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McDonald D.D., Bolc L. — Natural language generation systems
McDonald D.D., Bolc L. — Natural language generation systems

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Название: Natural language generation systems

Авторы: McDonald D.D., Bolc L.


The purpose of this collection has been to give its authors an opportunity to present their work at much greater length than is available in the usual conference paper or journal article, As a result, these papers contain details of grammatical treatments and processing details seldom seen outside of book length monographs, Their topics range from discourse theory, through mechanical translation, to deliberate writing and revision,. The authors are also wide ranging internationally, with contributions from Japan, West Germany, and Austria as well as the United States.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Computer science/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1988

Количество страниц: 388

Добавлена в каталог: 08.12.2005

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Ana Stock Report Generation System, analysis of fluency skills and defects      297—305
Ana Stock Report Generation System, appendix: sample Wall Street Journal stock report      306—308
Ana Stock Report Generation System, sample output      284—286
Ana Stock Report Generation System, system architecture      281—284
Artificial intelligence research, creativity in      2 3 45
Artificial intelligence research, fluid versus essential domains in      13 14
Artificial intelligence research, human language behavior and      64 94 95
Artificial intelligence research, human-modeling in      2 3 45
Artificial intelligence research, judgment in      2 3 45
Artificial intelligence research, knowledge representation in      2 3 45
Artificial intelligence research, language understanding in      2 3 45
Artificial intelligence research, natural language interaction with computer systems and      99 100
Artificial intelligence research, problem-solving in      2 3 45
Artificial intelligence research, sensitivity in      2 3 45
Artificial intelligence research, world-modeling in      2 3 45
Computer writing, Yh program for      9—45
Computers, writing and      2 3 45
Conceptual representation in Japanese      256—278
Conceptual representation, Conceptual Dependency (CD) theory and      256 257 261
Conceptual representation, Memory Organization Packets (MOPs) and      256 261—267 277
Conceptual representation, PHRED and      312
Deliberate writing      1—45
Discrimination nets (DNs), VIE-GEN and      166 171—175 202
Fluency in natural language reports      280—308
Fluency, analysis of skills and defects in      297—305
Fluency, written texts and nature of      280 281
Formative information, Becker's phrasal lexicon in      362—364 378 379
Formative information, rules of grammar in      357—362 378
Generating Japanese text from conceptual representation      256—278
Generating language with a phrasal lexicon      353—384
Generation of sentences from a syntactic deep structure with a semantic component      205—254
Generator program, formative information in      357
Generator program, tasks of      353—357 378
German, system for surface transmissions (SUTRA) in      98—162
HAM-ANS system, implementation and integration of SUTRA in      98 100 145—153
Images, writing with vivid and continuous      1 2 45
Integrated-knowledge situation-dependent grammar principle, knowledge-based report generation and      286 291—297 305
Interface to a natural language generation system      106—113
Intermediate structure (IMS), VIE-GEN and      166 167 170 175 178—187 202
Japanese language, structure of      257—259
Japanese, generation of embedded Japanese texts      271—277
Japanese, generation of Japanese sentences      262—271
KAMP system, example of planning referring expressions      87—93
KAMP system, overview of      78—81
KAMP system, planning concept activation actions      81—83
KAMP system, satisfying multiple goals in a referring expression      86 87
KAMP system, theory of concept activation with      83—86
Knowledge-based report generation principles, integrated-knowledge situation-dependent grammar principle      286 291—297 305
Knowledge-based report generation principles, knowledge-engineering principle      286—288
Knowledge-based report generation principles, macro-level knowledge processing principle      286 289—291
Knowledge-engineering principle, knowledge-based report generation and      286—288
Language generation with PHRED, fetching      319—322 326—338
Language generation with PHRED, interpretation      319 324—326 327—339
Language generation with PHRED, restriction      319 322—324 327—338
Macro-level knowledge processing principle, knowledge-based report generation and      286 289—291
MORSYN, morphological synthesis in SUSY      253
Natural language generation system, interface to      106—113
Natural language reports, fluency in      280—308
Object-language, know and intend in      74—78
Object-oriented programming, intelligence and communication in      16—18
Pattern-concept pairs, knowledge base of PHRED      312 313 315—344
PAULINE'S specialists in      371—377
PAULINE, expansion cycle in      377 378
PAULINE, phrasal grammar in      371—377
PAULINE, syntax specialist in      364—371
Phrasal grammar, expansion cycle in      377 378
Phrasal lexicon, Becker's      362—364 378 379
Phrasal lexicon, language generation with      353—384
PHRED, comparison with other research      340—344
PHRED, detailed example of generation in      326—339
PHRED, future directions for      347—349
PHRED, generation process      319—326
PHRED, generator for natural language interfaces      312—352
PHRED, knowledge base of      315—319
PHRED, other generation systems and      344—347
PHRED, overview      313—315
Planning natural-language referring expressions, artificial intelligence research and      69—95
Planning natural-language referring expressions, English referring expressions      72—74 95
Planning natural-language referring expressions, example of      87—93
Planning natural-language referring expressions, KAMP system and      71—95
Planning natural-language referring expressions, reasoning about intention in      77 78
Planning natural-language referring expressions, reasoning about mutual knowledge in      76 77
Planning natural-language referring expressions, reference and concept activation in      75 76 94 95
Planning natural-language referring expressions, theory of reference planning in      74 75 94 95
Programs, Ana Stock Report Generation System      281—308
Programs, artificial intelligence programs and algorithmic versus behavioral      12 13
Programs, intelligence and communication in object-oriented      16—18
Programs, KAMP system      71—95
Programs, PAULINE      364—371
Programs, PHRAN      312—352
Programs, PHRED      312—352
Programs, RST system      48 53—64
Programs, SUSY      205—254
Programs, SUTRA      98—162
Programs, TEXT system      48—52
Programs, VIE-GEN      166—202
RST system, construction in      64—66
RST system, major differences between TEXT system and      66
RST system, structure description of      48 53—64
SEMNET, semantic network in VIE-LANG      166—175
SEMSYN, semantic synthesis in SUSY      231—239
Surface transformations in a natural language generation system, appendix      153—162
Surface transformations in a natural language generation system, conception of SUTRA as a component of natural language generation systems      101 102
Surface transformations in a natural language generation system, separate components for      101
SUSY machine translation system, generation component of      205—254
SUSY, (sub)processes of      153—162
SUSY, characteristics of      205—210
SUSY, extensions to the system      253 254
SUSY, generation in AI and MT      212
SUSY, morphological synthesis (MORSYN) in      253
SUSY, semantic synthesis (SEMSYN) in      231—239
SUSY, semantic vs. syntactic representation in      216—231
SUSY, syntactic deep structure with a semantic component in      213—215
SUSY, syntactic generation (SYNSYN) in      240—252
SUTRA, function and design of      102—106
SUTRA, implementation and integration with HAM-ANS system      98 100 145—162
SUTRA, knowledge sources required for      114—119
SUTRA, limitations and prospects for further development      139—145
SUTRA, transformation of the verbalized structure      119—139
SYNSYN, syntactic generation in SUSY      240—252
Syntactico-semantic lexicon (SSL), VIE-LANG and      166 169—174 200 202
Syntax specialists, PAULINE      364—371
Syntax specialists, relations among elements of the lexicon      369—371
Syntax specialists, specialists and phrase structure symbols      367—369
Text generation, overview of      47 48
Text generation, problem of text structure      47—66
TEXT system, construction in      64—66
TEXT system, defined objects in      49—52
TEXT system, major differences between RST and      66
TEXT system, operating environment of      49
TEXT system, structure description of      48—52
Transformations, application in SUTRA      119—139
VIE-GEN and      187—198 201 202
VIE-GEN, appendix of abbreviations used in      202
VIE-GEN, discrimination nets (DNs) in      166 171—175 202
VIE-GEN, generator for German texts      166—202
VIE-GEN, intermediate structure (IMS)      166 167 170 175 178—187 202
VIE-GEN, overview of      166 167
VIE-GEN, transformations in      187—198 201 202
VIE-GEN, verbalization phrase in      170—178
VIE-LANG, embedding system      167 168
VIE-LANG, syntactico-semantic lexicon (SSL) in      166 169—174 200 202
Writing, computers and      2 3 45
Writing, deliberate      1—45
Writing, non-fiction, aspects of good      3 4
Writing, non-fiction, common errors in      6—8
Writing, non-fiction, language of good      5 6
Writing, non-fiction, pragmatics of good      4 5
Writing, non-fiction, writing well in      8 9
Writing, vivid and continuous images in      1 2 45
Yh program, computer writing with      9—45
Yh program, design philosophy of      10—27
Yh program, examples of writing      27—44
Yh program, overview of the system      18—25
Yh program, writing process      25—27
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