Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Michalewicz Z. — Genetic algorithms + data structures = evolution programs |
Предметный указатель |
Optimal control, linear-quadratic problem 109 113 114
Optimal control, push-cart problem 110 113 115
Orgies 91
Padberg, M. 235
Paechter, B. 247
Pallet loading problem 265
Palmer, C.C. 261
Parallel genetic algorithm 333
Parallel hybrid GAs 333
Parallel island models 333
Paredis, J. 153 327 332
Pareto-optimal points 171
Parity check 284
Partitioning 247
Path planning 253
Patnaik, L.M. 119
Penalty functions 321
Petruic, M. 247
Phenotype 15
Pitt approach 269 274
Population, average fitness 48
Population, diversity 58
Population, initialization of 17 20 34 310
Population, reinitialization 174
Population, size 34 72
Powell, D. 144 319
Premature convergence 57 58
Principe, J.C. 68
Prisoner's Dilemma 22
Pruefer numbers 262
Radcliffe, N.J. vii 293
Random keys 152
Random search 15
Rawlins, G. 243
Rechenberg, I. 1 159 161
Reitman, J.S. 269
Renders, J.-M. 91
Repair algorithms 25 320
Reproductive scheme growth equation 48 51 52
Reynolds, R.G. 154
Richardson, J. 168
Ridella, S. 176
Rinaldi, G. 235
Ronald, E. 309
Royal road functions 331
Saitta, L. 281
Scaling, linear 65
Scaling, power law 66
Scaling, sigma truncation 65 67
Scaling, window 67
Scatter search 1 91 175 311
Schaffer, J.D. 58 89 172
Scheduling 15 239
Schema 45
Schema theorem 53
Schema, defining length 46
Schema, fitness 47
Schema, order of 46
Schoenauer, M. 142 324
Schraudolph, N. 93 174 295
Schwefel, H.-P. 1 16 159 161 163 297 336
Search space 312—314
Segrest, P. 68
Selection 34
Selection, crowding factor model 58 59
Selection, deterministic sampling 59
Selection, dynamic 61
| Selection, elitist expected value model 59
Selection, elitist model 59 61
Selection, expected value model 59
Selection, extinctive 61
Selection, generational 61
Selection, importance of 58
Selection, preservative 61
selection, ranking 59
Selection, ranking, linear 60
Selection, ranking, nonlinear 60
Selection, remainder stochastic sampling 59
Selection, roulette wheel 34
Selection, seduction 309
Selection, serial 174
Selection, static 61
Selection, stochastic universal sampling 59 100
Selection, tournament 61
Selective pressure 58
Self-adapting systems 331
Seniw, D. 223 227
Set covering problem 263
Shaefer, C.G. 175 331
Simulated annealing 16 26 28 68
Skolnick, M.M. 144 319
Smith, A. 151
Smith, R.E. 72
Smith, S.F. 275 276
Solutions, feasible 312
Solutions, infeasible 312
Spears, W.M. 89 90 170 316
Species formation 168
Srinivas, M. 119
Srinivas, N. 172
Starkweather, T. 221
Steele, J.M. 236
Steenstrup, M. 4
Steiner tree 263
Strategic oscillation 325
Surry, P.D. 153
Svirezhev, Yu.M. 14
Symbolic empirical learning 267
Syswerda, G. 90 219 242 244
Tabu search 175
Tate, D. 151
termination condition 67
Timetable problem 246
Transportation problem 15 181 198 293
Transportation problem, balanced 182
Transportation problem, linear 181
Transportation problem, nonlinear 196
Traveling salesman problem 6 13 15 25 209
Traveling salesman problem, adjacency representation 212
Traveling salesman problem, binary matrix representation 223 227 231
Traveling salesman problem, ordinal representation 214
Traveling salesman problem, path representation 216
Valenzuela, C.L. 236
Van Hee, K.M. 68
Variable valued logic system 268
Vega 172
VLSI design 13
Voigt, H.-M. 91
von Tschermak, K. 14
Warrington, S. 245
Whitley, D. 58 93 173 221 333
Wire routing 15
Wong, K.C. 15
Xanthakis, S. 142 324
Xiao, J. 319
Yagiura, Y. 265
Yao, X. 25
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