This 2006 version of SPE’s Petroleum Engineering Handbook is the result of several years of effort by technical editors, copy editors,
and authors. It is designed as a handbook rather than a basic text. As such, it will be of most benefi t to those with some experience
in the industry who require additional information and guidance in areas outside their areas of expertise. Authors for each of the more
than 100 chapters were chosen carefully for their experience and expertise. The resulting product of their efforts represents the best
current thinking on the various technical subjects covered in the Handbook.
The rate of growth in hydrocarbon extraction technology is continuing at the high level experienced in the last decades of the 20th
century. As a result, any static compilation, such as this Handbook, will contain certain information that is out of date at the time of publication.
However, many of the concepts and approaches presented will continue to be applicable in your studies, and, by documenting
the technology in this way, it provides new professionals an insight into the many factors to be considered in assessing various aspects
of a vibrant and dynamic industry.