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Benysek G. — Improvement in the quality of delivery of electrical energy using power electronics systems
Benysek G. — Improvement in the quality of delivery of electrical energy using power electronics systems

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Название: Improvement in the quality of delivery of electrical energy using power electronics systems

Автор: Benysek G.


This book of the author G. Benysek is an important work for the development of
the electric transmission system towards a more flexible technical system. Power
transmission in electrical networks is essential for industrial and private
consumers. The permanent reliability and stability of energy delivery is an obvious
issue in all industrialised countries. Technical handling of the transmission system
follows up to now well-tested approaches.
Requirements for the adaptation of the power system result from the change of
the energy supply itself. Due to increasing efforts for environmental protection at
one hand and limited hydrocarbon resources on the other hand, conventional power
plants with fossil fuels will be reduced significantly in future. The energy delivery
is then realised by a remaining distributed generation from fossil fuels and
increasing power shares of renewable power plants. Hence, the management of the
energy transmission has to be adapted to the new situation. Several power flows
will occur independently from the demand side. Different characteristics of the
energy sources and distributed responsibilities of energy conversion will take place
on the supplier side. Nevertheless customers expect the same quality of delivery as
known from decades with only small changes in the transmission system. The
safety and the power quality of the energy delivery have the highest priority in the
industrialised world.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Технология/

Статус предметного указателя: Неизвестно

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Год издания: 2007

Количество страниц: 191

Добавлена в каталог: 23.03.2011

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