Frame equivalencer 66
Frame semantics 207
Frame statement 46—50
Frame-statement/frame-name 55
frames 12—18 33 34 41 43 46 48—50 77 82—83 105 194 201
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