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Nakahara M. (ed.), Kanemitsu S. (ed.) — Physical realizations of quantum computing. Are the Divincenzo Criteria fulfilled in 2004
Nakahara M. (ed.), Kanemitsu S. (ed.) — Physical realizations of quantum computing. Are the Divincenzo Criteria fulfilled in 2004

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Название: Physical realizations of quantum computing. Are the Divincenzo Criteria fulfilled in 2004

Авторы: Nakahara M. (ed.), Kanemitsu S. (ed.)


This volume contains papers by invited speakers of the symposium "Quantum
Computation: Are the DiVincenzo Criteria Fulfilled in 2004?" held at
Kinki University in Osaka, Japan, during the period of May 7-8, 2004. The
aim of this symposium was to examine the potential of various physical
realizations of a quantum computer in view of the DiVincenzo criteria by
experts in each realization.
It is our sad duty to annuonce that Martti M. Salomaa, one of the
editors and the contributors, has passed away. We would like to dedicate
this volume to his memory. We have reproduced the obituary for Martti
Salomaaa prepared by his longtime friend Professor Rainer Salomaa and
his former student Dr Saku Lehtonen.
Dr David DiVincenzo kindly contributed to this symposium using a
video conference system, a prerecorded video tape and a powerpoint file
from Chicago. The attaced CD-ROM contains his video contribution and
the powerpoint file. Also included in the CD-ROM is the powerpoint file
prepared by Akio Hosoya for his contribution to the symposium.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Физика/

Статус предметного указателя: Неизвестно

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Год издания: 2006

Количество страниц: 234

Добавлена в каталог: 23.03.2011

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