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Kemeny T., Snell J.L., Thompson G. — Introduction to finite mathematics
Kemeny T., Snell J.L., Thompson G. — Introduction to finite mathematics

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Название: Introduction to finite mathematics

Авторы: Kemeny T., Snell J.L., Thompson G.


From game theory to the Gambler's ruin this book has classical mathematics well explained. The section on permutations and multinomials is still a valuable reference after all these years! But it is the application of permutation groups to island marriage laws that make this book a mathematical classic! How close a relative can you marry without endangering the gene pool while maximizing the number of people in your tribe that you can marry... a practical problem set to a primitive culture produced mathematical solutions!

Язык: en

Рубрика: Computer science/Дискретная математика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: 3rd edition

Год издания: 1974

Количество страниц: 484

Добавлена в каталог: 18.11.2005

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
States of a Markov chain, ergodic      437
States of a Markov chain, transient      437
Statistics      272
Statistics, central limit theorem      277
Statistics, computer applications      297
Statistics, confidence intervals      288
Statistics, maximum likelihood      276
Statistics, normal curve      278
Statistics, pitfalls of      293
Statistics, simulation      299
Statistics, tests of hypotheses      282
Stochastic processes      102
Stochastic processes, in genetics      443
Stochastic processes, independent trials      117 129
Stochastic processes, Markov chains      137
Strategies, mixed      381 382
Strategies, optimal      373
Subgroup      454
Subgroup, generated by an element      456
Subset      47
Subset, complement of      50
Subset, difference of two      50
Subset, disjoint      50
Subset, empty      47
Subset, intersection of two      49
Subset, operations on      49
Subset, proper      47
Subset, relation to compound statements      54.
Subset, symmetric difference      59
Subset, truth      54
Subset, union of two      49
Subset, unit      47
symbols      4
Symmetric difference      59
Tableau, detached coefficient      190
Tableau, for linear equations      189
Tableau, simplex      339
Test of hypotheses      282
Theorem      39
Transient sets      437
Transient sets, states      437
Transition, diagram      138
Transition, matrix      204
Transition, probabilities      137
Tree diagram      22
Tree diagram, measure      104
Truth set      54
Truth set, measure of      81 82
Truth table      6
Tucker, A.W.      329
Tucker, A.W., duality equation      341
union of two sets      49
Universal set      47
Valid argument      31
Value, expected      132
Value, imputed      354
Value, of a matrix game      383
Value, saddle      373
Variables, basis and nonbasis      344
Vectors, activity      356
Vectors, capacity constraint      356
Vectors, column and row      153
Vectors, commutative law of addition      154
Vectors, components of      153
Vectors, cost      356
Vectors, equality of      154
Vectors, feasible      341
Vectors, imputed cost      356
Vectors, imputed value      356
Vectors, mixed strategy      382
Vectors, optimal      341
Vectors, probability      204
Vectors, product of two      159
Vectors, product with a matrix      169
Vectors, requirements      356
Vectors, scalar multiple of      155
Vectors, zero      155
Venn diagrams      49
Venn, John      49
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