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Название: Zeolites. Science and technology
Авторы: Ribeiro F.R., Rodrigues A.E.
Zeolites have been the focus of intensive a c t i v i t y and growth
in applications over the past 25 years i n ion exchange, i n adsorption
and i n c a t a l y t i c process technology. Beginning with the synt
h e t i c z e o l i t e s A,X and Y, continuing into the emerging ZSM s e r i e s ,
and including selected n a t u r a l z e o l i t e s , applications span the range
From large-scale p u r i f i c a t i o n and separation to such major petroleum
and petrochemical processes as c a t a l y t i c cracking anFi aromatics
The future promises several new areas of s i g n i c i a n t use as our
energy resource base is expanded. A s a r e s u l t , a NATO Advanced
Study I n s t i t u t e on Zeolites was held in Alcabideche, Portugal,
May 1-12, 1983. Its purpose was to summarize the state-of-the-art
in z e o l i t e science and technology, with p a r t i c u l a r emphasis on recent
developments. This summary is intended to complement presentations
of the l a t e s t research r e s u l t s a t the 1983 International Zeolites
Association meeting in Reno, Nevada - USA.