Авторизация |
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Müller-Olm M. — Modular Compiler Verification: A Refinement-Algebraic Approach Advocating Stepwise Abstraction |
Предметный указатель |
121 122
152 155
, 27 95
d 99
, 35
, 35
34 35
(a, b) 138
( )-path 91
A, B, C 116
Abstraction 3 5 — 40 108 111 135
Abstraction, piecewise 18 107 108
Abstraction, prize of 157
Abstraction, soundness and completeness 155
Addition command 40 57
Addition command, and basic commands 62
Addition command, commutation laws 60
Addition command, dualization and distribution 59
AddOvFl 115
addr 117
Address, admissible 143 144
Addressing mode 116 125
Adjoint, existence and uniqueness 17
Adjoint, lower/upper 15
AdmAdr 143
Alphabet 27
Alphabet, extension/restriction 34
Antitonic 12
Array notation 41 80
Assembler language 5 136
assertion 40 48
Assertion, basic laws 49 50
Assertion, derived laws 55
Assertion, dualization and distribution 48
Assignment, basic laws 47 50
Assignment, derived laws 53 55
Assignment, dualization and distribution 46
Assumption see Assertion
AUX 130
Baddr 117
Base model 3 5 113 135 137 231
BaseAdr 115
Block 40 57
Block code generation 172 — 175 199 219
bool 11
bop 130
Bound, (greatest) lower and (least) upper 9
bpw 114
BYTE 114 118
Byte address 115 116
Byte address, valid 117
Byte selector 115
byteselectlengih, byteselectmask 114
CB 187
CE 186 190
CE’ 218
Chain 9
Chan 95
Chaos 40
Choice assignment 40 70
Choice, angelic and demonic 42 51
cm 186
Code 119
Code generator specification, explicit and implicit 179
Code sequence, partitioned 138
Com 42
ComEvt 95
Command 39 42
Command space, heterogeneous 39 40 57 234
Command space, homogeneous 58 — 59 234
Command, basic heterogeneous 57 — 67
Command, basic homogeneous 45 — 56
Command, derived 69 — 81
Command, distribution properties 67 — 69
Command, homogeneous 41 70
Communication event 95
Communication, modeling of 5 41 85 89
Compiler structure 2
Compiler verification 1 — 3 23 179 234
Compiling function 215 220ff
Compiling-correctness 3 128 179ff
Complement 10
Concretization see Abstraction
Conditional 40 52 78 191
Conditional, generalized 51
Conjunctive, positively 13
Conjunctive, universally 13 17
continuous 13
Control point, symbolic representation of 137ff
Coupling invariant 106
cp 181
CP’ 218
CS 185
CS’ 218
CurFct 121
CurOpr 122
Data abstraction 108 111
Data refinement 5 39 57 105
Data refinement, functional 106
Data refinement, soundness 106 — 107 110
Deadlock 87 — 90 92 98
Delay 85 99
Deletion command see Addition command
Dictionary restriction see Dictionary extension
Dictionary, (p,ff)-dictionary 218
Dictionary, extension 169ff 177 192 206
Dictionary, standard 161
Dictionary, syntactic 216
Diet, Dictlnfo 161
Direct function 118
Disjointness of program stor¬age and workspace 157 158 183 231
Disjunctive see Conjunctive
Divergence 87 — 90 92
DivOvFl 115
Duality 43 — 44 46 48 59 71
EB, EE, El, EM, EP, ES 220ff
Eflg 116
Elk 85 95
Embedding 34 82
Estimate, lower/upper 42
Execution cycle 113 120
expr 129 131
Extension, pointwise 12
Failure 103
Failure behavior, acceptable 6 127
FALSE 28 35
FETCH 121 141
fixpoint 14 40
Fixpoint induction principle 227
| Formal approach 24
Galois connection 15 44 107 109 111 152 158 159 163
Galois connection, alternative characterization of 16
Galois connection, comparison of 17
Galois connection, composition of 20 — 22
Galois connection, distributive 18 110
General instruction theorem 140 152 158 163
General operation theorem 155 158 163
Hashing 217
Healthiness condition 39
Homogeneous state space 41
HST 85 87 95
IC 173
IC’ 218
id 11
Immediate execution idealization 5 129 184
implementation 3 215
Implication order 11 35 41
InCh 130
InChan 95
indelay 123
Independence 26 32
initialization code 173 — 175 200 220 224
Input process 85 89 96
InStr 118
instr(n) 140
instr(w) 150
InstrCode 119
InstrName 118
Instruction 118
Instruction pointer 116 121 122 125 137
Instruction, current 121
Instruction, effect of 3 — 4 121
Instruction, loading 140
Interface, user and compiler designer 179 230
Interface, verification and implementation 230
InWsp 162
IP 116 138
IpAfter 138
IS 118
JDI 14
Join 9 10
Jump theorem 146 151 153 159 163 176 190 191
Knaster — Tarski theorem 14
Lattice 9 39
Lattice, Boolean 10
Lattice, bounded 10
Lattice, complete 10
Lattice, distributive 10
Lattice, function- 11 — 14
Lattice, sub- 11
Law 4 5 26 39 41 53 85
Law, !-?-sim 71
Law, — -general 61
Law, — -comm 61
Law, -assert 63
Law, - -sim 59
Law, — -general 61
Law, — -sim 59
Law, -assume 63
Law, — -comm 61
Law, — -general 61
Law, -add 99
Law, -assert 99
Law, -assign 99
Law, -assume 99
Law, -bound 103
Law, -choice 99
Law, -cond 100
Law, -refine 99
Law, -stop 100
Law, -void 99
Law, -empty 60
Law, -reorder 60
Law, -union 60
Law, ;-cond-leftwards 79
Law, Assert 49
Law, Assert- 55
Law, Assert- 55
Law, Assert-assume 50
Law, Assert-assume-sim 56
Law, Assert-conj 49
Law, Assert-disj 49
Law, Assert-monotonic 49
Law, Assign-assert 50
Law, Assign-assert1 55
Law, Assign-assert2 55
Law, Assign-assert3 56
Law, Assign-assume 50
Law, Assign-assume1 55
Law, Assign-assume2 55
Law, Assign-assume3 56
Law, Assign-by-choice 77
Law, Assign-cond 79
Law, Assign-output 96
Law, Assume 49
Law, Assume- 55
Law, Assume- 55
Law, Assume-antitonic 49
Law, Assume-assert 50
Law, Assume-conj 49
Law, Assume-disj 49
Law, Bound-add 102
Law, Bound-asg 103
Law, Bound-comb 102
Law, Bound-cond 103
Law, Bound-final 103
Law, Bound-fixpoint 103
Law, Bound-Id 103
Law, Bound-initial 102
Law, Bound-intro 102
Law, Bound-refine 102
Law, Cancel-asg 53
Law, Cancel1 75
Law, Cancel2 75
Law, Cancel3 75
Law, Cancel4 75
Law, Ch-asg 73
Law, Ch-ass-output 96
Law, Ch-assert1 73
Law, Ch-assert2 77
Law, Ch-assume2 77
Law, Ch-assumel 73
Law, Ch-comm 76
Law, Ch-finalization 74
Law, Ch-Id 72
Law, Ch-initialization-= 74
Law, Ch-mitialization- 74
Law, Ch-reorder 72
Law, Ch-union 72
Law, Choice 70
Law, Comb-asg 53
Law, Comb-asgl 47
Law, Comb-assert 49
Law, Comb-assume 49
Law, Comm-asg 53
Law, Conv1 76
Law, Conv2 76
Law, Empty-asg 53
Law, Empty-asg1 47
Law, Exploit-assert 50
Law, Exploit-assume 50
Law, Exploit-cond 79
Law, Final- 99
Law, Final-assert 62
Law, Final-assign 63
Law, Final-assume 62
Law, Final-ch 73
Law, Finalization 63
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