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Cocroft W.D., Thomas R.J.C. — Cold War. Building for nuclear confrontation 1946-1989
Cocroft W.D., Thomas R.J.C. — Cold War. Building for nuclear confrontation 1946-1989

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Название: Cold War. Building for nuclear confrontation 1946-1989

Авторы: Cocroft W.D., Thomas R.J.C.


From 1947 the United States committed herself to the containment of communist expansion, through what became known as the Truman doctrine. From that date, until the early 1990s Britain and other Western powers became locked in a political game of bluff that became known as the Cold War. How fast memory fades ... Only 10 years on the Cold War is political history and the military bases, bunkers, intelligence posts, antennae, aircraft shelters and associated paraphernalia of conflict are deserted and decaying. This unique book reflects a project mounted by English Heritage to document the physical remains of Britain's cold war policies, before they are demolished or reused. The authors describe and discuss the secret offices beneath British cities, the mock villages used to train troops, the now-deserted dockyards where nuclear submarines were constructed, and the 1200 ft wide 'elephant cages' which listened to Soviet whispers from afar. The physical remains are c! onstantly put into the context of political and social change by the authors, making this book fascinating reading for anybody interested in the immediate past.

Язык: en

Рубрика: История/

Статус предметного указателя: Неизвестно

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Год издания: 2004

Количество страниц: 281

Добавлена в каталог: 07.02.2011

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