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Müller S.M.(ed.), Paul W.J.(ed.) — The Complexity of Simple Computer Architectures |
Предметный указатель |
Adder 30—37
Adder, carry look-ahead 34
Adder, comparison 71 123—140 178
Adder, conditional sum 35
Adder, fanout 42
Adder, flags 30 31
Adder, full adder 32
Adder, overflow 30 31
Adder, ripple carry 32
Admissible, control signal 16
Admissible, interrupt service routine 174
Alignment 77
ALU 29 82—86
Architectural module see “Module”
Architecture 5
Architecture, comparison 7
Architecture, model 5—20
Architecture, performance 6
Architecture, quality 6
Arithmetic logic unit see “ALU”
Arithmetic unit 38 123
atomic 146
Automaton, Mealy 43
Automaton, Moore 43
Basic component 9
Basic component, n-bit version 21
Benchmark 6 66 133
binary number 23
Branch target computation 78
Buffer 41
Carry look-ahead adder 34
Cause environment 156
Cause processing 157
Cause register 144
Circuit 11 12 15
Clocked circuit 12
Clocking overhead 13
Combinatorial circuit 11
Comparator 83 124
Comparison 5 7 198
Comparison, workload dependent 132
Comparison, workload independent 129
Condition test 83 124—128
Condition test, testing inputs 125
Condition test, two cycles 126
Conditional sum adder 35
Control 15 62 100—110 152
Control circuit, CaPro 157
Control circuit, CM 46
Control circuit, CN 46
Control circuit, MC (memory) 98
Control circuit, NSD 50
Control circuit, NSE 47
Control circuit, OD 45
Control circuit, PCC 97
Control circuit, SPRCon 151
Control circuit, zO 50
Control signals 15 43
Control signals, admissible 16
Control signals, encoding 183 192
Control signals, naming 82
Control signals, standard 112
Control signals, valid 112
Control, automaton 43 157
Control, hardwired 43—58 100
Control, microcoded 179—198
Control, microprogrammed 179—198
Control, parameters 47 106
correctness 173—177
CPI 5 68 133 135
Cycle time 16
Data paths 15
Data paths, DLX 81
Data paths, Markl 61
Data paths, modified hardware 16
Decoder 24
Delay, accumulated 19
Delay, gate 9
Delay, nomenclature 18
Design evaluation see “Evaluation”
Disjunctive normal form see “DNF”
DLX 77
DLX control 100—110 152 157
DLX control, DNF 103 106 160
DLX control, FSD 103 158 160
DLX control, microcoded 185—198
DLX control, microprogram 188
DLX control, parameters 106 163
DLX control, signal frequency 106 163
DLX control, signals 101 158 160
DLX data paths 81—100 148
DLX environment, ALU 82—86 123 124
DLX environment, cause 156
DLX environment, instruction register 93
DLX environment, main memory 97—100 148
DLX environment, PC 96 148
DLX environment, register file 94—96
DLX environment, shifter 86—92
DLX environment, special purpose registers 149
DLX, cost 110 164 195
DLX, cycle time 112 166 194 195
DLX, instruction format 77 78
DLX, instruction set 78 106 145
DLX, interrupt 148—172
DLX, simplified view 113 167
DNF 44 103 106 160
Encoder 26
Encoding see “Control signals”
Environment 81
Equal quality parameter 8
Evaluation 5 63 119 123—140 171 178 196
Exception registers 144
Execution scheme 101
Fanout 22 41 42
Fanout tree 41
Finite state diagram see “FSD”
Finite state transducer 43
FSD 43 101 103 158 160
FSD, fanin 44
FSD, weight 44
Full adder 32
Functional library 21—42 210—215
Gate delay 9
Gate equivalent 9
Generate signal 35
Half-decoder 26
Hardware model 8—20
Hardware, modified 13
I-type instruction 78
illegal instruction 154 191
Incrementer 28
Input, external 18
Input, open 15
| Instruction format 78
Instruction register 93
Instruction set, DLX see “DLX”
Interrupt 141—178 182
Interrupt convention 143
Interrupt level 173 174
Interrupt service routine 141 145
Interrupt service routine, admissible 174
Interrupt stack 145
Interrupt support 143—164 172
Interrupt support, hardware 144 148
Interrupt support, software 145
Interrupt, caught 173
Interrupt, completion 175
Interrupt, correctness 173—177
Interrupt, event signal 141 153
Interrupt, external 142
Interrupt, finite space 175
Interrupt, maskable 141
Interrupt, nested 145
Interrupt, occurred 173
Interrupt, pending 144 173
Interrupt, precise 175
Interrupt, priority 142 175
Interrupt, receives service 173
Interrupt, response time 174
Interrupt, resume 142
Interrupt, termination 175
Interrupt, type 141
J-type instruction 78
Library, functional 21—42 210—215
Logic unit 84
Main memory 16 97—100 148
Main memory, access time 17
Main memory, control 98
Main memory, modified hardware 17
Main memory, protection 100
Main memory, status signals 17 98 100 154
Main memory, status time 17 121 177
Mark1 59—75
Mark1, cost 63
Mark1, cycle time 64
Mark1, data paths 61
Mark1, instruction set 60
Mark1, quality 68 74
Mealy automaton 43
Mealy implementation 49—53 56
Mealy implementation, binary 49
Mealy implementation, unary 53
Micro state 15
Micro-address selection 181 188
Microcondition 180
Microinstruction 179
Microinstruction format 185
Microprogram 179 188
Microprogram ROM 179
Model, architecture 5—20
Model, hardware 5 8—20
Model, performance 5
Modified hardware 13
Modified hardware, data paths 16
Modified hardware, main memory 17
Modified hardware, RAM 14
Modified hardware, tristate driver 13
Module, architectural 203 222—257
Module, service 203—221 257—262
Moore automaton 43 100
Moore implementation 45—49 54
Moore implementation, binary 45
Moore implementation, unary 48
Motorola H4C technology 9
Number, binary 23
Number, two’s complement 29
Overflow 30 31 154
Parallel prefix 34
Performance 6
Performance model 5
Performance ratio 7
Powerup convention 18
Powerup mechanism 45 50 62 96 148 177 180
Powerup signal 45 156
Propagate signal 35
Protected region 147
q-range, global 135
q-range, local 132
Quality 6
Quality, EQ 8 130
Quality, metric 6
Quality, parameter 6
Quality, ratio 7 74 129
R-type instruction 78
RAM, modified hardware 14
RAM, multiport 10
register 12 22
Register transfer language 43 201—202
Register, general purpose 94
Register, special purpose 144 145 149
Ripple carry, adder 32
Ripple carry, incrementer 28
ROM 10
ROMfac 10 196 198
Sequencing data 180
Service module see “Module”
Shift, arithmetical 86
Shift, explicit 86
Shift, left 86
Shift, logical 86
Shift, parameters 87
Shift, right 40 86
Shift, special 86
Shifter 86—92
Shifter, barrel 39
Shifter, block diagram 89
Shifter, cyclic 38
Shifter, distance 90
Shifter, fill 90
Shifter, mask 92
Sign extension 77
Status register 144 145 149 151
Status, restore 147 174
Status, save 146 174
Subtraction 37
Table lookup 182 183 190
Technology, Motorola 9
Technology, optimization 41
Technology, Venus 9
Trade-off 69—74 123—140 178
Trap 145 154
Two’s complement number 29
Venus design system 9
Workload 5
Zero test 28
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