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Briscoe E.J. — Modelling Human Speech Comprehension |
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A-over-A early closure principle 167
Abrahamson, M. 15
Accessibility Hierarchy 218
Achinstein, P. 13
Ades, A.E. 83 88 89 139 145
Aho, A.V. 104 105—107 111 117 128 130 131 145
Ainsworth, W. 177
Ajdukiewicz, K. 83
Altmann, G. 59
Ambiguity 19 22 64 102 152 197 220
Ambiguity, interactive resolution of 137 141 212
Ambiguity, local 22 39—44 52 99 119 126 131 144 197 216
Ambiguity, noun-verb 39 180 188 192 199 201
Ambiguity, PP attachment 38 105 106 115 128 168 182 189 193 211
Ambiguity, preposed adverbial 178 188 192 199 200
Ambiguity, verb complement 40 41 184 192
Antinucci, F. 217 220
Aphasia 10
Bach, E. 83 88 93
Baddeley, A. 27 162
Baltin, M. 97 170
Berwick, R. 8 11 105 106 118 122—130 144—146 173
Best-first 50
Bever, T.G. 15 23 41 186
Bickerton, D. 10 213
Blake, B.J. 27 54 170 215 217 219
Blumstein, S.E. 10
Boguraev, B. 55
Bornat, R. 107
Brame, K. 93 99
Breadth-first 50 105 118 197
Bresnan, J. 89 93 100 170
Caramazza, A. 10
Carling, C. 13 73
Carroll, J.M. 28
Centre-embedding 28 165 166 170 214 216 217
Charniak, E. 205
Cherry, C. 33
Chomsky, N. 6—27 52 67 72—74 84 93 96 100 163 166 187 211 220—225
Church, K.W. 37 42 43 46 72 126 155 162 167 227
Clausal Processing Hypothesis 12 30
Cole, R. 20 37 64
Competence 5 36
Competence/performance distinction 10 104
Complex Noun Phrase Constraint 14 218
Comrie, B. 14 216 218
Cooper, W. 38 40 43 101 177 187 189 190 206 222
Coordination 42 73 76 80 87
Craik, F. 29 162
Crain, S. 38 40 45 46 58 205
Cresswell, M.J. 86
Culicover, P. 6
Curtiss, S. 10 213
Cutler, A. 176 177
Dative questions 37 201
Dennett, D. 5 19
Depth-first 50 105 110 118
Derivational Theory of Complexity 8
Determinism 105 209
Determinism Hypothesis 120
Distributional analysis 73
Downing, B.T. 215 216 218
Dowty, D. 19 72 79
Dresher, B. 97 98
Elman, J. 37 227
Emonds, J.E. 98
Empty categories 75 76 92 93 95 96 124 125 128 129 203
Engdahl, E. 83 92 125
Erman, L. 23 54
Experimental techniques, continuation experiment 190
Experimental techniques, dichotic switch monitoring 193
Experimental techniques, phoneme monitoring 197
Experimental techniques, Rapid Serial Visual Presentation 45 48
Experimental techniques, sentence production 177
Experimental techniques, shadowing 31 33
Fillmore, C. 70
Flores d’ Arcais, G.B. 193
Floyd, R. 145
Fodor, J.A. 12 23 24 57 172 208 227
Fodor, J.D. 15 27 37 38 60 97—99 124—128 130 162 168 169 203 214 218
Ford, M. 130 222
Forster, K. 23 26 57 197
Frauenfelder, D. 172
Frazier, L. 27 29 40—45 48 60 61 97 128 130 162 168 169 216
Function, application 83—85 91 138
Function, composition 83—88 91 92 96 101 138 144 146
Functional explanation 3 13 120 168 209 213 220 224
Garden paths 23 41 44—49 55 59 120 127 152 154 172 204 205 212
Garnham, A. 52 57
Gazdar, G. 13 77 80 83 89 91 97—99 106 116
Generalized Categorial Grammar 10 29 34 83—99 137—144 170 212 225
Generalized Phrase Structure Grammar 77—83 87 92 170 203 221 225
Givon, T. 10 13 15 213 215 216
Global ambiguity 22 37—39 51 120 127 147 178 184
Government-Binding theory 72 73—76 89 93 123 221
Graceful degradation 32 64 209 210
Grammar 10
Grammar, context-free 74 84 85 105 116 145 146 214
Grammar, context-sensitive 85 105 106
Grammar, generative 6 89 100 220
Grammar, in speech comprehension 67
Grammar, organisation of 220
Grammar, phrase structure 72 77 83 85 89 131 144 156 178 212 214
Grammar, transformational 5 8 72
Grammar, universals 3 14 28 212
Grammar, word order 28 214
Grammatical theory 36
Grammaticality 6
Gueron, J. 97
Haas, W. 68
Hakes, D. 32 172 186 197
Halle, M. 166 220 222 224
Halliday, M.A.K. 101 160 225
Harlow, S. 87
Harrison, M.A. 106
Hartvigson, H. 183
Heavy NP Shift 170
Hirst, G. 156 226
Hockett, C. 22 33 44 69 213
Hornstein, N. 97 98
Incremental interpretation 30—32 49 53 64 79 86 90 119 123 130 137 142 209—217
Information theory 33 52
Information theory, redundancy 64 33 213
Interaction 3 23 36—65 127 131 146 188 201—206 209—220
Interactive channels 62 146 210 225
Interactive Determinism Theory 61—66 100 131 146—161 174 208 222
Intersecting dependencies 85 106 146
Isard, S. 28 165 176 177
Itkonen, E. 6
Jackendoff, R. 221 225 226
Jacobson, P. 93
Jakimik, J. 37 64
Johnson, S. 128
Johnson-Laird, P. 23 34 43
Johnstone, A. 59
Kaplan, R.M. 61 144 161
Keenan, E.L. 14 216 218 219
Kimball, J.P. 128 162
King, M. 50
Klein, J. 39 193
Kuno, S. 28 216 219
Ladd, D.R. 160
Lakatos, I. 8
Lakoff, G. 37
Langendoen, D.T. 15 166 186
Lasnik, H. 100
Lea, W. 20
Left-branching 86 89 132 144 166
Lesser, V. 23
Levelt, W.J.M. 8 39 161 171
| Lexicat parser 88 137—173 175 179 181—201 205 224 225
Lexicat parser, checking rules 140 141 147
Lexicat parser, parsing algorithm 143
Lexicat parser, reduction rules 141 147
Liberman, M. 39 159
Lightfoot, D. 7 8 65 72 93 100
Lockhart, R. 29 162
Logical form 20 27 65 71 76 79 83—85 93 130 144 150 208 225
Logical form, LF-PF relationship 225—227
LR(1) parser, finite-state transition network 109 112 116
LR(1) parser, First list 111
LR(1) parser, parse table 113
LR(1) parser, parsing algorithm 113
LR(k) parsing 104 106—117 122 123 125 128 138 153 160 175
LR(k) parsing, handle 109 116
LR(k) parsing, right sentential form 106 109
Makhoul, J. 54
Maling, J. 82 92 218
Mallinson, G. 27 170 215 217 219
Maratsos, M. 162 170
Marcus parsers 118—128 130 131 144—146 162
Marcus parsers, Parsifal parser 118
Marcus parsers, Robie parser 121
Marcus, M.P. 16 33 37 42 44 46 118 121 126 127 144
Marr, D. 4 16 32
Marslen-Wilson, W. 12 24 31 33 37 52 64 194 227
Matthews, P.H. 73
Matthews, R. 6
McClelland, J. 37 227
McCloskey, J. 218
Meaning 19
Mellish, C. 32
Memory limitations 6 27 51 105 142 209 212 214 217
Memory limitations, length effects 27 168 215
Memory limitations, memory load algorithm 161 212
Miller, G. 23 28 162 163 165 166
Milne, R. 40 46 121
Modularity 9 23 51 55 59 63 126 152 153 204 209
Modularity, informational encapsulation 24
Modularity, near decomposability 24
Moore, T. 13 73
Moortgat, M. 88 144
Nativism 14 213 224
Nespor, M. 100 102 175 187 221
Neurophysiology 5 9
No recursion principle 167
Nolan, F. 178
Nooteboom, S. 176
Norris, D.G. 52
Noun compounds 39 132 154 225
Oatley, K. 9
Paccia-Cooper, J. 38 40 43 101 177 187 189 190 206 222
Parsability 104—107
Parsing algorithm 11
Parsing strategies 23 27—30 62 97 120—131 154 168 211 222
Parsing strategies, late attachment 142 149 187 202
Parsing strategies, late closure 29 48 60 179 180 188 198 201
Parsing strategies, local attachment 129
Parsing strategies, minimal attachment 29 48 60 128
Parsing strategies, right association 128 141 198
Parsing, Augmented Transition Network 130 144 161 170
Parsing, bounded-context parsing 123 124 145
Parsing, chart 130
Parsing, deterministic parsing 50 60 72 88 102 104 137 146 216
Parsing, left context 115 123 124 138 145 179 182
Parsing, LR(k) parsing 118
Parsing, right context 115 123 126
Patil, R. 37 155
Pereira, F. 128
Pereira/Shieber parser 128—136 153 160 179—201 205
Pereira/Shieber parser, preterminal delaying 131 132 139
Performance 7 125
Petrick, S.R. 72
Phonology, boundaries 62 66 146—154 159 175—204 222—225
Phonology, metrical 39 102 159
Phonology, phonology-syntax relationship 100—102 168 222—225
Pidgin and creole 10
Pierrehumbert, J. 40
Poggio, T. 4
Pollack, J. 34
Pollard, C. 89
Postal, P. 38 93 96 125
Prince, A. 39 159
Projection Principle 75 78 144
Prosody 47 57 150 159 175—204 215 220—225
Prosody intonation 101 166 225
Prosody phrasing 101 150 159 160 222
Prosody stress 101 150 153 160 176 185 190 224 226
Psychological evidence 11 31
Pullum, G. 38 93 106 125 215
Pulman, S.G. 32 79 86 98 131 166 167 218 224
Radford, A. 67 73 74 97 171
Rayner, K. 60
Reanalysis 61 120 127 172 197 198 201 204 205 212
Reddy, R. 23 54
Reduce-reduce ambiguity 128 141 182 185 187 203 225
Reisbeck, C. 144
Relative clauses 40 133 201 216
Right-branching 85 132 159 166 214 224
Rightward movement 97 215
Ristad, E.S. 82
Ritchie, G. 38 68
Ross, J.R. 14
Schank, R. 72
Schlesinger, I.M. 165
Self-embedding 27 164 166
Selkirk, E.O. 38 100 102 155 160 187 190 221 223 225
Sells, P. 5 73 74
Sentential complement 40 133 185
Shannon, A. 52
Shieber, S. 85 91 102 106 128 130 131 139 142
Shift-reduce ambiguity 107 115 128—136 140—156 171 179—189 202
Signal detection theory 192
Simon, H.A. 24 28
Small, S. 26 68 70 144
Sorenson, J .M. 177
Sperber, D. 27 208 210 227
Standard Theory 8 12
Steedman, M.J. 38 40 45 46 58 85—89 96 137 144 145 205
Subcategorisation 75 89
Subjacency 14 76 123—125
Swinney, D. 19 139 172
System architecture 36—64
System architecture, autonomous serial 50
System architecture, blackboard 54
System architecture, breadth-first, serial 52
System architecture, heterarchical 54
System architecture, on-line interaction 52
System architecture, pipelined 25 49 53 64 162
System architecture, strategies-based 60
Tannenhaus, M. 57That
Thompson, H. 37 142
Tomita, M. 130
Trace Theory 72 93 94 98 99
Transparency condition 125 130 173
Tyler, L. 12 23 24 31 33 52 64
Uhlenbeck, E.M. 89
Ullman, J. 104—107 117 130 131 145
Ultan, R. 215
Unbounded dependencies 38 43 76 91—96 116 123—126 129 145 170—171 186—188 203
Uskoreit, H. 91
Valian, V. 8
Vennemann, T. 217
Vogel, I. 100 102 175 187 221
Waltz, D. 34
Wanna contraction 38 187
Wanner, E. 162 169 170
Warren, P. 45 177—201 222 223
Wasow, T. 96
Weaver, W. 52
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