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Geckeler S. — Optical fiber transmission systems |
Предметный указатель |
Optical receiver 18 23 246 288 292 305 311
Optical spectral width 16 73 161 253 262 274 279 309
Optical transmitter 14 243 252 339
Optical waveguide 16 85 267
Output pulse 30 55 78 248 318
Overcompensated fiber 219 232
Overlap integral 129 132
Parabolic profile 10 33 86 94 102 128 137 178 182
Parseval's theorem 49 143
Partial optical pulse 76 218 225 277 294
Partial optical pulse, pulse separation 227 231 277
Phase 40 53—55 57 66 80 118 295 306
Phase, delay 66 96
Phase, distortion 57 248 291
Phase, fronts 80 118 152 305
Phase, index 66 85—87 96 117 264
Phase, index of a mode 96
Phase, integral 90 181 188
Phase, noise 310
Phase, velocity 66 68 152 173
Phase-shift keying (PSK) 307
Phase-space cell 193
Phase-space diagram (PSD) 12 32 35 83 91 116 190 201 255
Photocurrent 23—25 288 293 306
Photodetector 23 245 288 292 305
PhotoDiode 1 23 289
Photodiode, avalanche, (APD) 24 27 164 246 292 295 300
Photoreceiver 18 23 246 288 292 305 311
PIN-FET receiver 156 291
Plane of polarization 273
Plane wave 65 79 190
Polarization 91 173 185 273 305
Polarization dispersion 173
Polarization state 174 305
Power spectrum 49 151 284
Preform 21 117
Profile 10 18 85
Profile, dispersion 98 102 158 207 213
Profile, dispersion parameter 102 220 325 329
Profile, dispersion, linear 102 158 207 213 325 329
Profile, dispersion, nonlinear 104 215
Profile, distortion 212
Profile, exponent 33 86 93 99 184 195 210 212
Profile, function 12 32 85 167 212
Profile, graded index 11 85 212
Profile, measurement 31 116 200
Profile, multiple-clad 171
Profile, optimization 101 167 210 212
Profile, parabolic 10 33 86 94 102 128 137 178 182
Profile, power-law 33 86 99 184 185 191 195 205 210 215
Profile, refractive-index 10 21 31 85 109 113 178 197 200 212
Profile, step-index 8 23 86 92 101 110 133 153 179 182
Profile, W-(W-profile) 167
Propagation constant 88 92 96 173 178 190 207
Propagation constant, normalized 92 106 110 114 123 165 167 178 190 209 324
Propagation direction 79 84 178 189 255 268
PuLSE 10 26 30 41 49 55 60 76 161 225 243 278 318
Pulse, broadening 10 29 58 76 161 218 227
Pulse, center 50 56 172 218 221 226 281
Pulse, current 245 248 262 274 288
Pulse, Gaussian 42 51—52 243 283 302
Pulse, input 30 55 78 242 318
Pulse, interference 249 303
Pulse, measurement 26 30 61 76 161 217 226 318
Pulse, moments 49 58 61 76 161 225 243 277
Pulse, optical 10 26 30 76 161 225 243 277
Pulse, output 30 55 78 248 318
Pulse, partial 64 186 192 239 254
Pulse, rectangular 44 243
Pulse, transmission 55 242 248
Pulsewidth, effective 51 76 161 218 227 279
Pulsewidth, equal-area 42 243 278 298 301
Pulsewidth, pulse duration 10 26 30 43 51 57 155 164 278
Pulsewidth, root mean square (rms) 51 76 161 218 227 279
Quantum efficiency 23 288 302 307
Radial field function 87 110 123 129 136 167 323
Radiance 14 32 83 124 194 254 268
Radiant intensity 35 83 140 198
Radiating area 14 254 268
RADIUS 10 32 79 85 109 178
Radius, core 12 34 86 91 109 177
Radius, core, equivalent 139 328
Radius, mode field (MFR) 109 128 142 147 166 204 268
Radius, normalized 86 109 182 190
Raman scattering 156 164
RANGE 19 156 304 311
Ray optics 7 177
| Rayleigh scattering 17
Receiver 18 23 246 288 292 305 311
Receiver, filter 246 284 291 294 312
Rectangle of equal area 42
Rectangular pulse 44 243
Reflection factor 264 271 273
Refracted near-field technique (RNF) 121 200
Refractive index 7 16 66 85—87 117 264
Refractive index, depression 146 167
Refractive index, difference 9 11 20 173
Refractive index, dip 14 21 34 113 122
Refractive index, equivalent difference 139
Refractive index, normalized difference 86 102 210
Refractive index, normalized product 102 158 207
Refractive index, profile 10 21 31 85 109 113 178 197 200 212
Refractive index, profile measurement 31 116 200
Refractive index, profile optimization 101 167 210 212
Regression 161 220 239 321 337
Repeater distance 4 311
Rise time 59 243 262 274 290
Sampling theorem 47 241 249
Sampling time 249 281 297 301
Scalar wave equation 88 92 96 110 123 138 178 324
Scattering 16 27 148 154
Scattering, loss 17 21 154 160 168
Scattering, loss coefficient 18 21 154
Second-mode cutoff 92 99 116 124 288 327
Sellmeier expansion 67
Separation of partial pulses 227 231 277
Shot noise 285 293 297
Sidebands 68 310
Signal spectrum 41 55 68 289 294
Signal-to-noise ratio 251 282 300 307
single-mode fiber 16 88 91 109 255 268 313 323
Solid angle 13 32 83 195 256
Spectral function 41 52 55 226 242
Spectral function, normalized 53 61
Spectral line 274—277
Spectral sensitivity 289
Spectrum, Fourier 41 52 55
Spectrum, moments of optical 76 161 280
Spectrum, optical 16 73 161 172 262 274—277
Spectrum, signal 41 55 68 289 294
Splice 15 19 147 231
Splice, distance, separation 232 236
Splice, factor 231
Splice, loss 15 19 28 147
Squared noise current 284 292 307
State of polarization 174
Steady-state distribution 198 201 228
Step response 59
Step-index fiber 8 12 86 101 110 133 153 159
Step-index profile 8 23 86 92 101 110 133 153 179 182
Step-index profile, equivalent (ESI) 139 153 328
Stray capacitance 247 290
Subcarrier 261
Superposition theorem 55
Surface-emitting LED 253
Systems theory 39
Temporal function, function of time 41 49 56 59 242 248
Threshold current 266 285
Tilt 147 269 275
time function 41 49 56 59 242 248
Time slot duration 244 248 294 308 339
Total internal reflection 8 179
Transfer function 55 242 291—292
Transfer function, normalized 56 62 245
Transimpedance amplifier 291
Transit time 9—11 73 96 157 212
Transit time, difference 9—11 72 212
Transmission bandwidth 10 16 29 62 158 166 219 223 237 245 311 336
Transmission system 5 241 311 338
Undercompensated fiber 219 232
Undulation period 10 180 270
V-value 91 99 110 129 132 158 168 177 185 195
V-value, equivalent 139 328
W-fiber 167 187
Wave vector 89 178
Wave vector, radial component 89 178 187 206
Wave, equation 88 92 96 110 123 138 178 324
Wave, number 88 96 119 128 144 206 269
Wave, optics 79 85 268
Waveguide dispersion 73 98 158 166 276
Wavelength 15 17 65 102 124 158 220 252 289
Wavelength, central 76 161 172 277
Wavelength, division multiplex (WDM) 315
WKB-approximation 178 181 206
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