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Goodman J.W. — Statistical Optics |
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Lin, L.H. 356
Linear filtering 71—73
Linear system, four dimensional 312
Lloyd's mirror 230
Loeve, M. 111
Log amplitude fluctuation 398
Log normal: distribution 399—402
Log normal: statistics 397
Long-exposure image 433—435
Long-exposure OTF 402—414
Lord Rayleigh see "Strutt J.W.
Lorentzian spectrum 165 166 242 243 252 284
Lowenthal, S. 281
Luneburg, R.K. 356
Lutomirski, R. 460
Lynds, C.R. 460
Magnus, W. 459
Mandel's formula 469
Mandel, L. 1 147 152 157 203 228 229 244 281 357 523
Marathay, A.S. 229 357
Martienssen, W. 152
Maxwell — Boltzmann distribution 487
Maxwell's equations 393
McGlamery, B.L. 455 460
Mehta, C.L. 281 523
Mertz, L. 229
Michelson interferometer 158 232
Michelson stellar interferometer 338—340 359 360 445
Michelson, A.A. 229 338 357
Microdensitometer 324
Middleton, D. 56
Miller, R.H. 357
Mitchell, A.C. G. 229
Mitchell, R.L. 460
Moment theorem: complex Gaussian 237 260 274
Moment theorem: for laser light 283
Moment theorem: for Poisson variates 57
Moment theorem: real Gaussian 39 44 278
Moments: definition 16
Moments: joint 17
Moments: obtained from characteristic function 19
Monochromatic light, propagation of 117
Monotonic transformations of probability 23—25
Multivariate transformations of probability 23—25 27—29
Murdoch, D.C. 152
Mutual coherence: definition 174
Mutual coherence: function 183
Mutual coherence: propagation of 195—202
Mutual intensity: definition 180 181
Mutual intensity: statistical properties of 256—271
Narrowband light, propagation of 120 196
Negative binomial distribution 476
Negative exponential statistics 123 124 350 448
Nisenson, P. 460
Nonmonotonic transformations of probability 25—27
Nussenzvieg, H.M. 357
O'Neill, E.L. 152 357 459
Oberhettinger, F. 459
Occupation number 487
Oliver, B.M. 357
Optical axis 293
Optical transfer function 321 335
Optical transfer function, average 364 368 369 373 374 376—380 382 383
Outer scale 389
Paley — Wiener condition 345
Papoulis, A. 56 532
Paraxial approximation 178 209 219 220 224 291 294 302
Parrent, G.B. 152 228 330 356
Parseval's theorem 114 530
Partial polarization 127—138 247—250
Parzen, E. 56
Pearson, K. 357
Pease, F.G. 338 357
Perina, J. 228 356
Periodograni 521
Phase information, importance of 340—343
Phase retrieval 343—347
Phase screen, Gaussian 462
Phase unwrapping 455
Phasor 44—56
Photocount statistics: for laser light 470—472
Photocount statistics: for polarized thermal light 472—477
Photocount statistics: polarization effects 477—479
Photocount statistics: spatial coherence effects 479—481
Photocount: definition 466
Photocount: fluctuations 481—486
photoelectric effect 465
photoemission 466
Photoevent 466
Photosurface 466
Piazzolla, S. 152
Picinbono, B. 281
Pinhole size effects 183—187
Planck's constant 468 487
Planck, M. 486
Point-spread function: amplitude 298
Point-spread function: atmospheric 403 435
Point-spread function: average 366 370 371 374 380 383
Point-spread function: intensity 320
Poisson: density function 12
Poisson: impulse process 85—98 467
Poisson: statistics 88—91
Poisson: transform 469
Pokasov, V.V. 460
Polarization: analyzer 129
Polarization: circular 131
Polarization: degree of 134—136
Polarization: matrix 128
Polarization: partial 240 241
Poliak, H.O. 282
Power spectral density 68 164—166
Probability: axioms obeyed by 8
Probability: conditional 14
Probability: definition of 7 8
Probability: marginal 14
Prolate spheroidal functions 254
Propagation: of mutual coherence 195—202
Propagation: of mutual intensity 198 200
Propagation: through inhomogeneous atmosphere 393—399
Pseudothermal light 150—152 161 240 243 283
Pupil function 224 225 315 325 333 364
Quantum efficiency 468
Quantum electrodynamics 465
quantum mechanics 465
Quasi-homogeneous source 219
Quasimonochromatic conditions 180
Radio astronomy 331
Random process: complex 99—109
Random process: definition 60
Random process: Gaussian 82—85
Random process: Poisson impulse 85—99
Random variable: complex 40—44
Random variable: continuous 9—12
Random variable: definition 8
Random variable: discrete 9—12
Random variable: Gaussian 33—40
Random variable: independent 31
Random variable: mixed 9—12
Random variable: sums of 29—33 37—39
Random variable: transformations of 21—29
Random walk 44—56 447
Random: absorbing screen 367—374 461
Random: checkerboard 462
Random: experiment 7
Random: phase screen 374—384 406
Random: phasor sum 44—56 264 447 448 533—536
Ratcliffe, J.A. 459
Rayleigh: limit 326
Rayleigh: Lord see "Strutt J.W.
Rayleigh: probability density function 50
| Rayleigh: separation 359
Rayleigh: statistics 123 448
Rectangular spectrum 243
Reducibility 187 189 192
Redundancy of vector spacings 336
Refractive index of atmosphere 385
Relative frequency 7
Rhodes, W.T. 455 460
Riccati equation 397
Rice, S.O. 244 281
Rician statistics 52 399 464
Rigden, J.D. 357
Risken, H. 143 152
Roberts, J.A. 358
Robinson, S.R. 357
Roddier, F. 461 523
Rogers, G.L. 331 356
Rogstad, D.H. 455 460
Roman, P. 152 357
Root, W.L. 56 523
Rough surface 349
Russell, F.D. 357
Rytov: approximation 399 457 464
Rytov: transformation 397
Sakai, H. 229
Saleh, B.E.A. 358 523 524
Sample function 60 62
Scalar theory 116
Schell's theorem 225 226 228
Schell, A.C. 229
Scherf, V.E. 460
Schmeltzer, R.A. 433 460
Schwartz's inequality 17 74 204
Screen: random 362—384
Screen: thin 362
Scully, M.D. 523
Self coherence 161 183
Semiclassical theory of photodetection 465—468
Shinn, D.H. 459
Shore, R.A. 229
Short-exposure: image 433—435
Short-exposure: OTF 402 433—441
Shumaker, J.B. 229
Siegman, A.E. 523
Silver, S. 152
Singh, K. 229
Slepian, D. 282
Small perturbations 395
Smith, A.W. 152
Snyder, D.L. 524
Sodin, L.G. 357
Solar astronomy 455 456
Spano, P. 152
Sparrow condition 328
Speckle: atmospheric 442
Speckle: contrast 350
Speckle: first-order statistics 348—350
Speckle: in coherent imaging 347—356
Speckle: power spectral density of 353—356
Spectral coherence 202
Spectral density estimate 517—519
Spiller, E. 152
Spizzichino, A. 56 282 357
Spontaneous emission 139 142 146
Spread function see "Point-spread function"
Stachnik, R.V. 456 460
Standard deviation 16
Stanley, N.R. 460
Stationarity: in increments 63 141
Stationarity: strict sense 63 84
Stationarity: wide sense 63 84
Steel, W.H. 229
Stegan, I.A. 523
Stellar speckle interferometry 402 441—455
Stellar speckle interferometry, basic principle of 442—446
Stellar speckle interferometry, complete analysis of 450—455
Stellar speckle interferometry, heuristic analysis of 446—450
Stellar speckle interferometry, noise limitations of 510—523
Stellar speckle interferometry, signal-to-noise ratio in 519—523
Stimulated emission 139 142
Strohbehn, J.W. 458 460
Strong fluctuation regime 458
Structure constant 389
Structure constant, dependence on height 428 429
Structure constant, effects of smooth variations of 427—429
Structure constant, typical values of 392
Structure function: definition 79
Structure function: of refractive index 390—393
Strutt, J.W. (Lord Rayleigh) 1 348 357 486
Sudarshan, E.C.G. 523
Sums of random variables 29—33 37—39
Sun 235
Swing, R.E. 356
Talbot effect 419
Talbot, F. 460
Tamburrini, M. 152
Tango, W.J. 358
Tatarski, V.I. 385 396 397 432 459
Taylor's hypothesis 386 433
Teich, M.C. 524
Telescope 336 338 339
Thermal light 4 121 240 250
Thermal light, partially polarized 127—138
Thermal light, polarized 121—124
Thermal light, unpolarized 124—127
Thermal source 4
Thin lens 290—292
Thin object 287
Thomas, J.B. 52 53 56
Thompson, B.J. 229 286 326 356 455 460
Tichenor, D.A. 356
Time, N.S. 460
Topper, L. 459
Transfer function 314 315
Transformations of random variables 21—29
Transmission cross-coefficient 319
Tricomi, F.G. 459
Triple interferometer 455
Tukey, J.W. 229
Turbulence, atmospheric 388—393
Turbulent eddies 388
Turner, R.E. 459
Twiss, R.Q. 271 282 358
Ultraviolet catastrophe 486
Unitary matrix 129 133 135
Van Cittert — Zernike theorem 207—222 235 236 308—310 334 336 352 353
Van Cittert — Zernike theorem, generalized 311 358
Van Cittert, P.H. 157 207
van der Pol oscillator 142
Van Schooneveld, C. 358
Van Toorn, P. 357
Vanasse, G.A. 229
Variance 16
Vector spacing 333 446
Verdet, E. 157
Vernier, P.J. 523
Visibility 163 182
Von Karman spectrum 389 390
von Laue, M. 157 228 348 357
Walkup, J.F. 523 524
Walther, A. 357
Wave degeneracy parameter 484
Wave equation 199
Wave front splitting 157
Wave structure function 407
Wave structure function, for spherical wave propagation 432 433
Wave structure function, near field calculation of 407—413
Wavefront tilt 436
Weigelt, G. 403 446
Whitney, R.E. 229
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