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Trice Boerens, Debra Wells, Gloria Judson &Terrece Beesley — Cross - Stitch in Blue and White
Trice Boerens, Debra Wells, Gloria Judson &Terrece Beesley — Cross - Stitch in Blue and White

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Название: Cross - Stitch in Blue and White

Авторы: Trice Boerens, Debra Wells, Gloria Judson &Terrece Beesley


Cross – Stitch in Blue & White is a peek into the sketchbooks of four talented artists. Each of these women shares her own creativity, individual style and emotions through an array of blue and white designs.
Stitchers are invited to peer into each artist's well of inspiration and to be carried away in the flow of the creative juices that pour out into a smooth combination of four styles, reflected in 37 different pieces — all designed and stitched in various shades of blue and white.
It would seem that creating with only two colors would prove limiting to the designer. However, the pieces presented communicate a wide range of feelings to which the color blue is often referred. Images spring into our mind when we hear phrases such as “true – blue”, “blue eyes”, “baby – blue”, “out of the blue”, “skies of blue”, “deep – blue”, “blue – blooded”, “blue jeans”, “singing the blues”, “blue ribbon”—even “turning blue”. Each of these conjures up a completely different mood and message. Expression is the goal of each artist.
Trice Boerens begins with fanciful and delicate designs. Next, the stitcher moves to the realistic, comforting compositions of Debra Wells and is then introduced to a decidedly different theme which is cast in the work of Gloria Judson, the third artist. Her style and use of colors are bold and stylized with a feel for the country. Terrece Beesley winds up the tour with rich designs that use an intricate variety of colors—all of them shades of blue.
From classic, to contemporary, to country. Cross-Stitch in Blue & White is certain to have the piece that will best express your own mood—whether as exuberant as “blue skies” or as somber as “the blues”.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Своими руками/

Статус предметного указателя: Неизвестно

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Год издания: 1995

Количество страниц: 144

Добавлена в каталог: 17.11.2011

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