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Mario Bunge — Foundations of Physics |
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü |
44—45 209
44—45 48
Absolute 190 203
abstract 21
Action at a distance 179—182
Action principle see "Variational principle"
Aether 197
Analogy 68 251 259 269—270 272 290
Analysis, conceptual 1—2 16 31 209
Analysis, dimensional 38
Antecedence principle 87 173 176
Apparatus, general purpose 277
Appearance 193 194 204
Assumption 41—44
Assumption, constitutive 86
Assumption, heuristic 86
Assumption, initial 52 see
Axiom 53 64
Axiom, base 53 63
Axiom, semantical 66
Axiomatics, physical 61—70 238
Axiomatization 2
Axiomatization, advantages of 68—70 296
Background, formal 62 85
Background, material 62 85
Boolean algebra 111
Born’s stochastic interpretation 252—254 262
Calculus 72 see
Calculus of deductive systems 53
Causality 20 87 100 190 191 206 249 see
Certainty 255
Chronology 93—100
Closure, semantical 61
Complementarity, "principle” 235 241 266 289 291
Completeness 64
Concept 12—13
Concept, essential 69 see
Concept, formal 21
Concept, nonformal 21
Concept, observational 72 76
Concept, technical 62
Concept, theoretical 27 72
Confirmation 82—83 231
Connectedness, conceptual 60—61
Connective 14—15
Conservation law 47—51. 229 268
Conservation-like equation 47—48 229
Conservative system 48—49
Consistency, external 59—60 73 240
Consistency, internal 59
Consistency, semantical 236
Constant, physical 34—35 252
Constitutive equation 42 154 177—178 181
Constraint 42 154
Construct 36 see "Hypothesis" "Theory"
Contiguity principles 87
Conventions in physics 39—40
Convergence, uniform 86
Coordinate system 103—105 163 215—216 230
Coordinate system, intrinsic 216
Coordinate system, physically admissible 215
Coordinate, geometrical 103—104 130 223
Coordinate, physical 104 130
Coordinate, transformation 104 215 219 221 231
Correspondence, principle 59—60 240
Correspondence, rule 72 see "Semantical
Cosmology 128 159
Covariance 87—88
Covariance, general 170 213—218 219
Covariance, Lorentz 170 190—191
Covariance, manifest 191 197
Coverage of a theory 82—83
Criticism 6 74 237
DATA 41 52 53 71 77 78 80 105 233—234
Deduction 72
Definition 15 31 32 39 133 168 170
Definition, operational 22 209
Description, definite 14
Designation 19—20
Designation, rule 19
Determinacy 81
Determinism 81 291
Ehrenfest theorems 273
Electromagnetism, classical 75 159—183 205
Empiricism 18 32 44
Energy 201
Entailment 17 52
Epistemology 4
Equipresence principle 88
Equivalence "principles” 208—212 231 232
Event 185—186 192 206
evidence 77
Experiment 72—73 76—78 281
Explanation 70 78—80
Explanation, interpretive 79
Explanation, subsumptive 79
Expression 9
Extension 23—24 32 66
Fact 71
Field material 158
Field sources 173—174
Field theory 81 84 122 127—128 157—182
Field, advanced 173—174
Field, pure 158
force 134—135 137 140 200
Formalism 55—56
Formation rule 10
Foundation, axiomatic 63
Foundations research 1—8
Frame transformation 104 150
Frequency, statistical 91—92
Function, designating 13
Function, prepositional 13
Gauge transformation 168—169» 271
Gedankenexperiment 277
General systems theory 108—127
Geometrodynamics 220 225
Geometry, physical 101—108 225
Grammar 10
Heuristic clue 62 297
Heuristic clue in GR 208—218
Heuristic clue in QM 239—241
Heuristic clue in SR 183
Hidden variable 291—292
Homogeneity, semantical 61
Hypothesis 41—51
Hypothesis, comprehensive 42—43
Hypothesis, essential 62 See
Hypothesis, existential 59
Hypothesis, philosophical 59
Hypothesis, semantical 66
Hypothesis, special 41—42
Hypothesis, subsidiary 42
Hypothetico-deductive system 51 see
Independence of concepts 60 225
Independence of concepts, logical 60
Independence of concepts, mathematical 60
Independence of concepts, semantical 60
Independence of postulates 60
Indeterminacy 260 291—292
Indeterminism 267
INDEX 74 see also "Objectifier"
Indicator 33 28l—282 see
Induction 6 44—45
Inertial frame in CEM 164
Inertial frame in CM 136 151
Inertial frame in GR 231
| Inertial frame in SR 182—183 188
Intension 24 32 66
Inter-theory relation 53
Interpretation 55—56 66—67 90—91
Interpretation procedures 67—68
Interpretation, empirical 68
Invariance, Lorentz 190 202
Invariance, Lorentz, of form 214—215
Invariance, Lorentz, scale-and-unit 39
Invariant 190 219—220
Language 9—11
Language, object 19
Language, physical 9—10
Law statement 43—51 80
Law statement, basic 213 216
Law statement, derived 213
localization 266 272
Logic 4 11—18 93
Logic, nonclassical 18 S3 241
Logic, quantum 241 294—295
Lorentz transformation 189—190
Mach principle 134 226
Macroelectromagnetism, phenomenological 177—178
Macroelectromagnetism, representational 178—179
Magnitude 30—40
Magnitude, extensive 34
Magnitude, intensive 34
MAP 31
Mass 128 133—134 140 200 260
Mass, gravitational 208—210
Mass, inertial 208—210
Material indifference principle 88
Matter 201
Maxwell’s equations 164—171
Meaning 25—28 66—67 141 163 227 296
Meaning, physical 26—27 48 49 56—59 96 168 237
Meaning, shift of 61
Meaning, verifiability theory of 57 237
Measurability 36—37 58—59
Measurement 45 100 204 211 232—233
Measurement in QM 243 248 250 263 267 274—287
Measurement of distance 106—107
Measurement of mass 209
Measurement of space-time intervals 234
Measurement of time 99
Measurement, theory 77 234 274—287
Mechanics, classical 38 125 126 127—157
Mechanics, classical, relation to QM 287—289
Mechanics, continuum 143—159
Mechanics, Mach’s interpretation of 128
Mechanics, particle 123 129—142 155 199
Mechanics, relativistic 198—200
Mechanics, statistical 128 143 157
Mechanism 128 159
Mereology 112
Metalanguage 19
Metanomological statement 19 213
Metaphor 289 see
Metastatement 19
Metatheory 54
Microelectromagnetism 161—174
Model of abstract theory 55—56
Model of thing 20 23
Model, conceptual 56
Model, factual 56 90—91 102—103 192
modus ponens 17
Modus Tollens 17
Natural philosophy movement 129 144
Noether’s theorems 47 49 120
Null individual 110
Object, abstract 21
Object, conceptual 20
Object, physical 20—23
Objectifier 33 74—76
Objectivity 35—36 105 203 214 292—293
Observable 37 71 105
Observable in GR 220
Observable in QM 236—240 243—244 292
Observer 27 50—51 88 100 104 170 183 185 203—204 211 214 236—237 247 278—279 293
Ontology 4
Operationalism 8 27 141 158 163 165 179—180 183 203—204 208—209 214 223 238 240 248 263 267
Optics 65 171 198
Originality 83
Part-whole relation 109 111
Pattern 44
Perturbation theory 49
Phenomenalism 204
Phenomenon 44 204
Philosophy 4 7—8 74 83—85 156 237—238 297
Possibility 32 44
Predicate 12
Predicate calculus 18
Predicate, experimental 33
Predicate, observational 36
Predicate, physical 30—40
Predicate, theoretical 33
Prediction 80—83 142 276
Predictive performance 82
Presupposition 85
Presupposition, philosophical 1
Primitive base 62—63
Primitive concept 2 15 60 62 168 170
probability 18 89—93 241 273 293
Probability, operations research 263
Probability, physical 90—93 253 263
Probability, propensity interpretation 90 93 244 254
Product, physical 109—110 177
Propensity 70—71
Proposition 13
Protophysics 62 85—127
Quantifiers 13
Quantization 264
Quanton 235 246
Quantum theory 18 49 61 67 81 99 100 157 159 235—296
Quantum theory, orthodox interpretation of 236—239
Randomness 81
Rationalism 41
Realism 44 58 204
reality 58—59 129
Reduction of wave packet 283—284 293
Reference 20—23 57 60
Reference, assumption 20
Reference, class 58
Reference, external 21 36
Reference, frame 96 103—105 185 215—216
Reference, immediate 22—23
Reference, mediate 22—23
Reference, relation 20
Referent 202
Referent, hypothetical 58
Referent, immediate 23
Referent, mediate 23
Referition 22 39 103
Relational structure 52
relative 202—203
Relativity of distance 192—193
Relativity of duration 194
Relativity of simultaneity 187—188
Relativity, classical 86—-87
Relativity, general 207—234
Relativity, principle 183 213
Relativity, special 182—207
Relativization technique 195—196 232
Scale-cum-unit system 31 38—39
Scrutability 57 74
Semantics 4 18—29
Sentential function 11
Simultaneity 187—188
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