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Уолтон Ш. — Создание сетевых приложений в среде Linux. Руководство разработчика (CD)
Уолтон Ш. — Создание сетевых приложений в среде Linux. Руководство разработчика (CD)

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Название: Создание сетевых приложений в среде Linux. Руководство разработчика (CD)

Автор: Уолтон Ш.


You can find all the programming examples from the book and many resources on this website. The menu on the left gives you access to different sections of the site. Feel free to use, copy, modify any of the sections (in accordance with the GPL).
Network Apps - Programs that demonstrate different uses of sockets.
Part I: Client - Part I focuses on the client and the peer connections. It includes TCP connections and UDP messaging. The book describes the different messages types and compares them to the OSI Network model.
Part II: Server Part II expands the concepts of Part II by adding servers, performance concepts, managing I/O, multitasking, etc.
Part III: Objects - You can program sockets using object-enabled languages like C++ and Java. Part III helps you experiment with these two languages and provides several programming examples.
Part IV: Advanced - The advanced socket programming of Part IV takes you to a new level in detail. Concepts like Remote Procedure Calls (RPCs), raw sockets, broadcasting/multicasting, IPv6, etc., helps you prepare for what's up ahead in the technology.
Appendices - The Appendices are designed to be an invaluable resource while you program. APIs and information tables help you quickly know what needs to be filled in where as you program.
Resources - Additional information and tools.
Additional Tools - A few C tools to ease programming sockets.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Computer science/

Статус предметного указателя: Неизвестно

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Добавлена в каталог: 17.04.2011

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