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Lieberherr K. — Adaptive object-oriented software. The Demetr method
Lieberherr K. — Adaptive object-oriented software. The Demetr method

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Название: Adaptive object-oriented software. The Demetr method

Автор: Lieberherr K.


This book presents a complete, well-designed methodology for adaptive programming in C++ and tools for supporting the methodology. And because the methodology is programming-language independent, any programmer interested in writing cleaner, more flexible OBJECT-ORIENTED code should read this book.
We hope the work presented in this book will become one of the building blocks for a new trend in object-oriented programming, moving beyond object encapsulation to provide new abstraction tools for the interaction among objects.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Computer science/Языки программирования/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1996

Количество страниц: 617

Добавлена в каталог: 22.11.2005

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Предметный указатель
Function member      533
Function member, public      153
functional decomposition      405
Functional dependency      396
Functional programming      25
Fusion Method      253
Gamma, Erich      481
Garey, Michael      402
Garlan, David      106 109 110
Generic operation      26 34
German, Steve      402
Gibbs, Simon      454
Gill, Helen      xxxv
Goldberg, Adele      38
Goldberg, Andrew      xxxi 379
Graham, Susan      106
Grammar      363
Grammar, ambiguous      527
Grammar, context-free      511
Grammar-based programming      25
Graph      466 570
Graph algorithm      212
Graphical representation, class dictionary graph      120 123 142
Growth plan      155 237 405 489 500 501 554
Hailpern, Brent      xxxv
Harrison, William      110 480
Helm, Richard      481
Henderson-Sellers, Brian      428
Hewitt, Carl      38
History, Demeter Project      xxxi
History, software development      97
Hoare, Charles Anthony Richard      167
Holland, Ian      xxxv
Homework assignments      542
Hook to class dictionary      202
Hop croft, John      541
Hot-spot-driven approach      110
Huersch, Walter      xxxv
Huet, Gerard      166
Hull, Richard      166
implementation      407
Implicit case analysis      394
Inconsistent, avoid      264 269
Inconsistent, overlap with subclass invariant      269
Incremental inheritance      245 570
Incremental inheritance, rule      570
Induction      149
Inductive      382 489 507 508 523 570
Information loss      183 570 see
Information loss, propagation directive      262
Information restriction      204
inheritance      25 31 153 498
Inheritance edge      171 571
Inheritance restriction      269
Inheritance, incremental      239 245 279 282
Inheritance, overriding      237 245 279
Instance      33 571
Instance variable      28
Instantiate, knowledge path by object path      537
Intentional programming      107
INTERFACE      571
Internet, access to Demeter Tools      589
Inventor’s paradox      xxv 80 88 391 475
Ito, Robert      166
Jacobson, Ivar      xxv 105 428
Johnson, David      402
Johnson, Ralph      106 481
Join      181 189 571
Join, propagation directive      192
Join, propagation graph      190
Judgement      472
Keszenheimer, Linda      xxxv
Key      396
Kiczales, Gregor      3 108 481
Kifer, Michael      480
Kim, Won      480
King, Roger      166
Kleene’s theorem for digraphs      199
Knowledge path      176 177 282 324 498 499 535 571
Knowledge path, completion      538
Knowledge path, instantiation      535
Knowledge path, traversals      535
Knudsen, Svend      xxxi
Label      144 147 466
Laboratory Guide      589
LaLonde, Wilf      39
Lamping, John      481
Lang, Bernard      166
Language      361 362 514 516 571
Language implementation      225
Law of Demeter      202 481 565
Law of Demeter for classes      383 508
Law of Demeter, adaptive programming      202
Law of Demeter, classes      382
Learning class dictionary graph      120
Left-recursion      371 see "Inductive"
Legal object      149 490
Lippman, Stanley      xxix
Liu, Linling      109
LL(1) conditions      365 369 398 517 527 565 see
LL(1) conditions, implications      521
LL(1) conditions, Rule 1      519
LL(1) conditions, Rule 2      520
Loose coupling      78 169
Lopes, Cristina      xxxv
Madsen, Ole Lehrmann      167
Make-instance      31
Malhotra, Ashok      xxxv
Markowitz, Victor      480
Match      571
McQuilken, George      xxxvii
Meal      359
Meal example      136
Meier, David      166
Meier, Linus      xxxv
Mellor, Stephen      428
memory leakage      244
MERGE      189 571
Merge and inconsistency      183
Merge, propagation directive      192
Merge, propagation graph      190
MetaSize      186
method      24 28 571
Method combination      239 241
Method resolution      571
Metric class dictionary graph      386
Metric Dep      237
Metric dependency      170
Metric structure-shyness      490
Meyer, Bertrand      482
Minimize, alternation edges      388
Minimize, class dictionary graph      389
Minimize, construction edges      387
Minsky, Marvin      379
Modularity      24 30 395
Modula—2      393
multiple inheritance      32 239 241 572
naming      393
NEW      31
Nierstrasz, Oscar      454
Nonambiguous      372
Nonterminal symbol      514
Norgaard, Claus      167
Normalization      396
Notation, role expressiveness, LL(1) conditions      398
Notation, viscosity      398
NP-hard, class dictionary minimization      389
NP-hard, propagation directive minimization      491
Object      149 150 572
Object definition, declarative      514
Object definition, imperative      514
Object graph      469 504 see
Object graph, class dictionary graph slice      502
Object graph, syntax      531
Object graph, textual notation      506
Object graph, translation      535
Object Management Group      34
Object, building under program control      244
Object, circular      384
Object, creation      572
Object, destruction      572
Object, essential information      358
Object, graph      149
Object, path      536
Object, print      361
Object, reference      572
Object, size      152 490
Object, state      28
Object, transportation      309
Object, traversal      256
Object, tree      364
Object-equivalent      277 386 469 572
Objective-C      xxviii
OMT Method      253
Operation      10 24 572
Operation name      572
Operation, deferred      29
Operational semantics      472
Operational semantics, propagation pattern      255
Operational semantics, target language      473
Optional construction edge      90 147 572
Optional repetition edge      147 572
Ossher, Harold      xxxv 110 480
Overloading      30
Override method      32
Overriding inheritance      245 572
Palsberg, Jens      xxxv 197 468 492
Parameter passing mode      312 573
Parameterization      88 391
Parameterization, explicit      84
Parameterized class      156 529 573
Parnas, David      81
parse      363 364 521 523 525
Parse, bijection      524
Parse, halting property      524
Parse, recursive descent      365
Parse, train analogy      366
Parsing a sentence      573
Part      573
Part variable      28
PartCluster      410 504
PARTS      503
Parts-centered design      158
Partsch, Helmut      166
Pascal      394
Path      457 467
Path instantiation      536
Path set      182 471
Path set, map to graph      474
Path, constraint satisfaction      276
Path, in object graph      505
Path, knowledge, completed      273
Path, prematurely terminated      459
Path, requirements      536
Patt-Shamir, Boaz      xxxv 494
Pattern, Adaptive Visitor      426
Pattern, Builder      427
Pattern, Composite      425 481
Pattern, Interpreter      427
Pattern, Iterator      427
Pattern, prototype      244
Pattern, Visitor      425 481
Persistent object      575 see
Polya, George      80
Pree, Wolfgang      110
Prefix expression      33
Prefix wrapper      573
Prematurely terminated path      273 459
print      361 362 516 521
Print, bijection      371 522
Printing an object      573
Problem decomposition      415
PROLOG      394
Proof system      472 474 496
Proof system, soundness      466
propagate      574
Propagate operator      182 474
Propagation directive      57 89 129 178 574
Propagation directive, applications      169
Propagation directive, cardinality constraint      228
Propagation directive, compatible      182
Propagation directive, compatible, class dictionary graph      470
Propagation directive, consistent      183 262
Propagation directive, consistent, class dictionary graph      461 475
Propagation directive, design tradeoff      188
Propagation directive, evolution      187
Propagation directive, expression      192 574
Propagation directive, finding it      185
Propagation directive, high-level interpretation      182 475
Propagation directive, information loss      183
Propagation directive, join      192
Propagation directive, join and inconsistency      183
Propagation directive, low-level interpretation      182 475
Propagation directive, merge      192
Propagation directive, merge and inconsistency      183
Propagation directive, path constraint      228
Propagation directive, satisfaction      272
Propagation directive, shortcut violation      183
Propagation directive, subclass invariance restriction      183
Propagation directive, testing      188 492
Propagation directive, zigzag violation      183
Propagation graph      57 92 169 178 182 459 474 574
Propagation graph, examples      182
Propagation object      256
Propagation pattern      88 89 116 207 255 574
Propagation pattern, design      234 237
Propagation pattern, implementation      207 285
Propagation pattern, operational semantics      255
Propagation pattern, reader      243
Propagation pattern, robustness      277
Propagation pattern, sentence      359
Propagation pattern, simulate multiple inheritance      239
Propagation pattern, with return type      293
Propagation pattern, with traversal directive      255
Propagation pattern, without traversal directive      255
Propagation pattern, writer      243
Propagation restriction      261
Propagation vertex      256
Prototype      25
Pugh, John      39
Questions      590
Quick Reference Guide      578
Reachable      511
Reducible flow graphs      494
Redundant part      389
Redundant program      207
Referential integrity      574
Refinement of propagation directives      486
Regular expression      199 457
Regular set      199
Regularity      393
Reif, John      494
Relation, has-a      135
Relation, is-a      135
Relation-valued variable      89 574
Repetition class      90 123 140 147 361 365
Repetition class, simulate      530
Repetition edge      90 123 142 147 574
Repetition vertex      575 see
Representative class graph      487 493
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