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Eckhoff R. — Dust explosions in the process industries
Eckhoff R. — Dust explosions in the process industries

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Название: Dust explosions in the process industries

Автор: Eckhoff R.


Experience has shown all loo clearly lhat ignition and explosion can occur wherever combustible dusts are handled or permitted to accumulate as a by-product of related activities. Despite reasonable precautions, accidents can and do happen; recognition of this universal hazard and the potential means for its control is widespread, as evidenced by the many individuals and groups worldwide performing research and developing codes and regulations.
The primary means of controlling and minimizing ihis recognized hazard are study, regulation and education; to accomplish this, specific knowledge must be generated and disseminated for the benefit of all interested people. Rolf Eckhoff has, in my estimation-prepared an outstanding book. It presents a detailed and comprehensive critique of all the significant phases relating to the hazard and control of a dust explosion, and offers an up to date evaluation of prevalent activities, testing methods, design measures and safe operating techniques.
The author is in an outstanding position to write this text, having spent a lifetime in research on dust and gas explosions. He assimilates information from worldwide contacts whilst retaining his independence of thought and the ability to see clearly through problems. His clear and concise language and thorough approach will benefit his fellow workers and all who read his book. His presentation of the mathematics, tables and figures is clear and striking. The inclusion of a comprehensive bibliography indicates not only his own thoroughness, but also the widespread nature of research into dust explosions throughout the world.
This book is the most complete compilation to date of the state of the art on industrial dust explosions.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Технология/

Статус предметного указателя: Неизвестно

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Издание: 2

Год издания: 1997

Количество страниц: 660

Добавлена в каталог: 17.03.2011

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