Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Klyshko D.N. — Photons and nonlinear optics |
Предметный указатель |
Absolute calibration 55 59
Absolute calibration, measurement 24 161 314 320
Absorption matrix 210
Analytic signal 35 128
Angles of anisotropy 183 399
Annihilation operator 37 143 225
Antibunching 33 63 151 154 158 160 166
Anticorrelation 279
Antinormal correlation function 169
Antinormally ordered moments 126
Binomial distribution 163
Biphotons 24 286 321
Boltzmann distribution 178
Brightness 13 120 122 298
Brown — Twiss experiment 52 246 379
Bunching 151 158 321
Bunching, effect 51
canonical ensemble 194
Canonical ensemble, transformation 86
Cascade hyperparametric scattering 61 361
Causality 96 120
Central moment 242
Chaotic phase approximation 112
Characteristic function 70 111 195
Coherence length 21
Coherence length, radius 43 382
Coherence length, time 42 42 46
Coherence length, volume 236 278
Coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering - CARS 32
Coherent Raman Scattering 61 368
Coherent state 131 135 145 158
Commutation, relations 125 221 339 376
Commutation, rules 226
Commutator 67
Completeness relations 133
Conditional probability 92
Correlation functions 39 83 231 172 197 262
Correlation of intensities 52 367 379
Creation and annihilation, operators 125 127
Creation operator 37
Critical opalescence 388
Cross-section 293
Cubic fluctuation-dissipation, theorem 349
Cubic susceptibility 349
Cumulants 141
Degeneracy factor 44 98 244
Degeneracy parameter 195
Density matrix 84 107
Density matrix, operator 84
Detection volume 46
Dipole approximation 222
Dirac notation 77 394
Dirac notation, represenation 86
Dispersion law 185 204 352
Distribution of Photoelectrons 163
Dyad 74 394
Dyad, notation 214 376
Effective Hamiltonian 271 282 353
Effective temperature 8 326
Eigenfrequency 185
Eigenfunction 70
Eigenvectors 76 131 141 146 396—397
Enhanced bunching 63
Envelope 144 339
Evolution operators 142
External product 227
Factorial moments 154 159 165
Far zone 232
Fermi’s Golden Rule 93 286
Fluctuation-dissipation theorem 28 59 99 185 197—199 201 252
Flutuation-dissipation theorem 179
form factors 234 294
Fourier spectroscopy 41
Frequency angular spectra 306
Fresnel equation 184 191
Generalized Kirchhoff law 193 215 232 243 270 332 355 371 375 377
Generalized Kirchhoff s laws 15
Generating function 154—156 165—166
Geometric distribution 153 157 159
Green functions 96 121 175 178 183 190 198 200 207 341 348 396—397 400
Hamiltonian equations 66
Heisenberg, equations 67 150 315
Heisenberg, representation 68 81
Hilbert space 72 76 134 220
Hilbert transform 256 260
Hyper — Raman scattering 60—61
Hyper — Rayleigh scattering 5 60
Hyperparametric scattering 2 23 29 31 56 359
Interaction representation 86
K photon, light 45 156
K photon, state 154
Kinetic equation 145 221 223 227 271 354
Kirchhoff law 372
Kirchhoff’s formula 230
Kirchhoff’s law 59 208
Lagrange’s equations 66
Lamb shift 180 202 252
Langevin force 199
Length of coherence 70
Light beating spectroscopy 52
Light-by-light scattering 29 54
Longitudinal fluctuations 205
Mandel's formula 49 63 163 247
Mandelshtam-Brillouin scattering 4 6 60
Markov approximation 108
Maxwell — Lorentz equations 115 181
Maxwell’s equations 116 120 181
Minimum uncertainty states 151
Mixed state 137
MODE 9 119 185
Mode density 10 337
Moments 124
Momentum operator 146
Multimode field 162 167
N-photon transitions 250
Near zone 238
Negative-frequency part 128
| New waves 185
Non-linear fluctuation-dissipation, theorem 369
Nonperturbing measurements 81
Normal, distribution 157
Normal, moments 37 138
Normal, waves 184
Normally ordered moments 145 207
Normally ordered operators 138
Number of photons in a mode 9 12
Nyquist’s theorem 94
Occupancy numbers 134
Onsager’s symmetry, condition 207
Onsager’s symmetry, principle 101 217
Optical parametric noise 58
Orthonormal system 394
Outer product 394
P representation 63 138 143
Parametric luminescence 58
Parametric scattering 28 161 333 345 357
Parametric superluminescence 15 59
Pascal distribution 158
Perturbation theory 89
Phase-matching condition 2 7 61 262 326 349 352 380
Phase-matching surface 296
Photocount statistics 152
Photon, bunching 51
Photon, correlation 367
Photon, counting rate 238
Photon, distribution 163
Photon, statistics 152
Planck distribution 278
Planck’s function 207
Poisson brackets 67
Poisson distribution 153 157
Polarition Scattering 58—59 189 343 352 357
Polaritons 21
Positive-frequency part 128
Probability of photocounts 237
Projection operator 74 398
Projection tensor 394
Pure state 137
Quadratic fluctuation-dissipation, theorem 102
Quadratic susceptibility 262 352
Quantization box 117 230 292
Quantization boxes 211
Quantization length 9
Quantum, efficiency 10 241 244 319 323
Quantum, fluctuations 61
Quantum, noise 56—57 141
Quantum, photometry 59
Quasiprobability 164
Radiation cooling 193 202 206
Raman resonance 368
Raman scattering 1 54 104 350 351 368 373 388
Raman scattering, bypolaritons 17
Random coincidences 242
Rayleigh scattering 54 213 373
Reciprocity theorem 207
Relaxation 106
Resonance fluorescence 33 61 63 160
Response function 178
Rotating wave approximation 168 225
Saturation effect 54 161 229
Scalar product 72
Scattering by polaritons 23 28
Scattering, matrices 71 91 145 210 212 256 273 332 355 376
Scattering, operator 87
Schroedinger representation 68 81
Shifted Gaussian state 144
Slowly varying amplitudes 68
Spacial dispersion 182 399
Spectral brightness 11 209 228 326 337 366
Spontaneous emission 170 172
Spontaneous radiation 212 236
Squeezed states 63—64 145
Squeezed vacuum 151
State density 93
Stimulated parametric scattering 337 341
Stimulated Raman scattering 370
Stimulated transition 92
Superbunching 63 154 161 380
Symmetrized moments 140
TEM wave 310 339 384
Thermal radiation 193 197 206 207 252
Thermodynamic equilibrium 94
Thermostat 106 222
Three-photon Rayleigh scattering 5
Townes formula 229
Transition, probability 91
Transition, rate 93
Translation operator 133
Transverse bunching 321
Transverse coherence 216
Two-photon, absorption 33
Two-photon, decay 162 246 279
Two-photon, efficiency 160
Two-photon, Kirchhoff law 277
Two-photon, laser 64
Two-photon, light 154 161
Two-photon, radiation 157 274
Two-photon, states 220 264
Two-photon, transition 250
Two-quanta efficiencies 159
Uncertainty principle 80
Unipolar approximation 203 351
Unity decomposition 75
Vacuum brightness 209 228
Vacuum fluctuations 12 126 317 380
Vacuum noise 371
Van — Cittert — Zemike theorem 43
Vectorial potential 123
Wave packet reduction 81
Wave particle dualism 196
Wave-guide Kirchhoff 4
Wave-guide Kirchhoff’s law 217
Wigner distribution 141
Zero fluctuations 277
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