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Smith C., Laurier J. (Illustrator) — Pearl Harbor 1941: The Day of Infamy
Smith C., Laurier J. (Illustrator) — Pearl Harbor 1941: The Day of Infamy

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Название: Pearl Harbor 1941: The Day of Infamy

Авторы: Smith C., Laurier J. (Illustrator)


This slim but informative and visually attractive overview-summary of that horrible day in December 1941 is just one volume in the Praeger Illustrated Military History series, which will eventually include more than 100 titles; the first "batch" comprises 34 volumes covering battles in World War I and World War II. Subsequent volumes will include coverage of the American Civil War, the ancient world, and the Napoleonic Wars. The format will be the same in each volume: cogent discussion of commanders, makeup of the opposing forces, actual maneuvers on the battlefield, results, and the battlefield as it looks today; the target audience for each volume is the general reader who wants basic information on consequential battles throughout history. The entire series would, of course, make a marvelously comprehensive addition to a public or school library's history collection, but the librarian may find that a more realistic approach would be to order the volumes most relevant to one's specific collection and readership needs — and, certainly, the individual volumes can either stand alone or alongside a few select series mates.

Язык: en

Рубрика: История/

Статус предметного указателя: Неизвестно

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Издание: Revised Edition

Год издания: 2001

Количество страниц: 98

Добавлена в каталог: 07.02.2011

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