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Green M.B., Schwarz J.H., Witten E. — Superstring Theory (vol. 2) |
Предметный указатель |
Schwarz — Christoffel transformation 205
Singularities, bosonic nonplanar diagram 35—37
Singularities, bosonic planar diagram 17—18
Singularities, bosonic torus diagram 50
Singularities, free boson propagator 16
Singularities, free string propagator 190
Singularities, higher-order bosonic trees 63
Singularities, open bosonic tree amplitude 206—208
Singularities, Singularities, planar hexagon diagram 163
Singularities, superstring interaction points 248—250
Singularities, toroidal compactification 96
Singularities, type I nonplanar diagram 88
Singularities, type II torus diagram 9352
SL(2,Z) reparametrizations of torus 46
SO(16) 127
Spin connection 273—275 302
Spin connection as gauge field 405 476—480
Spin connection, nonminimal 274
Spin manifold 276
Spin structure, GSO projection 279
Spin structure, world-sheet 277—281
Stokes' theorem 291
Supergravity, four-dimensional 417
Supergravity, manifest covariance 315
Supergravity, N=1 eleven-dimensional 311
Supergravity, N=1 ten-dimensional 303 310—314
Supergravity, N=8 four-dimensional 316
Supergravity, scale invariance 327—330
Supergravity, super covariant connection 311
Supergravity, superstring low-energy limit 101 308
Supergravity, type IIB 314—321
Supergravity, with super Yang-Mills 321—326
Superpotential 520—527
Supersymmetry breaking 89 124 326
Supersymmetry, formalism 239—243
Supersymmetry, interacting generators 245—246
Supersymmetry, low-energy 413 475
Supersymmetry, off-shell formulation 3154
Symmetry breaking, 487—491 496
Symmetry breaking, massless fields 500—506
Symmetry breaking, SO(10) 491
Symmetry breaking, SU(5) 491
Symmetry breaking, superpotential approach 534—540
Tangent bundle 281—283
Tangent bundle, holomorphic 458—459
Tangent space 272
Tangent space group 364
Topological invariant 288
Trace formulas, coherent states 13
| Trace formulas, fermionic oscillators 80
Trace formulas, fermionic zero modes 134—137
Trace formulas, ghost modes 15
Trace formulas, harmonic oscillator modes 14
Transition function 276 284
Transition function, holomorphic 454
Tree amplitude, closed bosonic string 229—231
Tree amplitude, open bosonic string 203
Tree amplitude, open superstring 254—255
Tree amplitude, oscillator representation 216—222
Twist operator 27
Twisted strings 126—1301
Ultraviolet divergences 18—20 54
Unitarity, bosonic one-loop 3—5 17
Unitarity, bosonic one-loop, reasons for D=26 36
Unitarity, GSO projection at one loop 114
Unitarity, spin structures 280
Unitarity, string path integral 181
Vector bundle 282 287
Vector bundle, holomorphic 454—456
Vector bundle, holomorphic, deformations 469—471
Vector bundle, holomorphic, direct sum 460
Vector bundle, holomorphic, hypersurfaces 461—463
Vector bundle, holomorphic, Riemann surfaces 458
Vector bundle, U(1) 299
Vertex operator see also “path integral methods” “interaction
Vertex operator, evolution 8
Vertex operator, massless vector 9
Vielbein 272
Wilson lines 486 496 500 510
Wilson lines, global symmetries 517
Winding number 95
Yang-Mills theory 453
Yang-Mills theory, Kaehler — Yang-Mills equations 457
Yang-Mills theory, superstring low-energy limit 99—102 308
Yukawa couplings 295 518 520
Yukawa couplings, from 6 499
Yukawa couplings, toy model 532
Zero modes, antisymmetric tensor field 376 486
Zero modes, charged fields 481—483
Zero modes, conformal ghosts 396
Zero modes, dilaton 486
Zero modes, Dirac operator 366 465—467 497
Zero modes, gauge field 397
Zero modes, gravitational field 397
Zero modes, Laplacian 377—380
Zero modes, metric tensor 483—486
Zero modes, Rarita — Schwinger field 375
Zero modes, superconformal ghosts 397
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