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Schott G.A. — Electromagnetic radiation |
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"Relatiftheorie" vii 28 90 281
"Relatiftheorie", Abraham’s objection to the xiii
-particle, its energy vi
-particle, its motion in a uniform electrostatic field 181
Abraham ix xiii 173 175 176 178 246
Abraham electron xiv 255
Abraham electron, its electromagnetic mass 175
Abraham electron, its kinetic energy 178
Accelerated motion of the electron see "The particular motion"
Acceleration of the electron, determines the radiation 8 177
Acceleration of the electron, its effect on the pressure and configuration xiv 269
Acceleration of the electron, its relation to the Postulate of Relativity 281
Acceleration of the electron, its relation to the Postulate of the second order determines the radiation pressure 246
Activity of the forces on the electron 176
Activity of the forces on the electron, internal 251
Activity of the forces on the electron, relative 252
Aether, disturbing effect of the structure of an electric charge is confined to its immediate vicinity 1
Aether, energy of the 5
Aether, hypothesis vii
Aether, use of the Aether in preserving the electron 263
Angular momentum of the Lorentz electron 286 293 297 315 317
Aperiodic motions 149
Assumptions, of the electron theory 1 14 173
Assumptions, of the mechanical explanation of the electron 262
Assumptions, of the present essay vii
Assumptions, of the relative motion of the electron 235
Asymmetry, of intensity in the Zeeman effect 146
Asymmetry, of radiation in the Doppler effect 198
Asymmetry, of the deformed Lorentz electron xvi 258
Asymmetry, of the electron, its effect on the electromagnetic momentum 246
Asymmetry, of the electron, its effect on the electromagnetic momentum and on the steady motion of a ring 192
Asymptotic formula of Duhamel 108
Bessel functions, addition theorem 109
Bessel functions, asymptotic formula of Duhamel 108
Bessel functions, Gegenbaur’s theorem 20
Bessel functions, integral formulae for 109 136 158
Bessel functions, Kapteyn series of Bessel functions for the radiation from a ring 110 138
Bessel functions, Kapteyn series of Bessel functions for the radiation from a ring and for the mechanical forces 187 212 216 224
Bessel functions, products of Bessel functions in the potentials and forces at a distance due to polyperiodic motions 114 115 117
Bessel functions, series of Bessel functions for the potentials and forces at a distance due to periodic and pseudoperiodic motions 107 108 120 123 132 133 134 138 140 163 164
Bessel functions, summation formulae for 110 121 125 214
Bessel functions, the same for a circular ring near the circle 170 171
Bounding surface of the electron determined from the strain 243
Bucherer electron xiv 255
Bucherer electron, its electromagnetic mass 175
Bucherer electron, its kinetic energy 178
Bucherer, his experiments on e/m xv 181
Bucherer, their theory 302
Centre of the electron 155 236
Centro-symmetrical electron 247
Centro-symmetrical electron, its electromagnetic mass 175
Centro-symmetrical electron, its electromagnetic momentum 247
Characteristic curve 24
Characteristic curve, examples of 38 46 54 59 65 85
Characteristic curve, general discussion of 88
Characteristic equation 22
Characteristic equation, examples of 38 41 64 84
Characteristic equation, its geometrical interpretation 29
Charge, specific charge of the electron, Bucherer 181 302
Charge, specific charge of the electron, Kaufmann 299
Charge, specific charge of the electron, new method 299
Charge, specific charge of the electron, Wolz 181
Circular motion of an electron, disturbed 179
Circular motion of an electron, disturbed, distant field due to 126
Circular motion of an electron, disturbed, distant field due to, special case of axial oscillations 132
Circular motion of an electron, disturbed, distant field due to, special case of orbital oscillations 129
Circular motion of an electron, disturbed, equations of 180
Circular motion of an electron, disturbed, field of disturbed circular motion of an electron near the circle 200
Circular motion of an electron, uniform 179
Circular motion of an electron, uniform, distant field of 106 119
Circular motion of an electron, uniform, equations of 179
Circular motion of an electron, uniform, field due to uniform circular motion of an electron anywhere 83 105
Circular motion of an electron, uniform, field of uniform circular motion of an electron on the circle 168
Circular ring of electrons, distant field of 133
Circular ring of electrons, disturbed motion of 200
Circular ring of electrons, disturbing force on one of the electrons 206
Circular ring of electrons, equations of disturbed motion of 217 223
Circular ring of electrons, field due to circular ring of electrons anywhere 106
Circular ring of electrons, part due to the rest of the ring 209 217
Circular ring of electrons, part of the same due to the external field 218
Circular ring of electrons, radiation from 135
Circular ring of electrons, uniform motion of 186
Circular ring of electrons, uniform motion of, distant field of 108
Circular ring of electrons, uniform motion of, equations of uniform motion of 188
Circular ring of electrons, uniform motion of, mechanical force on one electron due to the rest 186
Circular ring of electrons, uniform motion of, radiation from 109
Compensated rays in Bucherer’s experiment 303
Complementary functions representing the effect of charges outside a given region 4
Continuity in general of potentials and forces vii
Convergence of series 110 153 170 172 228 234 235
Conway 155
Cusp-locus 35
Cusp-locus, examples of 44 57 59 86
Cusp-locus, its geometry 36
De la Bive 22
Deformation of a moving electron under superficial pressure 269 277 281
Deformed Lorentz electron xiv 258
Deformed Lorentz electron, its energy 261
Deformed Lorentz electron, its masses 260
Degrees of freedom see "Freedom"
Density of nonelectromagnetic mass 263
Density, electric see "Electric"
Density, the same a function of the potential and timealone 273
Descoudres xi 61
Diffraction of X-rays 92
Discontinuities of a motion, their effect xi 152
Discontinuities of the potentials for speeds greater than that of light 26
Distant field of a motion, allowable approximations 98
Distant field of a motion, calculation of 112
Distant field of a motion, examples of 99 106 111 128 156
Distant field of a motion, its forces 100 108 116 120 123 140 145 161
Distant field of a motion, its nature 101 108 116 134 141
Doppler effect, asymmetry of radiation in the 198
Doppler effect, change of frequency in the 196
Doppler effect, forces in the 194
Doppler effect, radiation in the 196
Doppler factor 22
Doppler factor, examples of 37 41 64 83
Duhamel 108
Einstein 28 90 196
Electric centre of the electron 155 236
Electric charge, assumed to be extended viii ix 14 235 262
Electric charge, its structure without effect on its radiation 1 111
Electric density of volume changed by motion 267 272 276 280 281
Electric density, effect of a linear distribution of electric density on the potential of the electron 271
Electric density, Fourier integral expressions for 15
Electric density, surface electric density produced by acceleration of the electron 277
Electric force see "Forces"
Electromagnetic energy of the electron 253 255 256 257 261
Electromagnetic energy of the field 5
Electromagnetic field of various motions see "Forces" "Potentials" "Distant
Electromagnetic field, comparison of methods of calculation of the 92
Electromagnetic field, equations of the 2
Electromagnetic field, near a moving electric charge 227
Electromagnetic field, near its path 165
Electromagnetic field, sequence of events in the 31 47 55 61
Electromagnetic mass 249
Electromagnetic mass of various types of electron 175 255 256 257 260
Electromagnetic mass, ill defined for speeds near that of light 90
Electromagnetic momentum 12 175 246
Electromagnetic momentum of centro-symmetrical electron 247
Electromagnetic momentum, longitudinal in certain cases of symmetry 248
Electron theory, its equations 2
Electron theory, its fundamental assumptions 1
Electron, conditions of its invariability and uniformity 267 268 274 277
Electron, energy equation of the 176
Electron, its electromagnetic energy 253
Electron, its electromagnetic mass 175 249 278
Electron, its electromagnetic momentum 175 246
Electron, its energy relations 251
| Electron, its internal pressure 263 266 273 277
Electron, its kinetic energy 177 254
Electron, its non-electromagnetic mass 263 267
Electron, its superficial pressure 12 267 278
Electron, mechanical explanation of the x 262
Electron, non-electromagnetic energy of the 254
Electron, various types of 175 178 255 257 258
Electrons, ring of see "Circular ring"
Electrostatic field, motion of a -particle in a uniform 181
Elliptic motion 122
Elliptic motion, e/m, Bucherer 181 302
Elliptic motion, e/m, Kaufmann 299
Elliptic motion, e/m, new method 299
Elliptic motion, e/m, Wolz 181
Elliptic motion, its radiation 125
Energy, equation of energy for the electron 176
Energy, expression for the energy of the field 5
Energy, for the field 5
Energy, its verification for a point charge 6
Energy, Macdonald’s supplementary term in the energy on the mechanical theory 5
Envelope see "Wave-envelope"
Epitrochoidal motion, of a group 142
Epitrochoidal motion, of an electron 140
Equation, of energy see "Energy"
Equation, of Hamilton and Jacobi for the Lorentz electron 290
Equation, of pressure for the moving electron 263 272
Equations, of a circular ring, disturbed 223
Equations, of a circular ring, disturbed and uniform 188
Equations, of disturbed and uniform circular motion 179
Equations, of the electron 178
Equations, of the Lorentz electron, Hamiltonian 287
Equations, of the Lorentz electron, Lagrangian 284
Equations, of the Lorentz electron, Newtonian 284
Equilibrium forms of gravitating liquid, their application to the mechanical theory of the electron xxii 268
Equipotential surfaces inside the electron in motion 267
Error made in neglecting the radiation pressure on a moving electron 183
Expansion of the electron steadies the motion of a circular ring 191
Expansions of the forces and potentials see "Forces" "Potentials"
Expansions of the function U according to accelerations of increasing order 228
Expansions of the function V according to powers of the velocity 23
Explanation of the electron, mechanical x 262
Expressions for the function V in finite terms 231
Extension of the electron vii ix x 14 262
Field, a field symmetrical about an axis leads to an integral of angular momentum 286
Field, a steady field leads to an energy integral 291
Field, action of an external field on an electron 174 285
Field, action of an external field on an electron and on a circular ring 218
Field, electromagnetic field of a moving electric charge see "Electromagnetic"
Force, equation of Larmor and Lorentz for the viii 2 173
Force, its resolution 12
Force, mechanical force on the electron, external 174 185 235
Force, mechanical force on the electron, external and internal 175 235 245 250
Force, on one electron of a circular ring due to the rest 187 206 217
Force, on one element of an electron due to another 237 241
Force, resultant 9
Force, working expressions for the force in an electron 242
Forces, electric and magnetic forces due to moving electric charges, anywhere 18 23 66 73 97 112
Forces, electric and magnetic forces due to moving electric charges, at a distance 77 100 107 116 120 123 128 133 144 161 194
Forces, electric and magnetic forces due to moving electric charges, near the path 167 170 171 187 201 205
Forte-function of the Lorentz electron 293 296 314
Freedom, degrees of freedom of an electron and of a circular ring 226
Frequency, change of frequency in the Doppler effect 196
Frequency, equations of a ring of electrons 181 226
Function, force see "Force"
Function, Hamiltonian see "Hamiltonian"
Function, Lagrangian see "Lagrangian"
Function, U 228
Function, V 230 242
Gegenbaur 20
Geometrical construction of the waveenvelope 34 see
Geometrical interpretation of the characteristic equation 29
Geometrical interpretation of the characteristic equation and of the point-laws 31
Geometrical representation of the field due to an electron moving in a uniform electrostatic field 66
Geometrical representation of the field due to an electron moving in a uniform electrostatic field and of the point-law potentials 33
Graf and Gubler 108
Gray and Mathews 109 157
Group of charges 102
Group of charges, its radiation reduced by interference 103
Haga 92
Hamilton and Jacobi, equation of Hamilton and Jacobi for the Lorentz electron 290
Hamiltonian equations of motion of the Lorentz electron 287
Hamiltonian equations of motion of the Lorentz function 287 290 293
Harmonic motion see "Rectilinear motion"
Harmonic waves, of a circular ring disturbed 134
Harmonic waves, of a circular ring disturbed and in uniform motion 108
Harmonic waves, of a group 103
Harmonic waves, of a processing system 146
Harmonic waves, of a single electric charge 98 101 116 120 123 141
Heaviside ellipsoid xiv 275
Herglotz 90
Hertz vii 1 2
Indeterminateness of structure of a ring of electrons and its removal xii 190
Integral of angular momentum of the Lorentz electron 286 293 297 315 317
Integral of energy 291 296 301 308
Integrals for forces and potentials 17 18 20 21 111 112
Intensity, of components in the Zeeman effect 146
Intensity, of radiation in the Doppler effect 196
jacobi 290
Kapteyn series of Bessel functions 110 138 187 212 224
Kapteyn series of Bessel functions, convergence of 110
Kapteyn series of Bessel functions, need for their study vii
Kaufmann xv 299
Kirchhoff 4
Lagrangian equations for the Lorentz electron 284
Lagrangian function for the same 285 301
Lagrangian series for the potentials xi 154
Laisant, hyperbolic cycloid of 307
Langevin 143
Larmor, Sir J. vii viii ix x 2 3 5 122
Liapounoff xxii
Lienard 8 22 24 110 175 251
Lindemann 16 21 28 89 175 227
Liquid, equilibrium forms of gravitating xxii 268
Livens 175
Lorentz electron 257
Lorentz electron, its electromagnetic mass 175
Lorentz electron, its motion in a central electrostatic and uniform magnetic field 313
Lorentz electron, its pressure and structure 279
Lorentz electron, kinetic energy of the 178
Lorentz electron, Lorentz electron, energy difficulty of the 173 178
Lorentz electron, mechanics of the — xiv 282
Lorentz electron, motion of the Lorentz electron in a uniform and steady electromagnetic field, with forces at any angle 308
Lorentz electron, motion of the Lorentz electron in a uniform and steady electromagnetic field, with forces at any parallel 296
Lorentz electron, motion of the Lorentz electron in a uniform and steady electromagnetic field, with forces at right angles 301
Lorentz electron, problems on the motion of the 295
Lorentz electron, special case of the electric force proportional to the radius 318
Lorentz electron, special case of the electric force proportional to the radius and its application to spectrum lines 323
Lorentz electron, special case of the electric force proportional to the radius and the Zeeman effect 322
Lorentz electron, the mechanical explanation of the electron leads to the 268 276 278
Lorentz, H.A. vii viii ix x 2 4 5 28 173
Loria 183 298 306 307
Macdonald 5
MacLaren xxii
Magnetic force see "Forces"
Mass, electromagnetic see "Electromagnetic"
Mass, non-electromagnetic 263 273
Maxwell vii viii 2 3 9 126 187 215
Mechanical explanation of the electron see "Explanation"
Mechanical force see "Force"
Menoclinoid curve 183
Momentum see "Electromagnetic"
Monoperiodic motion 95
Monoperiodic motion of variable amplitude 156
Monoperiodic motion, its distant field 101
Motions, various motions and their fields see "The particular motion"
Nagaoka 91 172
Neumann’s addition theorem 109
Newtonian equations of motion for the Lorentz electron 283
Newton’s Second Law assumed viii x 178 265
Newton’s Third Law fails for electrons xiii 235 237
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