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![Êðàñîòà](/img/main/7.jpg) |
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Griswold R.E., Griswold M.T. — Implementation of the ICON programming language |
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Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü |
Hash numbers 99 102 105 108 232 255 299 300 301 319
header files 289
Heterogeneous structures 36 63 107 309
Heuristics 79
i-state variables 128—129 140 141 179 312
IBM 370 40
Icode 41 42 43 66 264
Icode files 43 167 233 264 265 313
Icode region 187—189 220 321
Icon functions 28—29 37 125—126 129 165 241 279—302
Icon functions, close 26 241
Icon functions, copy 9 292 305
Icon functions, delete 24
Icon functions, display 34—35 242
Icon functions, find 14—15
Icon functions, get 23—24 88 94 222
Icon functions, image 33 242 243 292
Icon functions, insert 24 99
Icon functions, left 170
Icon functions, list 22 81 83
Icon functions, map 20 73—76 79
Icon functions, member 24
Icon functions, move 21 159
Icon functions, numeric 135 137 170 226 260
Icon functions, open 26 241
Icon functions, pop 23—24 88 94 222
Icon functions, pull 88 94 222
Icon functions, push 23—24 86
Icon functions, put 23—24 84 88
Icon functions, read 26 241 244
Icon functions, reads 241 286
Icon functions, repl 252
Icon functions, reverse 19 284 306
Icon functions, set 24 97—98
Icon functions, sort 22
Icon functions, stop 26 282
Icon functions, string 10 224 228
Icon functions, tab 21 283
Icon functions, table 25 100
Icon functions, type 8 9—10 33 36 283—284 292
Icon functions, upto 36
Icon functions, write 10 26 242 244 253 282 324
Icon functions, writes 282
Identifier values, displaying 34—35 242—243
Identifiers 112 113—123 124 264—265
Identifiers, arguments 113
Identifiers, global 8 28 29 30 53 113 188 189 196 200 220 233 264 321
Identifiers, local 113
Identifiers, static 27—28 53 113 167—169 188 189 196 200 220 264 320—321
If-then-else expressions 11 132 270
ilevel 133 163 261 314
Infinite result sequences 16
Initial clauses 27—28
Initialization routines 45
Input 26 240—242 300 310
Integer sequences 15 268
Integers 8 48 50—51 112—113 225—226 245 260 262 265 296 297 298 304 323
integers, long 51 77 247
Interlisp 130
Interpreter frame pointers, argp 174—176 179 180
Interpreter frame pointers, efp 133—134 135 137 140 153 175 179 180 261 270
Interpreter frame pointers, gfp 133 134 140 147 175 179 180 261
Interpreter frame pointers, pfp 174 179
Interpreter level 144 150—152 319
Interpreter loop 126—128
Interpreter stack 110 176 177 179 180 200 201 222 255 258—261 264 265 270 272 278 280 281 287—288 312 314 319 320—321
Interpreter state variables 128—129 140 141 179 312
Interpreter state variables, argpt 174—176 179 180
Interpreter state variables, efp 133—134 135 137 140 153 175 179 180 261 270
Interpreter state variables, gfp 133 134 140 147 175 179 180 261
Interpreter state variables, ilevell 133 163 261 314
Interpreter state variables, ipc 126—127 133 140 153 155 156 175 176 178 179 180 182 258 259 260 261 272 273
Interpreter state variables, pfp 174 179
Interpreter state variables, sp 110 111 128 134 137 170 179 222 255 314
Interpreter, Icon 42 45 110—129 130—164 312 313 314
Invocation expressions 165—166 169—176 268—269
IPC 126—127 133 140 153 155 156 175 176 178 179 180 182 258 259 260 261 272 273
IPL-V 130
Iteration 14 157—158
Keyword trapped variables 64 79 187 239 254 310
Keyword trapped-variable blocks 58 239 254 321 322
keywords 9 18 55 64 158 244 260 265—266 308 311
Keywords, &ascii 76 248
Keywords, &cset 18 63
Keywords, &date 265
Keywords, &fail 163 265
Keywords, &input 26 240
Keywords, &lcase 18 76
Keywords, &level 34 314
Keywords, &main 33 176 181 196 215
Keywords, &null 9 63 265
Keywords, &output 26 240 253
Keywords, &pos 22 55 158 162 234 258 259 276 312
Keywords, &random 55 311
Keywords, &subject 22 55 158 162 196 239 246 258 259 216 307 312 321 322
Keywords, &trace 34 55 56 242 254 261 262
Keywords, &ucase 18 76
Large memory model 49
Lexical analysis 42—43
Library routines 45 279
Limitation counter 156—157 260 261
Limitation expressions 16 38 156—157 273
Linked lists 97 99
Linker 41 42 43—44 112 167 187 264 265 279 289 319 321
Lisp 4 9 186
List-element blocks 80—95 220 222 248 299 318 322
List-header blocks 81 248 299 318
LISTS 8 22—24 37 71 79 80—95 229 242 248—249 268 300 305 306 307 318
Lists, concatenation 24
Lists, creation 22
Lists, elements 22 80—91 318
Lists, empty 22 94
Lists, linked 97 99
Lists, positional access 22 37 80 92—93
Lists, queue access 23—24 37 80 84—91 306 318
Lists, referencing 22 93
Lists, sections 24
Lists, size 22 80 85
lists, sorting 22
Lists, stack access 23—24 37 80 84—91 306 318
Lists, structures for 80—84
Lists, subscripting 22 93
Literals 112—113 129 265
live objects 194 195 215 219 220
Loader 42
Local identifiers 27 32—33 53 113 167—169 175 182 200 233 252 259 320—321
long integers 51 77 247
Long-integer blocks 51 298
Lookup, hash 97 99 108
Loop expressions 11 12—13 157 273—276
macros 127 280—281 285 293 294—295
Macros, Arg 282 294
Macros, ArgType 294
Macros, ArgVal 294
Macros, BlkLoc 62 294
Macros, BlkSize 203 294
Macros, BlkType 203 294
Macros, ChkNull 76 212 294
Macros, CsetOff 294
Macros, CsetPtr 294
Macros, DeRef 231 294
Macros, EqlDesc 294
Macros, Fail 138 243 281 282
Macros, FncDcl 280
Macros, FncDclV 282
Macros, GetReal 227 294
Macros, IntVal 62 294
Macros, Max 294
Macros, Min 294
Macros, Mkint 285 294
| Macros, Offset 294
Macros, OpDcl 62 143
Macros, Pointer 294
Macros, Qual 62 224 294
Macros, Return 63 138 144 281
Macros, Setb 294
Macros, SlotNum 232 294
Macros, StrLen 62 285 294
Macros, StrLoc 285 294
Macros, Suspend 144 151 281
Macros, Testb 78 294
Macros, Tvar 294
Macros, TvarLoc 294
Macros, Type 62 224 294
Macros, Var 294
Macros, VarLoc 229 294
Macros, Vsizeof 294
Macros, Vwsizeof 294
Macros, Wsizeof 294
Main procedure 27 264
Mapping characters 20 73—76 79
Marking 196—203 211
Memory expansion 214
Memory layout 186—191
Memory regions 186—191
Mutual evaluation expressions 31 163 166 269 319
Next expressions 13 275—276 320
Not expressions 12 271
null character 65 66
Null descriptor 50 124 259
NULL values 11 50 113 170 171 174 175 245 266 268 270 271 285
Omitted arguments 30 170 171
Open options 26
Operators 9—10 112 123—125 129 138 266—268 308 319
order of evaluation 16—17
Output 26 240—242 300 310
Pattern matching 4 130 158—162 303 307
PDP-11/70 40 190 191
Performance 107 108 186 219 313—315
pfp 174 179
Pipes 240 254
Pointer loops 23 196 200 220
Pointers 8 22—23 24 48 49 57 138 190 192 194 195 196 197 212 214 219 222 245 246 282 287 290
Polymorphic operations 8 9 37 47 64 79 123 318
Positions in strings 19—20
Predictive need 215—219 222 241—242 285 288 299 300 322
Procedure blocks 44 167—169 171 188 189 252—253 256 280 321
Procedure calls 28—29 112 113 158 174—176 189 230 233 308
Procedure declarations 27—28 44 114 252—253
Procedures 8 9 27—31 37 165 252—253 297 313
Procedures as generators 29—30
Procedures as values 28—29
Procedures, argument transmission 30
Procedures, computed 29
Procedures, main 27 264
Procedures, recursive calls of 29
Procedures, returning from 30—31
Procedures, string invocation 184 297 321
Procedures, suspending from 29—30
PROLOG 4 130
qualifiers 49 50 62 63 64 67 70 189 203—208 214 221 224 245 284 297 298 317 322
Queue access methods 23—24 37 80 84—91 306 318
Random elements 9 112 318
Random number seed 55 311
Random numbers 110
Range specifications 19—20 267 296
Ratfor 6 40 186
reading data 241—242
Real numbers 8 44 112—113 188 189 225—226 247 262 265 296 297
Real numbers, literals 8 44 112—113 188 189 225—226 247 262 265 296 297
Real-number block 299
Reclaiming space 222
Record blocks 51 —53 58 299
Record constructors 25 52
Record declarations 25 44
Records 8 25—26 52 71 229 246 260
Records, creation 25
Records, field names 25—26
Records, names 25—26
Records, referencing 25—26
Records, subscripting 25—26
Recursion 191 215 221 314 322
Refresh blocks 180 182—183 201 256—257 259 299
Repeat expressions 12 273
Repeated alternation expressions 16 17 30 135 155—156 163 269 272 320
Reserved words 8
Results 12
Resumption 14—15 146—150 288
return expressions 27 175 277
Reversible assignment 17—18
Run-time support operations 45 69 224—244 295—301
Run-time system 4 41 42 43 44—45 187 219 279—302 303.319
Scalar operations 306
Scanning expressions 164 276—277
Scanning, string 20—22 45 158—162 276—277 307
Scope resolution 44
Selection expressions 270—271
Semi-ctolon insertion 43 46 131 316
Set-element blocks 97 98 249 250 299 300
Set-header blocks 97 249 299 318
SETL 4 130
Sets 81 24 37 96—100 249—250 300 306 318
Sets, lookup 314
Sets, members 105 300
Sets, operations on 24 37 100 306
Side effects 163
Size limitations 8
Size operations 9 292 310
Size, lists 22 80 85
Size, strings 18 65 193 220 243 323
SL5 6 40
slots 81—84 97
Slots, list 81—84
Slots, set 81—84
Slots, table 81—84
SNOBOL programming languages 5—6
SNOBOL4 4 6 40 41 130 135 186 307 309 310
Sorting 22 205 293
sp 110 111 128 134 137 170 179 222 255 314
Stack access methods 23—24 37 80 84—91 306 318
Stack-based evaluation 110—111
Static identifiers 27—28 53 113 167—169 188 189 196 200 220 264 320—321
Static region 190—191 192 194 214
Storage allocation 36 45 185 244 285—287 298—300
Storage fragmentation 95 184 193 323
Storage management 4 36 185—223 287—288 291
Storage overhead 94 219 222 244
Storage throughput 222
String region 66 190—191 193—194 221
String scanning 20—22 45 158—162 276—277 307
String scanning, position 20—22 38
String scanning, subject 20—22 38
strings 8 18—22 36 44 49—50 63 65—76 79 112—113 187 188 189 193—194 196—197 203—208 2fc0 224 225—226 229 241—242 243 245 263 283 284 297 298 299 301 304—305 306 307 317
Strings, concatenation 18—19 67—69 71 230 242 305
Strings, empty 18
Strings, hashing 106 109
Strings, images 33—34 292—293
strings, length 18 65 193 220 243 323
strings, literals 265
strings, mapping 301
Strings, replication 252
Strings, representation of 66—67
Structure declarations 58
structures 8 30 37 45 300 305—306
Structures, C 77 81 133 290—291
Subscripting expressions 19—20 37 79 125 229 267 317 318
Subscripting, lists 22 93
Subscripting, records 25—26
Subscripting, strings 19—20 71—73
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