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Clarke E.M., Grumberg O., Peled D.A. — Model checking
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Íàçâàíèå: Model checking
Àâòîðû: Clarke E.M., Grumberg O., Peled D.A.
Àííîòàöèÿ: Model checking is a technique for verifying finite state concurrent systems such as sequential circuit designs and communication protocols. It has a number of advantages over traditional approaches that are based on simulation, testing, and deductive reasoning. In particular, model checking is automatic and usually quite fast. Also, if the design contains an error, model checking will produce a counterexample that can be used to pinpoint the source of the error. The method, which was awarded the 1998 ACM Paris Kanellakis Award for Theory and Practice, has been used successfully in practice to verify real industrial designs, and companies are beginning to market commercial model checkers.
The main challenge in model checking is dealing with the state space explosion problem. This problem occurs in systems with many components that can interact with each other or systems with data structures that can assume many different values. In such cases the number of global states can be enormous. Researchers have made considerable progress on this problem over the last ten years.
This is the first comprehensive presentation of the theory and practice of model checking. The book, which includes basic as well as state-of-the-art techniques, algorithms, and tools, can be used both as an introduction to the subject and as a reference for researchers.
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Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 04.12.2005
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-calculus 69 97—108
-calculus, complexity 101 103 108
-calculus, CTL translated into 107—108
-calculus, OBDDs 104—107
Abstractions 193—213
Abstractions, approximations, computing 199—202
Abstractions, approximations, exact 202—203
Abstractions, automation 293—294
Abstractions, data abstraction 195—213
Abstractions, examples 204—213
Abstractions, future research on 293—294
Abstractions, infinite families 242—248
Abstractions, introduction to 10
Abstractions, symbolic 210—213
Abstractions, usefulness of 195—196
Accepting, in automata theory 121—122
Action transitions 268
ACTL 31 32
ACTL* 31 32
ACTL*, abstractions 197 202
ACTL*, simulation 177 232
ACTL, abstractions 196
ACTL, bisimulation 178
ACTL, compositional reasoning 186—191
ACTL, tableau construction 180—184 186
Aircraft controller example 259—264
Alternation depth 97 100 108
ALU example 75—77 85—87
Always operator 27
Ample sets 9 143—154
Ample sets, calculation of 144 154—160
Ample sets, selection of 147—151 154—155
Apply algorithm 56—57
assignment statement 21
Assume-guarantee reasoning 10 181 185—186 189—190 see
Asynchronous execution 17
asynchronous systems 8 19—20
atom 43
Atomic transitions 16
Automata theory 121—140
Automata theory, advantages of 123
Automata theory, deterministic automata 127—128
Automata theory, emptiness checking 129—132
Automata theory, finite and infinite words 121—122
Automata theory, generalized automata 128—129
Automata theory, infinite families 245—248
Automata theory, intersection and complementation 124—127
Automata theory, language containment checking 139—140
Automata theory, LTL 125 132—138
Automata theory, nondeterministic automata 127—128
Automata theory, OBDDs 57
Automata theory, on-the-fly model checking 138—139
Automata theory, partial order reduction 167—168
Automata theory, timed automata 265—291
Automatic methods, advantages of xi—xii xiii 3
Automorphisms 216—221
Binary decision diagrams (BDDs) 52—59
Binary decision diagrams, isomorphic 53
Binary decision diagrams, partitioned transition relations 84—85
Binary decision diagrams, transformation rules 53
Binary decision diagrams, usefulness of xiv
Binary decision trees 51—52 240 242
Bisimulation 171—180
Bisimulation, abstractions 194—195 202—203
Bisimulation, largest 179—180
Bisimulation, quotient models 220
Bitwise operations, and abstraction 208—210
BLOCKS 146 226
Boolean attributes 116
boolean formulas 7 see
Bound variables 98
Bounded until operator 255—256
Branching structure 5 6 30
Buechi automata 122 123
Buechi automata, emptiness checking 129—132
Buechi automata, generalized 128—129
Buechi automata, intersection and complementation 124—127
Buechi automata, language containment 139—140
Buechi automata, LTL 132—138
Buechi automata, nondeterministic 127—128
Bus architecture 112—120 see
Busy waiting statement 24
Cache coherence protocol 7—8
Cache coherence protocol, invariants 235—238
Cache coherence protocol, SMV 112—120 235
Cache coherence protocol, symmetry 228—230
Canonical representations 52—53 288—289
Chinese remainder theorem 206
Clock constraints 266—267
Clock regions 274—280
Clock reset operation 281 289
Clock zones 280—291
clocks 266—291
Closed formulas 98
Code regions 109—110
Commutativity 141 144—145 147
Complementation 124—127
Completeness 4 5 6 41 180
Cycle condition 150—151 155 159—160
Cycles, in group theory 216
Data abstraction 195—213
Data abstraction, approximations, computing 199—202
Data abstraction, approximations, exact 202—203
Data abstraction, examples 204—213
Data abstraction, pushing inward 200—202
Deductive verification 2—3 see
Delay transitions 267
Dependability metrics 295
Dependency relation 141 144—145 157
Depth first search (DFS) 129—132 139
Depth first search, partial order reduction 143 147—154 160 168
Design validation, problem of see "Model checking"
Deterministic automata 127—128
Deterministic structures 179 180
Deterministic transitions 109 141
DFS see "Depth first search"
Difference bound matrices 283 287—291
digital circuits 17—20
Directed acyclic graph 52
Disabled transitions 141
Discrete real-time systems 254 255—264 265
Disjunctive partitioning 79 80
Domain of Interpretation 14
Dynamic reordering 54—55
Efficiency, abstractions 197
Efficiency, automata theory 138—139
Efficiency, partial order reduction 143
Efficiency, symbolic model checking 80—87
Elapsing of time operation 281—282 289
embedded systems 2
Emptiness checking, of Buechi automata 129—132
Enabled transitions 141 143—144 147—151 see
Enabledness 144
Entry point, of a statement 20
Equivalences bisimulation see "Bisimulation"
Equivalences language 179—180 232
Equivalences simulation see "Simulation preorder"
Equivalences stuttering 146—154 163—164
Error trace 4 see
Eventuality sequence 43
Eventually operator 27
Exhaustive exploration xi
Exit point, of a statement 20
Explosion see "State explosion"
Failure, probability of 295
Fair bisimulation relation 175
Fair semantics 32
Fair simulation relation 178 186
Fairness 32—33
Fairness constraints 20 32—33 40—41 59
Fairness constraints, bisimulation 171 175 179 180
Fairness constraints, compositional reasoning 186 187
Fairness constraints, simulation 178 186
Fairness constraints, SMV 111
Fairness constraints, symbolic model checking 68—71 72—74 91—95
Finite automaton 121 see
Finite versus infinite state systems 3
Finite words 121—122 see
Fixpoints 61—66
Fixpoints, -calculus 97—108
Fixpoints, fairness constraints 69—70
Fixpoints, future research on 293
Fixpoints, introduction to 7
Flagged node 130
Floyd — Warshall Algorithm 288
Formal verification, need for 1—2 see
Free variables 98
Full symmetric groups 215 226 228
Fully expanded state 147
Futurebus+ standard 7—8
Futurebus+ standard, invariants 235—238
Futurebus+ standard, SMV 112—120 235
Futurebus+ standard, symmetry 228—230
Globally operator 27
Grammars, future research on 294—295
Grammars, infinite families and 238—248
Granularity 16—17
Graph grammars 238—239
Graph isomorphism problem 224—225
Graphs, decomposition into SCCs 36 44
Graphs, encoding techniques 293
Graphs, region 279—280 291
Graphs, tableau construction 42 87—95
Graphs, zone 283—284 289
Greedy algorithm 83 84
Group theory 215—221
guard 165 266
Hashed node 130
ICTL* (indexed CTL*) 231
Independence relation 144—145
Independent events 9
Induction technique 11
Infinite families 231—252
Infinite families, example, Futurebus+ 235—238
Infinite families, example, token ring 232—233 248—252
Infinite families, grammars, graph and network 238—248
Infinite families, invariants 232—238 241—242
Infinite families, temporal logic 231—232
Infinite families, undecidability 231 248—252
Infinite versus finite state systems 3
Infinite words 121—122 see
Initial states 14—15 27 35
Instantaneous transitions 265
Interleaved composition 109
Interleaved execution 17
Interleaving model 9 19 141 142
Internet 2
Intersection operation, automata theory 124—127
Intersection operation, clock zones 281
Intersection operation, difference bound matrices 289
Invariance groups 219—221
Invariant processes 11
Invariant rule 233 241
Invariants, clock constraints 266
Invariants, infinite families 232—238 241—242
Invisibility 145 147 149—150
Kripke structures 13
Kripke structures, -calculus modification 98
Kripke structures, abstractions 196—197 199—200 204
Kripke structures, automata theory 123
Kripke structures, automorphism group 216—221
Kripke structures, CTL* semantics 29
Kripke structures, definition 14
Kripke structures, example 26
Kripke structures, extraction 14—17
Kripke structures, fairness 33
Kripke structures, infinite families 231—232 238—242
Kripke structures, model checking algorithms 35—49
Kripke structures, OBDDs and encoding 51 57—59
Kripke structures, partial order reduction 141
Kripke structures, symbolic model checking 61—95
Labeling transformations 20—23
Language, automata theory 121—122 139—140
Language, equivalence 179—180 232
Language, synchronous 203—204
Leader election algorithm 165—166
Length, of a path 142
Lichtenstein — Pnueli algorithm 42 87
Linear structure 5 6 30
Linear Temporal Logic see "LTL"
Locations, and timed automata 265—291
lock statement 24
Logarithms 208
LTL (Linear Temporal Logic) 5 6 30
LTL, automata theory 125 132—138
LTL, invariants 232
LTL, model checking algorithm 41—46
LTL, partial order reduction 146—154 159 164
LTL, symbolic model checking 87—95
Maximum delay algorithm 257—259
Mean Time Between Failures 295
message exchange 17
Microwave oven example 38—39 47—49
Minimum delay algorithm 257
Model checking problem 35
Model checking, advantages of 1 3 293
Model checking, compared to other methods 2—3
Model checking, future research on 293—295
Model checking, limitations of xiii 1 293
Model checking, need for xi 1—2
Model checking, on-the-fly 138—139
Model checking, process of 4
Model checking, using representatives 141 see
Modeling, as step in model checking 4 13—26
Modeling, as step in model checking, example 24—26
Modeling, as step in model checking, first-order representations 14—16
Modeling, as step in model checking, granularity 16—17
Modeling, as step in model checking, Kripke structure defined 14
Modeling, as step in model checking, types of concurrent systems 17—24
Modular structure 10
Modules, in SMV 109
Monitor task servers 260
Monotonicity of composition 233
Monotonicity, syntactic 98
Moore machine 204
Mutual exclusion 24
Mutual exclusion, SMV 109—112
Negation normal form 132
Network grammars 239—248 295 see
Never claim construct 167
Next state variables 15
Next time operator 27
nodes 130 133
Noncritical region 25 109 111
Nondeterministic Buechi automata 127—128
Nondeterministic structures 179 180
Nondeterministic transitions 109
Nonterminal vertices 51—52
OBDDs see "Ordered binary decision diagrams"
On-the-fly model checking 138—139
On-the-fly model checking, partial order reduction 143 159 164 168
Orbit Problem 224—225
Orbit relation 222—223 226—228
Ordered Binary Decision Diagrams (OBDDs) 51—59
Ordered binary decision diagrams, -calculus 104—107
Ordered binary decision diagrams, abstractions 196 203—204 210—211
Ordered binary decision diagrams, algorithms 66—95
Ordered binary decision diagrams, bisimulation 180
Ordered binary decision diagrams, boolean representation 51 53—57