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Вraker J.G. — Algorithms and applications in timed discrete event systems |
Предметный указатель |
A-closed 149
A-convergence 150
Aggregation 161
Aperiodic 14 73 96 141 146
Ascendant 17
Asymptoticity problem, classical 92
Asymptoticity problem, generalized 92
Attraction space, critical 151
Attraction space, noncritical 151
Auxiliary variable 24 32 36 46
Auxiliary variable, upper bound 36
Average-eigenvector space 156
Changeover time 26 45
Circuit 13 61
Circuit mean 14
Circuit, c-generalized critical 105 108
Circuit, critical 15 45 46 67 69 71 73 117 146
Circuit, critical with respect to a node 104
Circuit, enumeration 120
Circuit, generalized critical 94 105
complexity 124
Complexity, index set 33
Complexity, network 33
Continuous process 162
Control 25 50 70
Control, eigenvector 146
Critical graph 107
Cyclicity 99
Delay 39 41 145
Delay, maximum 40
Descendant 17
Dioid 9
Division 17
Dummy variable 24
Dynamic system 18
Eigenvalue 12 16 44 73 117
Eigenvector 12 16 76 82 139 145
Eigenvector attraction space 149
Eigenvector rejection space 149
Eigenvector space 147
Eigenvector, canonical 147
Equivalent 33 121
Event graph 116
expansion 121
Frequency different 49
Graph 12
Horizon, finite 156
Horizon, infinite 156
Idempotency 10
Initial state 18
Input 18
Internal bound 136
Internally bounded 137
Irreducible 14 138
Iterative algorithm 119
Karp's algorithm 117
Karp's algorithm, extended 121
Length 14
Length matrix 116
Length, generalized 104
Linear programming 118
Linear space 150
Marking 115
Marking, average 124
| Markov decision processes 94
Max-min-plus system 161
Max-plus algebra 9
Minimal realization 161
Non-eigenvector space 156
Observation 18
One element 9
Order 28
Order-1 model 24 36 41
Order-m periodic 16
Order-p representation 28
Output 18
Path 13
Performance 117
Petri net 115 118 162
Power 10
POWER algorithm 74 120
Power algorithm, extended 84
Predecessor 17 122
Projection, critical 151
Projection, noncritical 151
Reduction 125 161
Reduction, two-dimensional domain 126
Regularity 145
Routing 52 162
Saturation graph 97 106
Settling time 42 51 64
Setup time 23 58
Simulation 42 61
Slowdown rate 92
Stability 41 43 68 137
Stability margin 45 69
Stability number 138
Stability, internal 135 138
Stability, structural 135 137
Standard form 24
State space 18 25 55
State vector 18
Stochastic 52 161
Strongly connected 14
Successor 17 122
SUM 12
Superstable 139
System matrix 18
Throughput 17
Time reversion 95
Time-varying system 50
Timetable 27 55
Timetable, how to find 49
Timetable, realistic 27 40
Timetable, without 145
Token 115
Transfer time 26 65
Transportation time 26
Trigger 75
Unit matrix 17
Weight matrix 116
Weight, arc 12
Weight, average 14
Weight, generalized 93 99
Weight, generalized average 104
Weight, path 14
Weight, time-varying 93
Zero element 9
Zero matrix 17
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