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Kirk D. — Graphics gems (Vol. 3)
Kirk D. — Graphics gems (Vol. 3)

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Название: Graphics gems (Vol. 3)

Автор: Kirk D.


This sequel to Graphics Gems (Academic Press, 1990), and Graphics Gems II (Academic Press, 1991) is a practical collection of computer graphics programming tools and techniques. Graphics Gems III contains a larger percentage of gems related to modeling and rendering, particularly lighting and shading. This new edition also covers image processing, numerical and programming techniques, modeling and transformations, 2D and 3D geometry and algorithms,ray tracing and radiosity, rendering, and more clever new tools and tricks for graphics programming. Volume III also includes a disk containing source codes for either the IBM or Mac versions featuring all code from Volumes I, II, and III.
Author David Kirk lends his expertise to the Graphics Gems series in Volume III with his far-reaching knowledge of modeling and rendering, specifically focusing on the areas of lighting and shading. Volume III includes a disk containing source codes for both the IBM and Mac versions featuring all code from volumes I, II, and III. Graphics Gems I, II, and III are sourcebooks of ideas for graphics programmers. They also serve as toolboxes full of useful tricks and techniques for novice programmers and graphics experts alike. Each volume reflects the personality and particular interests of its respective editor.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Computer science/Вычислительная геометрия/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1995

Количество страниц: 410

Добавлена в каталог: 18.11.2005

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
2, 1/2-D Depth-of-field simulation, computer animation      36—38
2, 1/2-D depth—of—field simulation for computer animation      36—38
Affme transformation, decomposing      116
Affme transformation, unit circle inscribed in square      170
Alternating Bresenham edge-calculator      350—351
Angles, not uniform      128—129
Animation 2, 1/2-D depth-of-field simulation      36—38
Anti-aliasing, combining spatial and temporal      376—378
Anti-aliasing, edge and bit—mask calculations      345—354
Anti-aliasing, triangular pixels      369—373
Apollonius problem solution      203—209
Apollonius problem, solution      203—209
Bartlett filter      13 15
Beta function, integral form      150—151
Bezier curves, interpolation using      133—136
Bezier curves,implementation      136
Bezier curves,numeric solution      134
Bezier curves,symbolic solution      134—135
Bezier triangles, conversion to rectangular patches      256—261
Binary space partitioning tree      226
Binary space partitioning tree, ray tracing with      271—274
Bit-mask calculations      352—354
Bitmap, black—and—white, compositing      34—35
Bitmap, scaling operations, optimization      17—19
Bitmap, stretching      4—7
Black-and-white bitmaps, compositing      34—35
Boundary generator, composited regions      39—43
Bounding volume algorithm, linear-time      301—306
Bounding volume algorithm, worst case      302
Bounding volumes, cone      297
Bounding volumes, cube      295—296
Bounding volumes, cylinder      296—297
Bounding volumes, linear-time simple      301—306
Bounding volumes, polygon      296
Bounding volumes, rectangular, primitives      295—300
Bounding volumes, sphere      298—299
Bounding volumes, torus      299
Box filter      13 15
Box, Euhn's triangulation      246—247 252—253
Bresenham line drawing algorithm      4—5
C Header file      393—395
Center of mass, superquadrics      139
Change-of-focus simulation      38
Circle clipping algorithm      182—187
Circular arc fillet, joining two lines      193—198
Color reduction filter      20—22
Color rendering, linear      343—348
Compact cubes      24—28
Compact isocontours      23—28
Compact isocontours, compact cubes      24—28
Compact isocontours, cube-based contouring      23—24
Composited regions, boundary generator      39—43
Compositing stage      37
Cone, bounding volume      297
Conjugate diameters      169—171
Connection algorithm 2-D drawing      173—181
Connection algorithm 2-D drawing, definitions      173—174
Connection algorithm 2-D drawing, overcrossing correction      179—180
Connection algorithm 2-D drawing, translate and rotate algorithm      174—179
Coplanar sets, of nearly coplanar polygons      225—230
Cross product, in four dimensions and beyond      84—88
Cube, bounding volume      295—296
Cube, intersection with triangle      236—239
Cube-based contouring      23—24
Cubic B-spline      14—15
Cubic tetrahedral algorithm, delta form-factor calculation      324—328
Cubic triangles, conversion to rectangular patches      260—261
Cumulative transformation matrix      295
Curve tessellation criteria      262—265
Cyclic sequences, fast generation      67—76
Cyclic sequences, fast generation, N=1      74—75
Cyclic sequences, fast generation, N=2      67—68
Cyclic sequences, fast generation, N=24      75—76
Cyclic sequences, fast generation, N=3      68—70
Cyclic sequences, fast generation, N=6 derivation      71—73
Cyclic sequences, fast generation, N=6 triggering      73—74
Cylinder, bounding volume      296—297
Cylindrical equirectangular projection      289
Darklights      366—368
Decision tree      176—177
Delta form factor, calculation, cubic tetrahedral algorithm      324—328
Density, superquadrics      139—140
Depth of field      36
Destination pixel, contributors to      12
Diameters, conjugate      169—171
Digital generation, sinusoids      167—169
Dimensional extent, overlap testing      240—243
Direct lighting, distribution ray tracing      307—313
Distribution check      131—132
Distribution ray tracing, direct lighting      307—313
Edge calculations, anti-aliasing      345—354
Ellipsoids, "inside—outside" function      148
Ellipsoids, equation      276
Ellipsoids, normal vectors      148
Ellipsoids, parametric surface functions      147
Ellipsoids, shells      154—157
Ellipsoids, superquadric inertia tensor      140—144
Ellipsoids, volume      140
Elliptical arc, parametric      see “Parametric elliptical arc”
Elliptical cone, equation      277
Elliptical cylinder, equation      276
Elliptical hyperboloid, equation      277
Elliptical paraboloid, equation      277
Energy balance criterion      320
Euclidean dimensions, four      58—59
Exact computation of 2—D intersections      188—192
Face-connected line segment generation, n-dimensional space      89—91
Fast memory allocator      49—50
Feuerbach circle      215—218
Filter post-processing stage      37
Filtered image rescaling      8—16
Filtered image rescaling, magnification      9
Filtered image rescaling, minification      9—11
First decomposition algorithm      99—100
Form factor, accurate computation      329—333
Form factor, vertex-to-vertex      318—323
Gamma function, computation      151—152
Gaussians, uniform rotations from      129
Gouraud renderer      345—347
Gram — Schmidt orthogonalization procedure      108—109
Gram — Schmidt orthogonalization procedure, modified      112—113 116
Graphics workstations, motion blur      374—382
Gridded sampling, progressive image refinement      358—361
Group theory of infinitesimal rotations      56—57
Haar test      125
Half-open intervals, polygon scan conversion      362—365
Hash tag      386—387
Hemicube algorithm      324
Hemispherical projection, triangle      314—317
Hidden-surface removal stage      37
Householder matrix      118
Hyperface      89—91
Hyperlattice      89—90
Hypervoxel      89
IEEE fast square root      48
Image processing      3
Image processing, bitmap scaling operation optimization      17—19
Image processing, color reduction filter      20—22
Image processing, compact isocontours      23—28
Image processing, compositing black-and-white bitmaps      34—35
Image processing, fast bitmap stretching      4—7 411
Image processing, fast boundary generator, composited regions      39—43
Image processing, filtered image rescaling      8—16
Image processing, isovalue contours from pixmap      29—33
Image refinement, progressive, gridded sampling      358—361
Image rescaling, filtered      8—16
Importance sampling      309
Inclusion isotony      64
Inertia tensor, superquadric      140—115 153
Inertia tensor, world coordinates      145
Infinitesimal rotations, group theory      56—57
Interlace artifacts, reduction      378—379
Interlacing      376
Interpolation, linear vs. splined      122
Interpolation, logarithmic space      121
Interpolation, quaternion, with extra spins      96—97 461
Interpolation, using Bezier curves      133—136 468
Intersection, line segment      199—202
Intersection, plane-to-plane      233—236
Intersection, ray with quadric surface      275—283
Intersection, triangle-cube      236—239
Intersection, two-dimensional, exact computation      188—192
Interval arithmetic      61—66
Irradiance      319—320
Isovalue contours, from pixmap      29—33
Jacobian matrix      155 158
Kuhn's triangulation, box      246—247 252—253
Lanczos filter      14 16
Lighting computations      226
Line equation      190
Line segment, face connected, generation in n-dimensional space      89—91
Line segment, intersection      199—202
Line subsegment      189
Linear color rendering      343—348
Linear interpolation      122
Linear transformations, nonsingular, decomposing      108—112
Linear transformations, singular, decomposing      112—116
Lines, joining two with circular arc fillet      193—198
Lissajous figure      166
Logarithmic space, interpolation      121
Lorentz transformations      59—60
Mailbox technique      285—286
Martian panoramas      291—293
Mass, superquadric      139—140 152
Memory Allocator      49—50
Mitchell filter      15—16
Moire pattern problem      339—340
Moire pattern problem, optimization      341
Monte Carlo integration      80
Monte Carlo integration, spectral radiance      308
Motion blur, graphics workstation      374—382
Motion blur, graphics workstation, combining spatial and temporal anti—aliasing      376—378
Motion blur, graphics workstation, computing on fields      375—376
Motion blur, graphics workstation, implementation tricks      380—382
Motion blur, graphics workstation, interlace artifact reduction      378—379
Motion blur, graphics workstation, pixel shifts      380—381
Motion blur, graphics workstation, supersampling in time      374—375
Negative light      367
Newell's method, plane equation of polygon      231—232
Nonuniform random point sets, via warping      80—83
Normal vectors, superquadrics      148
Numerical and programming techniques      47
Numerical and programming techniques, cross product, in four dimensions and beyond      84—88
Numerical and programming techniques, face-connected line segment generation, n-dimensional space      89—91
Numerical and programming techniques, fast generation of cyclic sequences      67—76
Numerical and programming techniques, fast memory allocator      49—50
Numerical and programming techniques, generic pixel selection mechanism      77—79
Numerical and programming techniques, IEEE fast square root      48
Numerical and programming techniques, interval arithmetic      61—66
Numerical and programming techniques, nonuniform random point sets, via warping      80—83
Numerical and programming techniques, rolling ball      51—60
Object space partitioning      284—287
Orientation control, mouse-driven, rolling ball      51—60
Overcrossing correction      179—180
Overlapping testing, n-dimensional extent      240—243
Panoramic virtual screen, ray tracing      288—294
Parametric elliptical arc algorithm, conjugate diameters      169—171
Parametric elliptical arc algorithm, digital generation of sinusoids      167—169
Parametric elliptical arc algorithm, quarter ellipse      164—165
Parametric elliptical arc algorithm, simplifying computation      171—172
Parametric surface functions, superquadrics      146—147
Partitioning 3-D polygons      219—222
Partitioning, object space      284—287
Pipeline accelerator      383—389
Pixel, angular width      289
Pixel, destination, contributors to      12
Pixel, selection mechanism      77—79
Pixel, triangular, anti-aliasing      369—373
Pixmap, generating isovalue contours from      29—33
Planar rotations      124—126
Plane equation of polygon, Newell's method      231—232
Plane, arbitrary, partitioning 3D convex polygon with      219—222
Plane, comparing two      229—230
Plane, signed distance to point      223—224
Plane-to-plane intersection      233—236
Point, signed distance to plane      223—224
Polygon, 3-D, partitioning      219—222
Polygon, bounding volume      296
Polygon, nearly coplanar, grouping into coplanar sets      225—230
Polygon, plane equation, Newell's method      231—232
Polygon, scan conversion, half-open intervals      362—365
Polygon, Sutherland — Hodgman clipper      219—222
pool      49
Primitives, rectangular bounding volumes      295—300
Progressive image refinement, gridded sampling      358—361
Projection, hemispherical, triangle      314—317
Projective transformations, decomposing      98—107
Projective transformations, decomposing, first decomposition algorithm      99—100
Projective transformations, decomposing, fourth decomposition algorithm      104—106
Projective transformations, decomposing, second decomposition algorithm      100—102
Projective transformations, decomposing, third decomposition algorithm      102—104
Quadratic surface, equation      275—279
Quadratic triangles, conversion to rectangular patches      256—259
Quadric surface, intersection with ray      275—283
Quadric surface, surface normal      282—283
Quarter ellipse algorithm      164—165
Quaternions, interpolation with extra spins      96—97
Quaternions, rotations      57
Radiosity      227 269—270
Radiosity, accurate form-factor computation      329—333
Radiosity, linear approximation, vertex-to-vertex form factors      318—323
Random rotation matrices      117—120
Random rotations, uniform      124—132
Random rotations, uniform, from Gaussians      129
Ray rejection test      281—282
Ray tracing      269
Ray tracing, distribution, direct lighting      307—313
Ray tracing, eliminating ray-object intersection calculations      284—287
Ray tracing, hemispherical projection of triangle      314—317
Ray tracing, intersecting ray with quadric surface      275—283
Ray tracing, linear-time simple bounding volume      301—306
Ray tracing, panoramic virtual screen      288—294
Ray tracing, with BSP tree      271—274
Ray, intersection with, object, eliminating calculations      284—287
Ray, intersection with, quadric surface      275—283
Rectangular Bezier patches, conversion of Bezier triangles      256—261
Rectangular bounding volumes, primitives      295—300
Relative motion, transformations      122
Rendering      337
Rendering, anti-aliasing, triangular pixels      369—373
Rendering, darklights      366—368
Rendering, edge and bit-mask calculations for anti-aliasing      349—354
Rendering, fast linear color      343—348
Rendering, motion blur on graphics workstations      374—382
Rendering, pipeline accelerator      383—389
Rendering, polygon scan conversion, using half-open intervals      362—365
Rendering, shader cache      383—389
Rendering, shadow depth map      338—342
Rending equation      307
Representative tree      228
Rescaling, filtered image      8—16
Residency masks      284—287
Rigid-body motion, equations, superquadric      149—150
Ritter's simple bounding sphere technique      305—306
Rolling ball      51—60
Rolling-ball algorithm (Cont'd)Square root, quaternion rotations      57
Rolling-ball algorithm (Cont'd)Square root, using      53—54
Rolling-ball algorithm, extensions      56—60
Rolling-ball algorithm, four Euclidean dimensions      58—59
Rolling-ball algorithm, group theory of infinitesimal rotations      56—57
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