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Quarteroni A., Saleri F. — Scientific Computing with MATLAB |
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... 31 28
A-stability 167
abs 6
Absolute, error 3
Absolute, stability 165
Adams — Bashforth formula 175
Adams — Moulton formula 175
Adaptive formula 95
Adaptivity 73 95
Algorithm 24
Algorithm, Gauss 108
Algorithm, multigrid 134
Algorithm, Strassen 25
Algorithm, Thomas (see Thomas algorithm)
Algorithm, Winograd and Coppersmith 25
Aliasing 70
angle 6
ANS 27
Approximation, least square 76
Arpackc 150
Average 82
Axis 146
Backward, difference formula 176
Backward, Euler method 156
Backward, finite difference 85
Backward, substitutions 107
Bairstow method 52
Basis 3
Bisection 40
Bisection method 38
boundary conditions 189 205
Boundary-value problem 187
Boundary-value problem, Dirichlet 189
Boundary-value problem, Neumann 189
break 209
Broyden method 52
Cancellation 5
Cauchy problem 155
Chebyshev, interpolation 65 66
Chebyshev, nodes 65
chol 113
Cholesky factorization 113
Cholinc 134
clear 28
compass 7
Compatibility relation 122
Complex number 6
complexity 25
Computational cost 25
cond 118
condest 118
Condition number 118 199
Consistency 202
Consistent method 160 202
contour 238
conv 18
Convergence 23
Convergence, Euler method 158
Convergence, finite differences 202
Convergence, Gauss — Seidel method 127
Convergence, interpolation 65
Convergence, iterative method 122 123
Convergence, Newton method 43
Convergence, order 23
Convergence, power method 142
Convergence, Richardson method 130
cos 28
cputime 26
Crank — Nicolson method 162
cumtrapz 91
dblquad 99
deconv 18
Deflation 52 150
Degree of exactness 89
Dekker — Brent method 52
DET 111
Determinant 110
diag 11
diff 20
Discretization step 156
DISP 209
Divergence operator 189
EIG 148
Eigenvalue 14 137
Eigenvalue, extremal 140
Eigenvector 14 137
eigs 149
Elastic membrane 201
END 26
Error, absolute 3 23
Error, computational 23
Error, estimator 24 44 45 50 95 119
Error, interpolation 63
Error, perturbation 169
Error, relative 3 23
Error, roundoff 3
Error, truncation 23 203
etime 26
Eulesp 157
exit 27
EXP 28
Explicit method 157
Extrapolation Richardson method 101
eye 9
Factorization, Cholesky 113 144
Factorization, Gauss 109
Factorization, LU 106 144
Factorization, QR 152
feval 15 33
Fibonacci sequence 30
find 40
Finite difference, backward 85
Finite difference, centered 85
Finite, differences method 190 195
Finite, elements method 192
fix 209
Fixed point 47
Floating-point, numbers 1
Floating-point, operations 25
Formula, adaptive 95
Formula, backward difference 176
Formula, Euler 8
Forward 85
Forward, Euler method 156 165
Forward, finite difference 85
Forward, substitutions 107
Fourier transform, discrete 68
Fourier transform, fast 69
fplot 14 73
Function, derivative 20
Function, graph 14
Function, primitive 19
fzero 16 52
Gauss — Seidel method 126
Gauss, algorithm 108
Gauss, factorization 109
Gauss, nodes 90
Gauss, quadrature formulae 90 99
Gershgorin circles 146
gmres 134
grid 15
griddata 80
Griddata3 80
Griddatan 80
| Heat equation 188
help 28
Heun method 177
Hilbert matrix 115 132
Hold off 146
hold on 146
if 26
ifft 69
Implicit method 157
Improved Euler method 177
Increment 129
inf 4
inline 33
int 20
Interp1 73
Interp1q 73
interp2 79
interp3 79
Interpft 69
Interpolant 60
Interpolation, Chebyshev 65
Interpolation, composite 72 79
Interpolation, Lagrangian polynomial 60
Interpolation, nodes 59
Interpolation, piecewise linear 72
Interpolation, polynomial 60
Interpolation, rational 60
Interpolation, splines (see Spline)
Interpolation, trigonometric 60 67
INV 10
Invshift 144
Iteration function 48
iterations 48
Iterative methods 122
Jacobi method 124
Kronecker symbol 61 68
Krylov methods 134
Lagrange, characteristic polynomials 62
Lagrange, form 62
Lanczos method 150
Laplace, operator 187 197
Laplace, rule 10
Least squares method 75
Lexicographic order 197
Lipschitz continuous function 155
Load 28
Local truncation error 159 203
loglog 23
Lotka and Leslie model 138
Lotka — Volterra equations 154
lu 110
luinc 134
magic 134
Mantissa 3
Matrix 8
Matrix, bidiagonal 120
Matrix, companion 52
Matrix, determinant 10
Matrix, diagonal 11
Matrix, diagonally dominant 112 124
Matrix, Hilbert (see Hilbert matrix)
Matrix, identity 9
Matrix, ill conditioned 119
Matrix, inverse 10
Matrix, iteration 123
Matrix, permutation 114
Matrix, positive definite 112 127
Matrix, product 9
Matrix, similar 148
Matrix, sparse (see Sparse matrix)
Matrix, square 9
Matrix, strictly diagonal 127
Matrix, symmetric 12 112 127
Matrix, transpose 12
Matrix, triangular 12
Matrix, tridiagonal 120 127 191
Matrix, Vandermonde 109
Matrix, Wilkinson 151
mesh 199
meshgrid 80 238
Method, Adams — Bashforth 175
Method, Adams — Moulton 175
Method, backward Euler (see Backward Euler method)
Method, Bairstow 52
Method, bisection (see Bisection method)
Method, Broyden 52
Method, conjugate gradient 132 134
Method, Crank — Nicolson (see Crank — Nicolson method)
Method, Dekker — Brent 52
Method, dynamic Richardson 130
Method, finite element 204
Method, forward Euler (see Forward Euler method)
Method, Gauss — Seidel 126
Method, GMRES 134
Method, gradient 130
Method, Jacobi 124
Method, least squares 75
Method, Monte Carlo 208
Method, Muller 52
Method, multifrontal 134
Method, Newton (see Newton method)
Method, Newton — Horner 52
Method, power (see Power method)
Method, predictor-corrector 176
Method, QR 148
Method, relaxation 127
Method, SOR 136
Method, spectral 204
Method, stationary Richardson 130
Method, Sturm 52
Midpoint formula 88
Midpoint formula, composite 87
Model problem 165
Model problem, generalized 168
Muller method 52
Multistep method 175
NaN 5
nargin 33
nchoosek 209
Neumann boundary conditions 205
Newton 45
Newton method 42 54
Newton method, adaptive 44
Newton method, modified 44
Newton — Cotes formulae 99
Newton — Horner method 52
Norm 14
Numerical integration 87
ode113 178
Ode15s 176 183
ode23 175 185 240
ode23s 183
Ode23tb 175 183
ode45 175
One-step method 156
ones 13
Ordinary differential, equation 153
Overflow 4 5
Partial derivative 187
Partial differential, equation 153
Patch 146
Path 30
Pchip 75
Pdetool 80 202 204
peg 134
Phase plane 179
Piecewise linear interpolation 72
Pivot element 109
Pivoting 113
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