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Barton J.J., Nackman L.R. — Scientific and engineering C++
Barton J.J., Nackman L.R. — Scientific and engineering C++

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Название: Scientific and engineering C++

Авторы: Barton J.J., Nackman L.R.


This book's three parts take readers with no prior C++ knowledge all the way from basic concepts, through object-oriented programming and design techniques, to advanced C++ features and techniques. Coverage of object-oriented programming emphasizes various methods of expressing commonality and abstraction, and the advanced coverage illustrates coordination of advanced C++ by developing several interesting examples, including array classes, pointer classes, systems employing abstract algebra, FORTRAN-based matrices, function mapping, and data fitting.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Computer science/Языки программирования/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1994

Количество страниц: 671

Добавлена в каталог: 10.11.2005

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
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ConcreteArray2dRef<Subscriptor, T>, as public base      568
ConcreteArrayBrowser<ConcreteArray>      410
ConcreteArrayIterator<ConcreteArray>      411
ConcreteArrayProjection1d<ConcreteColumnMajorSubscriptor<2>, T>      392
ConcreteArrayProjection1d<Subscriptor, T>      388 391 393—396 406
ConcreteArrayShape<2>      371
ConcreteArrayShape<ndim>      372 388 390
ConcreteArrayShape<ndim>, as private base      390 391
ConcreteArrayShape<ndim>, as public base      373
ConcreteBlas1d<T>      565 567 580
ConcreteBlas2d<double>      607
ConcreteBlas2d<T>      564—568 580
ConcreteBlasProjection1d<T>      566
ConcreteColumnMajorProjection1d<T>      398
ConcreteColumnMajorProjectionSubscriptor<1>      391
ConcreteColumnMajorProjectionSubscriptor<ndim>      390
ConcreteColumnMajorSubscriptor<1>      374
ConcreteColumnMajorSubscriptor<2>      370 371 375 393
ConcreteColumnMajorSubscriptor<ndim>      373 389 393
ConcreteElasticArray2d<T>      415
ConcreteFormedArray1d<T>, as public base      500
ConcreteFormedArray2d<T>      398 402
ConcreteFortranArray1d<T>      580
ConcreteFortranArray2d<double>      371 393
ConcreteFortranArray2d<T>      371—378 388 391 392 398 402 457 458 461 555 559 565—568 580
ConcreteFortranArray2d<T>, as public base      457 564 566
ConcreteFortranSymmetricPackedArray2d<T>      457 560
ConcreteFortranSymmetricPackedArray2d<T>, as public base      457
ConcreteRigidArray1d<T>, as public base      503
ConcreteRigidArray2d<T, n0, n1>      415
ConcreteRowMajorSubscriptor<2>      402 406
ConcreteRowMajorSubscriptor<3>      370
ConcreteStrides<ndim>      389 390
ConcreteStrides<ndim>, as private base      390 391
ConcreteVector3d      506
Condition number      571 613
conditional operator      31 33
Conditional operator, example of use      271 308 322 427
Conditional operator, unreadable      33
const      39 46 51 76 79 125 128—130 134 143—145 148 150 164 166 173 190 323 332 340 359 369 447 448 554
Const member datum, initialization      148
const member function      173
Const reference      128
Const reference argument and const member function      145
Const type      331
Const variable, initialization of      39 76
Const, and pointer      46
Const, member function      144
Const, object, example of use      323
Const, object, reference to      51 79
Const, pointer, cannot be deleted      189
Const, reference      51 79
Constant      38 (see also “Const”)
Constant expression as template argument      101
Constant object      39 75
Constant, machine dependent      574
Constant, physical      75 179
Constant, symbolic, with class scope      173
ConstantFunctional<double>      523 531
ConstArray2d<T>      398 399 402 405 413
ConstArray2d<T>, as public virtual base      400
ConstConcreteArrayProjection1d<Subscriptor, T>      388
ConstConcreteBlasProjection1d<T>      566
ConstProjectionT      367 368
Constraint as interface base class functions      242
Constraint, base class member function as      275
Construction      176
Construction of static object      181
Construction operator      339
Construction, order of automatic objects      185
Construction, order of static local objects      182
Construction, order of static nonlocal objects      182 183
Construction, order of static object, example of      181
constructor      88 96 113 145 176
Constructor, as initializer      145
Constructor, base class, called by derived class      268
Constructor, base class, example of      278
Constructor, base initialization, example of      268
Constructor, built-in type      146
Constructor, call, example of      91 268
Constructor, call, explicit      146 379
Constructor, call, explicit, example of      592
Constructor, call, implicit      88 146
Constructor, call, preventing      376
Constructor, calling pure virtual function      261 356
Constructor, class template derived from class template      310
Constructor, copy and copied-object pointer      425
Constructor, copy and counted-object pointer      425
Constructor, copy, example of      379
Constructor, copy, generated      148 276
Constructor, default      248 268
Constructor, default, example of      520
Constructor, default, generated      269
Constructor, default, needed for arrays      189
Constructor, default, static objects      194
Constructor, empty body, example of      269
Constructor, example of      91 102 214 228 461 549 600 607 608
Constructor, function name      91
Constructor, function template, example of      310
Constructor, generated default      148 269
Constructor, generated, and copied-object pointer      425
Constructor, generated, appropriate      431 435
Constructor, generated, preventing      376
Constructor, initializing base subobject      268
Constructor, initializing reference, example of      248
Constructor, not inherited      268
Constructor, order of call, base and members      268
Constructor, overloaded      91 145
Constructor, overloaded, base and members      268
Constructor, overloaded, example of      91 519 545 591
Constructor, private      269
Constructor, private for friend class      410
Constructor, private, example of      376 410 462 546 550
Constructor, protected to prevent object creation      292
Constructor, protected, example of      391
Constructor, required for class with implementation base      271
Constructor, single-argument      146 148 150 151 156 172 339
Constructor, single-argument and argument matching      127
Constructor, single-argument as conversion      151
Constructor, single-argument, example of      152 568
Constructor, static members as alternative to      166
Constructor, taking class arguments illegal      173
Constructor, virtual      442 (see also “Clone function”)
Constructor, without arguments      146
Container class, template for      305
Containing aggregation      420
Containing aggregation, continue      37
Containing aggregation, controlling object lifetime      421
Containing aggregation, sharing object lifetime      422
Contract between class and client      208
Control structures      30
Controlling aggregation      421
Controlling aggregation and interfaces      441
Controlling aggregation, copied-object pointer for      427
Convenience of use, via system of classes      363
Conversion      150
Conversion and object initialization      151
conversion function      152
Conversion function, example of      308
Conversion function, explicit versus implicit      549
Conversion function, explicit, example of      546
Conversion of function name to pointer      511
conversion operator      see “Conversion function”
Conversion operator as constructor operator      339
Conversion operator, example of      384 385 484 568
Conversion operatorfor type relationship      339
Conversion, causing ambiguity      153
Conversion, const reference argument      129
Conversion, const type      332
Conversion, derived-class reference to base-class reference      338
Conversion, explicit      158
Conversion, global operator      161
Conversion, implicit      158
Conversion, indirect view versus value change      333
Conversion, int to enum not allowed      26
Conversion, preventing unwanted, example of      593
Conversion, runtime error      155
Conversion, standard      134
Conversion, trivial      133
Conversion, user-defined and argument matching      135
Conversion, using to add checking      157
Conversion, using to add state      157
Conversion, via single argument constructors      172
convertTo()      496
Copied-object pointer      425
Copied-object pointer as member datum      425
Copied-object pointer as return type, example of      444
Copied-object pointer to base not related to derived      445
Copied-object pointer to interface, example of      519
Copied-object pointer, example of use      461 522
CopiedBuiltInPtr<T>      426 427 429 430 449
CopiedBuiltInPtr<T>, as public base      430
CopiedObjPtr<Atom>      447
CopiedObjPtr<T>      425 427 429 430 431 441 419 461 462 470
Coplien, J.O.      11 173 415 446
Copy assignment operator      96
Copy by assignment      148
Copy by initialization      148
copy constructor      96 148 149
Copy constructor for initializing function arguments      100
Copy constructor for object initialization      100
Copy constructor, argument initialization      126
Copy constructor, called      149
Copy constructor, example of      98 102
Copy constructor, generated      148 191
Copy constructor, programmer-defined      191
Copy-assignment operator, example of      99 102
Copy-on-write      425
Copying, arguments, avoiding with const references      128
Copying, code for reuse      271
Copying, pointers      191
cos(), example of use      17
Cost of change      207 265 274
Counted-object pointer as member datum      425
Counted-object pointer as return type      439
Counted-object pointer, behavior of      431
Counted-object pointer, example of use      437 518
Counted-reference pointer, example of use      524
CountedBuiltInPtr<Domain>      519
CountedBuiltInPtr<T>      433
CountedBuiltInPtr<T>, as public base      436
CountedObjPtr<Element>      439
CountedObjPtr<Node>      439 440
CountedObjPtr<T>      425 431 434 436 441 445 446 448
Coupling, avoiding unnecessary      213 599
Courant, R.      537
cout      15 27—29 68 72 74
Cox, B.      6 10
Coxeter, H.S.M.      508
Creation type      335
CreationSize      316
Croz, J.D.      540 559 563
ctype.h      25
CubicPolynomial      111 112
current()      408
Current-voltage curve      see “IV (current-voltage) curve”
Cursor      see “Iterator”
Cyclic group      509
D      167 262 515
DAG (directed acyclic graph)      239 (see also “Class DAG”)
Damasio, A.R.      3
Damasio, H.      3
Damped least squares      603
Damped SVD      604
DampedRectSVDRep<T>      604
DampedSVDIteratedEquations<T>      603 605 607 608 611
Dangle      191 192
Dangling reference      192 548
Dangling reference, dangling reference problem      193 194
Dangling reference, exposed implementations and      548
Dangling reference, with array reference objects      387
DATA      42
data member      86 89
Data model, class, example of      610
Data modeling      583 584
Data point      584
Data structure      3 613
Data structure, changing      207
Data structure, combined with functions is class      4
Data structure, dynamic      437
Data structure, recursion and      60
Data structure, secret      207
Data structure, traversal with pointer      420
Data structure, variable size      175
DataModel<T>      587 588 589 605 607 610
DataModel<T>, as public virtual base      610
DAXPY      136
Dcebe, Y.      451
deallocation      176
Debugging, and inline functions      56 83
declaration      38 114 119 285
Declaration as abstraction      120
Declaration statement      13 75
Declaration statement, in for loop      37
Declaration versus definition      114 119 139
Declaration, argument      122
Declaration, example (table)      38
Declaration, FORTRAN-compatible      553
Declaration, forward, example of      546
Declaration, friend member      168
Declaration, function      120 121
Declaration, function pointer      511
Declaration, function template      136
Declaration, mandatory      20
Declaration, placement in source code      39 75
Declaration, reading complex      47
Declaration, variable      19
Declarator      38
Decrement operator      22
Deep copy      149
default argument      130
Default argument and copy constructor      148
Default constructor      see “Constructor-default”
Definition      114 119
Definition an implementation      119
Definition versus declaration      114 119 139
Definition, constructor      146
Definition, exactly one for extern objects      179
Definition, function template      137 138
Definition, static member function      166
Definition, virtual function      237
Degenerate parameters in nonlinear estimation      603 613
Delegation      279 415
DELETE      31 49 71 77 78 98 165 176 188—194 257 420 429
Delete and const pointer      189
Delete on function arguments      193
Delete on pointer not from new()      420
delete []      49 78 98 190 256 420 543
Delete, base class pointer      234
Delete, left side of assignment, example of      427
Delete, matched to new()      190
Delete, null pointer      189
Delete, on pointer to base class      257
Delete, pointer      419
Demmel, J.      370 451 452 467 559 579
DemoArwoodsMachine      495
Dereferencing, intercepted      424
Dereferencing, null pointer      44
Derivation      280
Derivation and encapsulation      300
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
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