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Goutsias J., Vincent L., Bloomberg D.S. — Mathematical morphology and its applications to image signal processing
Goutsias J., Vincent L., Bloomberg D.S. — Mathematical morphology and its applications to image signal processing

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Название: Mathematical morphology and its applications to image signal processing

Авторы: Goutsias J., Vincent L., Bloomberg D.S.


Mathematical morphology is a powerful methodology for the processing and analysis of geometric structure in signals and images. This book contains the proceedings of the fifth International Symposium on Mathematical Morphology and its Applications to Image and Signal Processing, held June 26-28, 2000, at Xerox PARC, Palo Alto, California. It provides a broad sampling of the most recent theoretical and practical developments of mathematical morphology and its applications to image and signal processing. Areas covered include: decomposition of structuring functions and morphological operators, morphological discretization, filtering, connectivity and connected operators, morphological shape analysis and interpolation, texture analysis, morphological segmentation, morphological multiresolution techniques and scale-spaces, and morphological algorithms and applications.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Computer science/Обработка изображений/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 2002

Количество страниц: 445

Добавлена в каталог: 17.11.2005

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
MIP map      267
Mipmapping      263
Mixed volume      33
Mixed, volume      35
Mixture model      364 366
MMachs      371
Moisan L.      91
Monasse P.      91
Monoid      61
Morel J.M.      91
Morphological adjunction pyramid      275
Morphological edge detector      301
Morphological filtering      180
Morphological filters      61
Morphological fold-space operator      104
Morphological gradient      398
Morphological interpolation      71 77 81 82
Morphological Laplacian      266
Morphological machines      371
Morphological measurements      255
Morphological mult iscale analysis      416
Morphological multiscale fingerprints      416
Morphological parabolic scale-space      288
Morphological profile      179
Morphological profile function      179
Morphological profile, derivative of      181 182
Morphological pyramids      273 274
Morphological recursive filters      62
Morphological sampling      163
Morphological scale-space      293 416
Morphological scale-space operator      283 287
Morphological similarity      76
Morphological skeleton      3
Morphological slope transform      287
Morphological wavelets      273
Motion detection, quality of      327
Motion, descriptors      216 217
Motion, detection      321 324
Motion, distribution      216
Motion, estimate      322
Motion, filtering      175
Motion, homogeneity criterion      172
Motion, segmentation      215
MPEG-4      223 233
MPEG-7      223 233
MRF      406 411
MRF-Gibbs field equivalence      411
MSE      367
Muge F.      71
Multi-classifier      373
Multi-scale gradient      199
Multimedia applications      223
Multiresolution connectivity, based on morphological sampling      163
Multiresolution connectivity, based on pyramids of operators      163
Multiresolution connectivity, dilation-based      163
Multiresolution, connectivity      159 161—163 166
Multiresolution, enhancement      125
Multiresolution, features      159
Multiscale, closing characteristic      182
Multiscale, dilation      292 416
Multiscale, erosion      292 416
Multiscale, morphological analysis      416
Multiscale, morphological fingerprints      416
Multiscale, opening characteristic      182
Multiscale, representation      291
Multiscale, segmentation      189
Multiscale, segmentation algorithm      293 294
n-adjacent points      140
n-adjacent subsets      141
n-components      141
n-connected points      141
n-connected subset      141
n-neighborhood      140
Negation      101
Neighborhood      409
Neighborhood of a point      140
Nonlinear control system      61
Object deformation      81
Object deformation, morphological-affine      81
Object-oriented coding      166
Objective functional      34
Observability      68
Occurrence threshold      326
OCR      371
OCR classifier      371
Open-closing soft      131
Opening      109 150 169 301 363 407
Opening profile      181
Opening profile, derivative of      182
Opening spectrum      183
Opening, $\alpha$-connectivity      162 165 166
Opening, algebraic      8 109 151
Opening, area      173
Opening, attribute      312
Opening, connected      72 312
Opening, directional      401 402
Opening, flexible linear      109
Opening, soft      131
Opening, straight line      109
Opening, top-hat      407
Opening, trivial      312
Operator      19
Operator, analysis      165 274
Operator, approximation      164
Operator, attribute      312
Operator, connected      55 169 235
Operator, discretization of      28
Operator, dual      19
Operator, embedding      25
Operator, fillhole      383
Operator, fold-space morphological      104
Operator, folding      102 103
Operator, idempotent      9
Operator, increasing      20
Operator, invertible      9
Operator, locally defined      19 372
Operator, morphological scale-space      283 287
Operator, mutually negative      144 147
Operator, negation      19
Operator, optimal      373
Operator, partition lattice      233 235
Operator, reconstruction      164
Operator, reference sampling      265
Operator, sampling      164
Operator, self-dual      101
Operator, signal lattice      64
Operator, sup-generating      13
Operator, SVO extractor      235
Operator, synthesis      165 274
Operator, translation invariant      19 64 66 120 372
Operator, vector lattice      64
Optical charecter recognition      371
Optimal path      110
Order index      131
Order relation      53
Ordered queue      341
Orientation parameter      244
Output response      67
Oversegmentation      180 207 291 296 347
Parallepiped      52
Partial order relation      100
Partial ordered set      4 5 160
Partial ordering      4 7
Partition      160 234
Partition feature      167
Partition feature, upper semi-continuous      167
Partition operator, based on regional maximum likelihood      236
Partition operator, statistical validation of      239
Partition tree, binary      172
Partition, coarser      160
Partition, connected      160
Partition, connected hierarchical      166
Partition, finer      160
Partition, hierarchical      166
Path      342
Path cost      342
Pattern spectrum      183
PDE      92
Peak component      313
Pesaresi M.      179
Phase      5
Pina P.      243
Pixel queue algorithm      314
Pixel similarity rule      179
Pizurica V.      405
PNG      364 370
Poisson process      425
Polyhedron, edge representation      35
Polyhedron, facet representation      34
Polyhedron, vertex representation      35
Popat K.      361
Popov A.T.      149
Pores      167
Portable networks graphics format      364
POSET      4 101 160
Posterior probability      412
Posterior probability distribution      410
Potential      411
Power set      14
Pratikakis I.      207
Prediction-adjustment process      233
Prefix max-min problem      306
Prefix-suffix max problem      304
Prefix-suffix max-min      308
Principal component analysis      415
Prior probability      4 10
Prior probability of labelings      411
Probabilistic automata      63
Proper concave function      24 26
Pruning      172
Pruning, 3D skeleton graph      358
Pruning, region-tree      169
Pseudo-anti-granulometry      256
Pseudo-closing      57 58
Pseudo-convex hull      389 390
Pseudo-granulometry      256
Pseudo-inverse      6
Pseudo-medial axis      408
Pseudo-opening      57
Pseudo-random noise      366
Pyramid      5
Pyramid, condition      274
Pyramid, decomposition      159 165
Pyramid, of closings      164
Pyramid, of dilations      163
Pyramid, of operators      163
Pyramid, projection      225 227
Pyramid, scheme      362
Pyramid, transform      273 274
Quadrangular zone      52
Quadtree decomposition      3
Quantization      4 7 322
Quantization, by rounding      7
Quantization, by truncation      7
Quantization, lossy      362
Quantization, of direction      326
Quasi-ordering      100
Quench points      354
r-convex set      47
r-convex set, strictly      48
r-regular set      48
Raducanu B.      415
Random function      255
Random set      255 371 373
Random structure      255
Random texture      219
Reachable set      68
Receiver operation curve      416 422
Reconstruction      72
Reconstruction set      72
Recursive morphological filters      62
Refractive index      352
Region growing      179 180 215
Region growing, seeded      215 217
Region merging      235
Region representation      217
Region tree representation      170
Region tree representation, max-tree      170
Region tree representation, min-tree      170
Regional maximum      181 313
Regional maximum likelihood      238
Relative contrast      183
Relative entropy      366
Repetition parameter      131
Representation tree      20
Resolution conversion      119
Rest function      26
Restoration      4
Restriction class      120
RGB color space      208
Ridges      359
Riemannian geometry      352
Road identification      405
Rocha A.      389
Roerdink J.B.T.M.      311 331
Ronse C      41
Root marker      165
Root marker set      166
Sabourin R.      389
Sahli H.      207 405
Salembier P.      169
Saliency measure      409
Sample complexity      374
Sampling element      164
Sampling grid      164
Sampling quincunx scheme      273 275
Sampling scheme      273
Scale parameter      92
Scale-space      283 285 291
Scale-space, affine invariant      92
Scale-space, construction      285
Scale-space, contrast invariant      92
Scale-space, fingerprints of      417
Scale-space, idempotent      294
Scale-space, linear      283 416
Scale-space, linear Gaussian      283
Scale-space, local      92
Scale-space, morphological      293 416
Scale-space, parabolic morphological      288
Scale-space, smoothing      92
Scale-space, theory      292 416
Scaling      5 284
Scaling, anamorphic      284 288
Scaling, umbral      288
Scanning binary      361
Scanning grayscale      361
Scene contrast      322
Schmitt M.      425
Schroder’s theorem      100
Segmentation      122 160 179 189 207 215 223 234 291 341 361 363 381 397 398
Segmentation, color      199
Segmentation, color with watersheds      203
Segmentation, evaluation function      211
Segmentation, from markers      231
Segmentation, hierarchical      159 166
Segmentation, hierarchical watershed      207
Segmentation, interactive      197 223
Segmentation, mask      363
Segmentation, motion-based      216
Segmentation, multiscale      189
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