Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Laird P.D. — Learning from good and bad data |
Предметный указатель |
-equivalent 29
-monotonic 67
-identification 117
-bad 142
-good 142
-component 67
-component 67
APC (annotated predicate calculus) 93
Bias 14
Boolean algebra 57
Borel - Cantelli Lemma 116
Bounding set 61
Classification 13
Clause 97
Clause form 17 19
Clause-form sentence 81
Complete, semantically 35
complexity 111
Component 67 68
Concept 13 21
Concept learning 13
Confidence 118
Conjunctive normal form (CNF) 97 171
Conjunctive rules 14
Conservative 44
Consistent 44
Converge 23
Convergence 6
Convergence, stochastic 114
Correct 68
Correct rule 142
Correspondence principle 134 140
Counterexample 8
Decision tree 14 131
Diagnosis problem 70
Disjunction, internal 14
Disjunctive normal form (DNF) 136
Disjunctive rules 14
Downward 34
Downward refinement 39
Drift 136
Enumeration, identification by 23
Error 113
example 8
Example, training 19 20
Fairness 159
Finite, locally 56
formulas 96
Generalize 10
Good rule 142
Grammatical inference 10
Harmful 125 166
Herbrand universe 97
Hoeffding's inequality 145
Homomorphism, order 28
Horn 97
Identification in the limit 6
Identification in the limit, probabilistic 119
Identification in the limit, problem 3 18
Identification in the limit, procedure 22
Important component 166
Incremental 25 115
Indentification, probabilistic 117
Inductive bias 78 89
Instance 19
Interpretation 97
Language, extended pattern 31
Language, pattern 29
Limit, identification in the 6
Literal 97
Logic, equational 37
Logical theory 16
Lower bounding set 61
Maximal component 71
| Maximal expression 61
Minimal component 71
Minimal expression 61
Model 97
Model, Herbrand 17
Most-general literal 85
Most-general terms 85
Noise 134
Noise, adversarial 179
Noise, Bernoulli 183
Noise, classification 135 140
Noise, rate ( ) 153
Normal-form expression 122 162
Normal-form property 66 67
Operator, refinement 27 36
OQI 31
Order homomorphism 28
Order quasi-isomorphism 31
Ordering 28
Ordering, partial 28
Ordering, quasi 28
Ordering, semantically complete 35
Pattern language 29 112
Pattern language, extended 31
Positive example 8
Presentation, sufficient 20
Problem, identification 18
Procedure, identification 22
Process, adversarial noise (ANP) 179
Process, adversarial noise (ANP), Bernoulli noise 183
Process, adversarial noise (ANP), classification noise 135
Refinement, clause 85
Refinement, complete 80
Refinement, component 71
Refinement, downward 34 39
Refinement, identification by downward 49
Refinement, identification by upward 45
Refinement, less-general 79
Refinement, locally finite 56
Refinement, more-general 79
Refinement, operator 27
Refinement, partial 90
Refinement, relation 35
Refinement, sentence 87
Refinement, separable 65
Refinement, universal 55 77 81
Refinement, upward 34 36
Resolution 82
Robustness 111
Rule space 19
Semantically complete 61 71
Sentence 97
Separable 65
Single-representation trick 20
Space, rule 19
Specialize 10
Strong bias 90
Subrefinement 80
Subsumption 9
Sufficient presentation 20
Tautology 97
Terms 96
Theory, logical 16
Tolerance 117
Too general 68
Too specific 68
Tree, decision 14
Unsatisfiable 98
Upper bounding set 61
Upward 34
Upward refinement 36
Vapnik-Chervonenkis dimension 127 148
Version space 15
Weak bias 90
Реклама |