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Hatch B., Lee J., Kurtz G. — Hacking linux exposed: linux security secrets & solutions |
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"Ping of Death" attack 236—237
"The Cathedral and the Bazaar" 5—6
# (number sign) 208 465
* (asterisk) 441
-DPARANOID option 470
-L option 10
. (period symbol) 251—252 466 467
.cgi extension 431
.htaccess files 321 434—435
.htpasswd file 321
.netrc file 253—254
.rhosts file 324 325 327—328
/etc/dfs/dfstab file 187
/etc/exports file 186—187 319
/etc/group file 9—10 320
/etc/hosts.allow file 109 316—317 324 465 466
/etc/hosts.deny file 109 317 465
/etc/inetd.conf file 57 207—208 330—332 460—465
/etc/issue file 102
/etc/lilo.conf file 164 167 168 172
/etc/passwd file 284—292
/etc/passwd file, "Double-Dot" issue 425
/etc/passwd file, checking integrity of 301—302
/etc/passwd file, described 253
/etc/passwd file, overview 7—8
/etc/passwd file, PAM and 305
/etc/passwd file, password shadowing and 299—302
/etc/passwd file, security and 7—8 320
/etc/passwd file, Sudo tool and 262—263
/etc/profile file 18—19
/etc/rc#.d directories 48
/etc/rc#.d directory 503 506—508
/etc/rc.config file 319
/etc/red directory 319
/etc/red scripts 281—282
/etc/security/limits.conf file 19
/etc/sendmail.cf file 102—103
/etc/shadow file 253 299—305 320—322
/etc/sshd_config file 327—328
/etc/syslog.conf file 37—39
/etc/xinetd.conf file 462—464
/home filesystem 113
/proc filesystem 34
/tmp directory 34
@ (at sign) 467
@loghost target 38
Access agent 370
Access control lists (ACLs) 214—215
AccessFileName directive 434
ACK flag 182
ACK packets 223
ACK scans 96
ACK storms 223
ACLs (access control lists) 214—215
Active stack fingerprinting 103—106
AddHandler directive 431—432 437
Address Resolution Protocol See "ARP"
Advanced Intrusion Detection Environment (AIDE) 52—59
Advanced Package Tool (APT) 496—498
AFS (Andrew File system) 111 113—114 240
Aftpd FTP server 414
AIDE (Advanced Intrusion Detection Environment) 52—59
Aliases 8
Allow transfer statement 85—86
AllowOverride directive 434
America Online (AOL) 456
Andrew File System (AFS) 111 113—114 240
anlpasswd program 311
Anonymous ftp 254 395 413—414
AOL server 456
Apache web server 425—439
Apache web server, CGI and 431—434
Apache web server, configuration of 427—439
Apache web server, directories on 428—432
Apache web server, features 425—426
Apache web server, open source and 5
Apache web server, password files 303—304
Apache web server, proxying 439
Apache web server, security and 426
Apache web server, symbolic links and 427—428
APOP authentication 391
APPEND access 35
Application layer protocols 183—184
applications See "Programs"
APT (Advanced Package Tool) 496—498
apt-get program 497—498
ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) 221—226
ARP spoofing 221—226
ARP tables 221—223
Arpspoof program 226 227
asterisk (*) 441
at sign (@) 467
Atomic functions 272 274
Authentication, host-based 316—323
Authentication, modem connections 185
Authentication, PAM 304—305 345—347
authentication, POP3 255—256
Authentication, Popauth 255—256
Authentication, privileged ports 21
Authentication, rules 344—345
Authorized_keys files 328 329
awk-httpd server 456
back doors 344—351
Back doors, authentication rules 344—345
Back doors, CGIs 350—351
Back doors, IRC 152—153
Back doors, local setXid programs 348—349
Back doors, network access restrictions 344
Back doors, network daemon modifications 347—348
Back doors, network services 344
Back doors, PAM libraries 345—347
backbone routers 219
backslash (\) 450 465
Backticks 454—455
Backups 63 162
Bandwidth 88 89
Banners, FTP 396—398
Banners, mail server 374—376
Banners, network 102—103
Banners, sendmail 102
Banners, SMTP 375 376
Banners, telnet 102
Banners, wu-ftpd 396—398
bash (Bourne Again Shell) 8
bash-httpd server 456
Bastille utility 32—33
Battery, computer 166
Berkeley Internet Name Domain See "BIND"
BestCrypt filesystem 173
BGP (Border Gateway Protocol) 217 219
Binaries, setuserid 270
Binaries, smrsh 380
Binaries, trojaned 138 139 338 350—351
BIND server 81
BIND, cache poisoning 212—216
BIND, described 81
BIND, DNS and 81 212
BIND, versions 81
BIND, zone transfers and 84—86
BIOS C-MOS memory 166
BIOS settings 165—167
Blackholes 66 383
Body, packet 477
Boot access 163—173
boot devices 164—165
Boot disks, precautions 164—165 171—172
Boot disks, starting computer with 62 171—172
boot loader 167
Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) 217 219
Bourne Again Shell (bash) 8
| Bourne shell 8
Brute-force attacks, described 187—188
Brute-force attacks, Netscape browsers and 187—188
Brute-force attacks, passwords 187 197 289 290 298 311
Brute-force attacks, tools for 197
Brute-force attacks, wardialers 185—186
BSD checksum 141—143
buffer overflows 265—267
Buffer overflows in services 200—201
Buffer overflows, described 199—200
Buffer overflows, scripts for 146—147 201—202
Bugs 420
Bugtraq mailing list 71 510
C shell (csh) 8
C string functions 199
C-MOS memory 166
Cache files 212—216
Case studies, extended 513—541
CD-ROMs, removing drives 165 166
CD-ROMs, running programs from 51
CD-ROMs, starting computer with 62 164—165
CD-ROMs, system tools on 351
Certificate authority 232
CFS filesystem 173
CGI (Common Gateway Interface) 439—456
CGI (Common Gateway Interface), Apache web server and 431—434
CGI (Common Gateway Interface), back-door CGIs 350—351
CGI (Common Gateway Interface), execution based on file name 431—432 437
CGI (Common Gateway Interface), insecure configurations 431—434
CGI (Common Gateway Interface), older versions of 432—433
CGI forms, cookies and 448—449
CGI forms, data length 446—447
CGI forms, hidden fields 444—446
CGI forms, missing fields in 442—444
CGI forms, null characters 450—451
CGI forms, pipes 452—455
CGI forms, preprocessing of data 451—452
CGI forms, referer headers 447—448
CGI forms, system calls 452—455
CGI programs, cookies 444 448—449
CGI programs, downloadable 440—442
CGI programs, execution of 431—432 443
CGI programs, filename characters and 449—451
CGI programs, form fields and 442—444
CGI programs, GET method 443
CGI programs, hidden fields 444—488
CGI programs, insecure 442—456
CGI programs, JavaScript preprocessing 451—452
CGI programs, operating system calls 452—455
CGI programs, Perl code problems 443—444
CGI programs, post connections 443
CGI programs, pre-shipped 440—442
CGI programs, problems with 439—456
CGI programs, referer headers 447—448
CGI programs, running as different users 433—434
CGI programs, shipped with web servers 440—442
CGI programs, telnet connections 443
CGI programs, user input and 446—447
CGI programs, web farms 455—456
CGI scanners 440
CGI scripts 440—442
CGI scripts, attacking 531—534
CGI scripts, downloadable 440—442
CGI scripts, pre-shipped 440—442
CGI scripts, running as different users 433—434
CGI scripts, searching for 531
chage command 302—303 311—312
Channels 391—392
Chargen service 202—203 233
Chassis locks 166
chattr +i command 282 351
chattr +i databasename command 51
chattr command 16—17 173
Checkpoint 486
checksums 49—50
Checksums, algorithms 56—57
Checksums, BSD checksum 141—143
Checksums, comparing 141—142
Checksums, CRC checksums 54
Checksums, CRC32 checksum 56
Checksums, cryptographic checksum 141—144
Checksums, described 47
Checksums, file checksum 141—142
Checksums, MD5 checksum 47 56 141 143
Checksums, System V checksum 141—143
Checksums, verifying 63
chkconfig program 504—505
chklastlog program 61
Chkrootkit 365
chkwtmp program 61
chmod command 12—13 263
chown command 264 278
chown() system call 278
chroot jails 139
Cisco Pix packet filter 486
Cisco routers 218
Cisco switches 523—525
Cleartext, email 387—389
Cleartext, FTP protocol 394-395
Cleartext, passwords 253—256 389—391 394—395
Cleartext, SMTP 387—389
Cleartext, usernames 394—395
Clients, FTP client 412—413
Clients, IRC client 152
Clients, netcat client 537—538
Clients, rsh client 21
Clients, SSH client 21 228—229
Clients, telnet client 184
Clients, Xftp FTP client 405 407
COAST project 51—52
Coda 240
Code on FTP sites 139—140
Code, comparing versions 140—141
Code, Linux kernel 359
code, Perl 443—444 447
Code, reviewing 140—141
Code, Trojaned 138—144
command lines 256—257
commands, chage 302—303 311—312
Commands, chattr 16—17 173
Commands, chattr +i 282 351
Commands, chattr +i databasename 51
commands, chmod 12—13 263
commands, chown 264 278
Commands, command lines 256—257
Commands, cpio 264
Commands, dpkg 495—497
Commands, edquota 17
Commands, EXPN 377 379
Commands, find 25 410
Commands, gpasswd 303
Commands, groupadd 303
Commands, groupdel 303
Commands, groupmod 303
Commands, host 82—86
Commands, htpasswd 304
Commands, ifconfig 27—28
Commands, killall 20—21
Commands, LIST 398—399 408
commands, ls 10 251 393
Commands, lsattr 16—17
Commands, lsmod 352—353
commands, mkdir 273—274
commands, mount 186—187 264 269—270
commands, netstat 203—206
commands, passwd 260—261 303
Commands, PASV 394 399 401—404
commands, ping 78
commands, port 398—401 408 409 412
commands, ps 319
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