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Harris M.D. — Introduction to Natural Language Processing |
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü |
Abelson, Robert 298—299
Abstract marker 34
Abstraction 294
Abstraction mechanism 239 240
Accusative case 36
Active knowledge 286
Active voice 17 21 195
Adjective 15 16 20 24 27 42 273—274
Adjunction 133 135
Adverb 15 16 24 275
Adverbial phrase 24
Agentive case 39 40 184 187—190 192—193 205—207 210-211
Alphanumeric data 55
Amalgamated path 30 31
ARC 145—147 149 151—153 160-161 178—179 224 225 228 229 235 236
Arc set 160—161 177
Array, implementing string functions 77—83
Artificial language 3
ASCII 56 57 58 59 69 70 71 105 108
Assertion (in NLS) 318 320
Assertion language (in KL — ONE) 306 311—312
Attributive relations 221 222 264
Augumented transition network 160— 182 197 283 342
Backus Naur Form (BNF) 129 160
BCD 56 57
Benefactive case 39
Binary search 104—105 107 108
Binary tree 120—129 167
Bit Map 64
Blackboard model 342—344
Bloomfield, Leonard 19—20 21
Boas, Frank 19
Bobrow, Daniel G. 344
Break function 85 87
Case frame 39 190—192 193 194 195 207 216 256
Case frames 190—192
Case frames of a sentence 192—196
Case frames, deep cases 212—216
Case frames, definition 184—185
Case frames, examples of cases 189—190
Case frames, graph format 200—212
Case frames, list of cases 187—189
Case frames, modality 185—187
Case frames, noun phrase 196—200
Case grammar 36—42 143 183—217 221 223 226 251 271 283 326
Causal actant 213 214 215
Causation 260—261 263
Causation links 279—282
Cercone, Nicholas 243 283 320 322— 323
Chamiak, Eugene 297
character data 55 56 57
Chomsky, Noam, Aspects of the Theory of Syntax 31—36
Chomsky, Noam, Extended Standard Theory 49—50
Chomsky, Noam, Standard Theory 31—36 135—142
Chomsky, Noam, Syntactic Structures 21—28 117—135
Chomsky, Noam, Transformational Generative Grammar 25 28 31 117—143
Clause 15 17 222
Cognitive science 8 9
Collins, Allan 9
Collision 113 114
Comments (in FRL) 294 296 297—298
Compiler 172 173 175 176—177
Complex form 94
Complex sentence 17 222
Complex symbols 32 34 141—142
Compound sentence 18 222
Compound-complex sentence 17 222
Concatenation 72 73 75 76 79 84 86
Conceptual analysis 268—270
Conceptual dependency theory 251 282 326
Conceptual dependency theory, algorithm for conceptual analysis 268—270
Conceptual dependency theory, implementing 263—268
Conceptual dependency theory, implementing causation links 279 282
Conceptual dependency theory, primitive acts 256—260
Conceptual networks 305
Conceptual syntax rules 255
Conceptualization 255 265 267 269 270—272
Conjunction 15 16 23 231 232
Constraint (in FRL) 295 296 297—298
Constructed language 3
Construction 99
Context free rules 34 165
Context sensitive rules 34
copy function 73 75 76
Data compression 57—62
Dative case 37 39 187—188 190 192 193
Declarative knowledge 287
Declarative sentence 18 21 25 159
Deep case 37 184 212—216 221 227
Deep structure 25 2 34 35 37 45 49
default 240 294 326
Delete function 75 76 79
Delimiter 55 61 62 63 64 65
Demons 297
Description language (in KL-ONE) 306—309
Descriptive linguistics 18—20
Deterministic diagram 147
DICTIONARY 96 102—114
Directed graph (digraph) 146
Direction case 258
Discourse 51
Disjunction 231 232
Distinguisher 29 30 138
EBCDIC 56 57
Effector 7
Ellipsis 190
Embedded sentences 27
Endocentric construction 99
Entity (in NLS) 318—322
Epistemological network 305
Event 265
Event in NLS 318
Event schema 290 298—299
Exclamatory sentence 18
Exocentric construction 99
Extended semantic networks 243—250
Factitive case 39
features 31—34
Finite state grammar 22
Finite state language 22
Finite state machine 145
Finite state transition graph 145 147
Finite state transition network 145—159
Formal language 5 6
Frame 287—299
Frame, action 290 298
Frame, narrative 189 190
Frame, object/person 290 291 292 297
Frame, Representation Language (FRL) 294—298
Frame, situation 290 298
Frame, state 290 291 292—294
Frame, surface semantic 289 291
Frame, surface syntactic 289 291
Frame, thematic 289 290
Framekeeper 297
Functional relationships 183
Fuzzy logic 248
Galloway, Patricia 288—289 290
Generative 31
Generative semantics 42—47
Generator (in NLS) 315 317 326 327 329 339
Genitive 36
Goebel, Randolph G. 243
Goldstein, Ira 9 294 297
Grammar 5 6 10 11 25 17 35 51 117 129 136 155 163 165 166 167 168 172 173 176 177 179 182 185 208
Grammatical marker 28
Graph 145—181 197—199 200-212 223—226 235—238
Grapheme 94
Hashing 112—114
Hayes, Philip J. 290
| head 102 139
Hendrix, Gary 227 230 235
Heterarchical model 341
Historical Linguistics 18
Homograph 102
Huffman code 58—60
Icon 74 83
Immediate constituent analysis 20
Imperative sentence 18
Implementing 165—172
Implementing a general grammar program 172—182
INDEX 73 105—108 156 157
Indirection (in FRL) 295 298
Inference 261—263
Inference mode (in NLS) 325 329—331
Inflections 18
Inheritance of properties 239 319
Inorder traversal 122 124
Input 85
Insert 75 76 79
Instrumental case 39 40 187—188 192—196 258 262 263 266—267 273
Interjection 15 17
Interpreter 172 177 179
Interpretive 31
Interrogative sentence 18 21 159
IS — A relation 220—221 223 239
Katakana 69
Katz, Jerrold J. and Jerry A. Fodor, semantic theory 28—31 34 136 139 140 141 221
KL — ONE 285 305—311
Knowledge base (KB) 315 316 317 318—322 325 329 330 331 335 336 338 339 341
Knowledge source (KS) 342 343 344
Knowledge strategy 9
KRL model 344—345
Kurzweil reading machine 68
Learning mode (in NLS) 325 338—339
length function 72 75 76 79
Levesque, Hector 238
Lexeme 136
Lexical phase 93—114 225
Lexicon 6 28 31 96 102—114 137 141 155 200 206 264 268 274 275—279 316 322—323 326 327
Linear search 107 108
Linguistic network 305
Linguistics 9 13—51
Linked lists 88—91 173—176
Lisp 130 172 173 174—176
Location, representation of 265
Locative case 39 192
Locus 213 214 215 216 221
Locus model 342
Logical connectives 221 222
Logical form 5—7 49 231—235 243-24 283
Machine Readable Catalog (MARC) format 65—66
Meaning representation (in NLS) 322—332
Memory 7
Metaclass 241
Minsky, Marvin 287—288 289—290 297
Modality 37 38 184 185—187 200—202 207 208 211 221
Modifier 24
Montague, Richard 6 10
Morpheme 20 94 95 102
Morpheme, bound 94
Morpheme, free 94
Morpheme, irregular 97 98
Morphological analysis 98—100
Mylopoulos, John 238
Natural language 3 6 7 10 12 13 55—56 61 93 95 100 114 149 219 248 282 283 288
Natural language system (NLS) 315 345
Natural language system (NLS), control structure 339—345
Natural language system (NLS), description 315—316
Natural language system (NLS), implementing 325
Natural language system (NLS), knowledge base 318—322
Natural language system (NLS), lexicon 322—323
Natural language system (NLS), modes 326—339
Negation 231 232
Network structures 287
Neutral case 192 193 207
Node 120 121 122 124 125 128 145 146 147 151 153 154 155 161 162 174 175 176 177 197 199 202 203 204 219 221 223 224 227 228 229 235 236 237 321
Node, creating 125—127
Node, token 219—220
Node, type 219 220
Node, types 125—127
Nominative case 36 185
Non-network structures 287
Noun phrase 20 22 24 27 30 32 34 40 42 139 141 149 151 156 179 195 196—200 206 207 221
Noun phrase, analysis 199—200
Noun phrase, generation 199
Noun phrase, graphs 197—199
NUDGE 294 295 296
Objective case 36 39 40 258
Ordinal value 70 71 105 107
Packet 10
Packet in NLS 318 320 321 331 332 333 334
Papert, Seymour 9 297
Paraphrase mode (in NLS) 325 326 329
Parser (in NLS) 315 316—317 326 327 329 339
Parsing 284—285 326
PART — OF relation 220—221 240
Partitioned semantic networks 227 238
Pascal 56 69 70 72 78 79 86 87 138 140 151 173 242 276 293 294 297 318 321
Pascal, UCSD string functions 75—77
Passive voice 17 21 25 195
Pattern matching 72 73—74 83—87
Phenomenic domains 8—9
Phoneme 20 93
Phonology 4 94
Phrase marker 45 117 119 121 122 133 140 166 283 316
Phrase structure (PS) grammar 22 23 24 25 34 117 120 121 129—131
Pictograph 69
POINTER 88 90 102 103 120 124 125 127—129 151 154 156 157 174 176 177 179 197 200 202 203 224 235 236 237 276
Position function 73 75 76 80
Possessive case 36
Postorder traversal 122 124
Power strategy 9
Pragmatics 6
Pre-order traversal 122
Predicate nominative 36
Predictive control 340—341
Prefix 94 95
Preposition 16 275
Prepositional phrase 25 27 149 162 193 194—195
Prescriptive linguistics 13—14
Primitive acts 256 271
Procedural attachment (in FRL) 295
Procedural knowledge 287
Procedural semantic networks 238 243
Programming language 3 64 69
Propostion 37 38 184—185 200—202
Punctuation 101
Quantification 231 246—247
Quantitative relations 221—222
Question-answering 209—212 226—227
Question-answering mode (in NLS) 325 331—338
Quillian, M. Ross 219—220 283
Recursive transition network (RTN) 149—160 161 197
Recursive transition network (RTN), implementing 150—154
Recursive transition network (RTN), implementing with stacks 157—159
Recursive transition network (RTN), problems 159—160
Recursive transition network (RTN), sentence analysis 155—157
register 160 162 166 167 175 176 177
Representation of knowledge 283—311
Representation of knowledge, issues in 286—287
Request (in Conceptual Dependency Theory) 272—279
Right in-threaded binary tree 124
Roberts, Bruce 294
Scene 304
Schank, Roger 298—299
Schubert, Lenhart K. 243 283 320
Script 287 290 298—305
Semantic marker 29 30 31 34 138 140 141
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