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Mohannan K.P. — The theory of lexical phonology
Mohannan K.P. — The theory of lexical phonology

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Название: The theory of lexical phonology

Автор: Mohannan K.P.


This book contains some of the material which originally appeared in my Ph.D. thesis Lexical Phonology, submitted at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, but it can hardly be called a revised version of the thesis. The theory that I propose here is in many ways radically different from the one that I proposed in the thesis, and there is a great deal of new data and analyses from English and Malayalam. Chapter VI is so new that I haven't even h&d the time to try it out on my friends.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Разное/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

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Год издания: 1986

Количество страниц: 219

Добавлена в каталог: 08.12.2005

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Предметный указатель
-ic shortening      41
A/an alternation      149
Abeicrombie, D.      2 155 181
Ablaut rules      56 183
Absolute neutr alization      175 178
Allen, M.      4 17 18
Allophonic rules      1 3 6 11 13 63 see Physiological
Allophonic rules vs morphophonemic rules      6 13
Amritavalli, R.      4
Anderson, S.      1 166
Anunaasikaatiprasaram      see Nasal spreading
Archangeli, D.      3 29 61
Aronoff, M.      4 53
Articulatory gestures, degree of      158 170—172 see scalar
Articulatory gestures, oveilap/alignment/coordination of      159 162—164 169—170
Articulatory gestures, timing of      167—169
Articulatory gestures, transition of      158
Articulatory setting      155
Aspiration, in English      5 9 11 15 33 56 112 129 149 157 189 203—204
Assimilation      7 105—106
Association conventions      2
Autosegmental phonology      2 see Prosodic
Bach, E.      146
Baker, L.      4
Balasumbramanian, T.      112
Bansal, R.K.      204
Base component      14
Biuniqueness      177 178 see Linearity Local
Bloomfield, L.      7 15
Bound morphemes      17
Boundaries      3 8 18 23 26—27 32 98 107 129—135 see Junction Edge Morphological
Boundaries, assignment of, in SPE      131—133
Boundaries, evaluation of the theory of      133—135
Boundaries, hierarchy of      134
Bracket erasure      22—25 28 34 59—60 144
Bracketing paradoxes      60
Brackets      17 107—108 122 138—139 143 205
Brackets, affixation and      17 143
Brackets, boundaries vs      18—23
Brackets, compounding and      17 143
Brackets, concatenation and      18
Brackets, cycles and      48—49
Brackets, junction and      18 22
Brackets, strata vs      138
Brame, M.      173
Bresnan, J.      2 4 11 58 147—148 203
c-command      127
C-element      29 61 see
Caiins, C.      61
Casual speech      see Literary and casual speech
Chomsky, N.      1 3 4 5 7 10 13 14 24 148 177 182 185 205
Church, K.      3
Class I affixation      16—18 10—20 41 51—52
Class II affixation      16—18 26—28 41 51—52
Class node      105
Classical phonemics      1 3 5—6 63 153 176—180
Classical phonemics, arguments against      6—7 176—180
Clear I      see I velarization
Clements, G.N.      29 105 175
Co-compounds, structure of      83—85 104—105
Coarticulation      170
Coda      29 60—61
Complementary distribution      178
Compounding in English      26—28
Compounding in English, affixation vs      62
Concatenation      127 128—129 see Junction Dominance X
Concrete phonology      7
Consonant Degemination, in English      18 19 40 45
Continuity of strata hypothesis      47
Contrastive distribution      6 178
Corpus vs speaker behaviour      182—183
Cyclicity      1 3 8 23 33 44 47 48—51 52 116 122 133 138 143 146 147—148 205
Cyclicity, cyclic and noncyclic strata      49—51 59
Cyclicity, strict cyclicity      50—51 52 61 71
Dark I      see I velarization
Default word tree construction      20 40
Degemination of consonants, in English      see Consonant degemination
Degemination of Sonorants, in Malayalam      83 86—88 92 96 98 104
Deliberate slow speech      106 see
Dell, F.      106
Derivation      37 40
Derivation, compounding vs      32—34
Derivation, inflection vs      32—34
Derived words      54 see Word
Diphthongization in English      56
Dis-affixation      44—46
Distinctive features, physiological implementation of      155—156
Distinctive features, scalar values of      156—158 160—161
Domain assignment      12—13 42 205 see Rule
Domain assignment, marked and unmarked      46—47
Domain assignment, multiple stratum      42—44 46—47 48
Domain information      127—129 136
Dominance      127 128—129
Dominant and recessive nodes      59
Dowry, D.      143
Dravidian      63 71 80—83 90—91 106—107 108 201
Drift      54
EDGE      127 128 130 136 137 see Junction Boundaries
Emeneau, M.B.      70
Empty segments      see also Floating X
Empty segments, empty head slot/nucleus      61 78 79 88
Empty segments, empty onset      75 77 78 101
Empty segments, empty rime      84 see
Enhancement      172—173
Evidence, internal and external      183—186
Exceptionality      8 24 54 57—58 60 73 86 96 see
Extended Standard Theory (of syntax)      148
Extrametrical      74 see Extratonal
Extraprosodic      119
Extratonal      74
Fairbanks, G.      161 181
Features, nonphonological      127 see Exceptionality
Fernstein, M.H.      61
Firth, J.R.      2
Flapping, in English      9 10 15 56 150
Floating X      61 75 77 78 79
Foot      2 59 see Word
Foot formation, in English      19—20 136
Foot formation, in Malayalam      see Word Stress in Malayalam
Fourakis, M.S.      162 163
Free variation      178
Fromkin, V.      56
Function and structure, in syllable theory      61
G-deletion, in English      21—23 40 41 50 52 59 127 136 198
Gimson, A.C.      34 36 76 179
Glide formation, in Malayalam      74—77 201
Glide, the phonetic realization of      76
Glottal stop insertion, in Malayalam      76—77
Goldsmith, J.      2 105
Government Binding Theory      13—14 148
Gradient operations      151
Grids      126
Guru      201—203
Halle, M.      1 3 4 6 7 9 17 26 28 29 35 41 43 44 47 48 50 51 52 61 133 137 151 154 172 177 186 198 204
Halliday, M.A.K.      147 148 180
Harris, J.      25 60
Hayes, B.      2 40 59 74 126
head      29 30 60—61 see V-element
Head formation      30 37 40 61
Honikman, B.      155
Hooper, J.      7 49
House, A.S.      161 181
Huang, J.      13
Hust, J.R.      4
I resyllabification      34—35 40 42
I velarization      34—35 61 176 189
Indexical features      155
Inflection      26—28 40
Inflection, compounding vs      32—34
Inflection, derivation vs      32—34
Intonation      2 147 see Tonality Tonic
Intonation, intonation word      180
Intonation, nucleus of      180
Intonation, tone group/intonation phrase      180
Intrusive i      36 61 see r
Invariance      177 178 see Linearity and
Iterative application      1
Jackendoff, R.      4
Jones, D.      7 34 36 37 44 176 194
Junction      127 128 129 130 144 see Edge Juncture Morphological
Juncture      1 18—23 129 see
Kahn, D.      2 45
Kaplan, R.      58
Kenyon, J.S.      32 33 36 37 39 44 61 194
Keyser, S.J.      29 172
Kingdon, R.      180
Kiparsky, P.      3 5 8 12 15 18 29 31 33 40 42 44 50 51 52 59 61 119 143—144 147 174 204
Knott, T.A.      32 33 36 37 39 44 61 194
Krishnamurthy, Bh.      70
Ladefoged, P..      56 152 154 155 156 173
Laghu      201—203
Latinate      8 80
Laver, J.      154
Leben, W.      2 7
Lehiste, J.      165
Lenition of stops, in Malayalam      66 see
Lesourd, P.      60
Level (as an alternative term for Stratum)      15 59
Levels of representation      3 6 10—12 59 147 see Phonemic Phonetic SP-representation Underlying
Levin, J.      29
Lexical alphabet      152 173—175 185 192—193 194 205 206
Lexical alphabet, articulatory gestures and      174—175
Lexical alphabet, classical phonemics and      177
Lexical alphabet, SP representation and      174
Lexical alphabet, underlying alphabet and      173—174
Lexical category      136
Lexical Functional Grammar      148
Lexical insertion in morphology      141—143
Lexical insertion, local      143 146
Lexical integrity hypothesis      24—25
Lexical morphology      15—18 see Strata X-bar
Lexical phonemes      63 65 see
Lexical representation      10 11 12 65 147 194 195—197 200 see Lexical SP-representation Underlying
Lexical rule application      5 7 8—10 see Post
Lexical rules      4 12—13 54 see Redundancy
Lexicalist phonology      138—139
Lexicon      4—5 see Mental
LF component (in the Government Binding Theory)      14 see
Liberman, M.      2 3 59 126 147 152 165 166 167 180
Liebei, R.      4 5 25 141
Linearity      see also Biuniqueness Invariance Local
Linearity in classical phonemics      177
Linearity, the relation of      128
Linguistic Phonetics      154
Linking r (see also r-deletion)      36—39 150
Linnel, P.      185
Literary and casual speech      74 84 see
Local determinacy      177 see Invariance Linearity
Logical form      13 14
Loop      48 51—52 105 111 122—125 134 137
Loop, idle looping      52
Manner node      105
Marouzeau, J.      181
Mascaro, J.      52 105
Maximal projection      127
Maximal syllabification, the principle of      31 45
Maximise the onset principle      45
McCarthy, J.      2 29 175
Mental lexicon      55 182
Metrical filter      204
Metrical phonology      2
Mitleb, E.M.      161
Modularity in Phonological theory      2—3 7 12—14 see Domain
Mohanan, K P.      3 5 7 8 9 11 12 17 24 26 28 35 41 43 44 47 48 50 51 52 59 61 63 68 69 71 74 80 91 92 105 106 107 112 116 133 137 144 151 172 173 174 175 177 180 186 198 204 205 206
Mohanan, T.      3 12 50 59 61 63 68 69 71 173 174 206
Montague Grammar      143 146
Morpheme list      47 53 see Potential
Morpheme list, acquisition and      54—5
Morpheme list, strata and      16—17 47
Morpheme list, underlying representation and      11
Morpheme structure constraints      56 94 see
Morpheme structure constraints, zero stratum and      59
Morphological distribution      16—18 52
Morphological distribution, phonological rules and      18 52
Morphological features      8 see Features
Morphological information      1 3 8—9 10 13 18—26 205 see Edge Junction Features
Morphological transparency      53
Morphology      3 see
Morphophonemic representation      3 6 7 see
Morphophonemic rules      6 13 see Natural
Morphophonemic rules, allophonic rules and      6
Morphophonemic rules, phonological and phonetic rules and      1 9 13
MoveWh      13
MP-rules      see Morphophonemic rules
Multiple stratum domains in morphology      44—46
Multiple stratum domains in phonology      42—44
N deletion (Stem final n deletion, Post nasal n deletion) in English      21—23 40 41 52 198
N deletion in Malayalam      107 136
Nadkarni, M.      106 126
Nasal assimilation in English      7 59
Nasal assimilation in Malayalam      69—71
Nasal deletion, in Malayalam      see Stem final nasal deletion
Nasal spreading, in Malayalam      69—71 80
Nasal twang      155
Nasalization of vowels      56
Natural generative phonology      7 13 179—180
Natural phonology      7 13
Newman, O.      147
Nihalani, P.      155 156 158 173
Node labels      132
Nolan, F.      154
Nonadjacent strata      120 130 see
Nonhead      29 30 60—61 see
Nonlinear phonology      2
Nonrhotic accents      36
Nonsyllabic      29 60—61 see
Nuclear stress rule, in English      147
Nucleus      29 60—61 see
Onglide      66—67
Onset      29 60—61
Onset fusion, in Malayalam      85—86 88 89 92 98 104
Opacity principle      59 see
P rules      1 13 see Phonetic Natural
Paitee, B.      143 146
Palatalization in English      7 9 10 15 43—44 48—9 52 60 134 138 190 198
Palatalization in Malayalam      72—73
Palatalized I      see I velarization
Panini      15
pause      66—67 76—77 106 150 180—181
Pause, glide formation in Malayalam and      76
Pause, glottal stops in Malayalam and      77
Pause, intervocalic voicing in Malayalam and      66 106
Pause, morphological information and      150—151
Pause, phonological phrase and      79
Pause, r deletion and      151
Pause, schwa insertion in Malayalam and      79
Pause, syllable division and      73
Perceptual grid      191—193
Percolation of Morphological features      25
Percolation of Syntactic features      141—142
Performance, theories of      183—186
Pesetsky, D.      3 8 12 18 24 25 59 60 133
PF component (in the Government Binding theory)      14
Phonematic units      2
Phonemic representation      1 6 see Lexical
Phonemic vs allophonic alternation      179
Phonetic implementation      11 126 145 152 166—173 175—176
Phonetic representation      1 6 10—12 147 156—166 201 205 see Lexical SP Underlying
Phonetic representation, speech signal and      152 153—156 194
Phonetic representation, static and dynamic approaches to      181
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