This book Is devoted to the galhering ot
fault codes, and to the understanding and
testing af the sell-diagnosis element of the
modern engine management system. This
Automotive Diagnostic Fault Code Techbook
is a companion volume to the Haynes Engine
Management and Fuel Injection Systerns
Manual, and for a complete understanding of
the modern qngine management system, the
content of both books should be examined.
The book first gives a technical ouerview of
sen-diagnosis. Other Chapters describe test
equipment and general test routines for
individual components which may be
indicated to tx? detective by the presance of a
stored fault code. Finally, each vehicle
manufacturer is given a specific Chapter with
a comprehensive list of fault codes, details of
how to obtain codes, and other relevant
infomation. Even If the reader has no
intention of actually attemptag to lnvestlgate
faults on his or her own vehicle, the oook still
provides valuable insight iito self-diagnosis.