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Ewing W.M., Jardetzky W.S., Press F. — Elastic waves in layered media |
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vibrations 194
vibrations 194
Abeles, P. 360
Adler, R.B. 245
Aeolotropic media 358
Aichi, K. 342
Airy phase 145 149 154 157 165 174 178 181 183 198 210 358
Anderson, D.V. 15 70
Anderson, E.R. 335
Angle, critical 93
Angle, critical, of emergence 27
Angle, critical, of incidence 24 25
Angular frequency, complex 45
Ansel, E.A. 114
Antisymmetric vibrations 285 292 293
Arons, A.B. 91—93
Atchison, T. 15
Bakaliajev, A.S. 1 13
Bancroft, D. 308 311 313
Banerji, S.K 186
Barnes, C 15
Bateman, H. 16 17 334 342
Bath, M. 341
Baykal, O. 169 196 205 208 215
Benioff, H. 238
Bergmann, P.G. 330
Bernard, P. 186
Bickley, W.G. 374
Biot, M.A. 10 107 163 314—322
Birch, F. 7 10 277
Bishop, R.E.D. 31 324
Blake, A. 20
Blake, F.G. 15
Blechschmidt, E. 324
Bleich, H.H. 325
Blokhintzev, L. 334 335
Blunt pulses 224
Bohnenblust, H.F. 324
Bontchkovsky, W.F. 245
Booker, H.G. 360
boundary conditions 7
Boundary, rigid 74 75
Brekhovskikh, L.M. 87 104 105 238 338
Brilliant, R.M. 169 196—198
Bromwich, T.J.I’A. 132 189 223 257—259 265 266
Brown, R.L. 323
Bullen, K.E. 20 28 70 278
Burg, K.E. 184
Byerly, P. 341
Cagniard, L. 113 115—119 278
Caloi, P. 216 218 274—276
Carder, D.S. 187 188 196
Carlson, J.R. 288
Carrier, G.F. 359
Carson, J.R. 115 116
Cauchy problem 16 132 134
Cherry, C 121
Chree, C 324
Christopherson, D.G. 324
Clark, D.S. 324
Coefficient, of incompressibility 6
Coefficient, of incompressibility, transmission 79 87 96
Cole, R.H. 143
Compressional waves 10 12 272
Conical waves 118 318
Constructive interference, condition of 140
Contour integration 44 98—104
Cooper, J.L.B. 324
Coulomb, J. 20 163 217 219
Crary waves 299
Crary, A.P. 263 297—301
Cremer, L. 293
Critical angle 93
Cubical dilatation 2
Curvature, effect of 263
Curve, dispersion 171 204
Cutoff frequency 139
Cylindrical hole 314
Cylindrical rod 305
Cylindrical tube 319
Cylindrical waves 36
Czerlinsky, E. 324
Das Gupta, S.C 342 349
Davies, R.M. 310—313
De Juhasz, K.J. 324
Deacon, G.E.It. 186
Debye, P. 65 365
Dengler, M.A. 324
Diaplacement components 1
Diaz, J.B. 21
Dietz, R.S. 341
Dilatation, cubical 2
Dinger, J.E. 187
Dispersion curve 171 204
Displacement potentials 8—10
Distortional waves 10 272
Disturbance, traveling 67
Dix, C.H. 114
Dobrin, M.B. 33 151 200—203 208 237
Donn, W.L. 187 188
Donnell, L.H. 278
Drake, C.L. 149
Duhem, P. 278
Duvall, W. 15
Duwez, P.E. 324
Dyk, K. 335
Eckart, C 365 368
Emde, F. 368
Energy partition 28
Energy ratio 29—31 82—89
Epstein, P.S. 361
Ergin, K. 81—86
Evernden, J.F. 218
Ewing, M. 70 102 113 126 149 151 154 157 165 169 172 174 176 184 187 189 196—198 203 211 217—219 222 236 238 263 278 293 297 299 301 335—338 341 355
Excitation amplitude 146
Excitation function 181
Faran, J.J. 314
Fay, R.D. 288 323
Feshbach, H. 247
Fisher, G.H. 187
Flexural vibrations 285 311
Flexural waves 263 285 287 301 312—314
Flugge, W. 324
Forced waves 41
Forsterling, K. 238
Fortier, O.V. 288 323
Fragstein, v.C 121
Frequency, angular, complex 45
Frequency, angular, complex, cutoff 139
Frey, A.R. 325
Friction, internal 7 272
Friedlander, F.G. 71
Frohlich, H. 359
Fu, C.Y. 33
Gabriel, V.G. 87
Gans, R. 361
Gerjuoy, E. 121
Gherzi, E. 186
Ghosh, S. 322
Giebe, E. 324
Gilmore, M.H. 187 188
Gogoladze, V.G. 121 281 284 285
Goland, M. 324
Goodier, J.N. 31
Gotz, J. 293
Gravity, effect of 255
Grazing incidence 30
Griffis, L. 327
Gronwall, T.H. 323
Ground roll 200 231 236
| Group velocity 68 144
Gutenberg, B. 29—31 87—89 187 188 196 229
Hadamard, J. 16
Hallen, E. 64 67
Hamilton, G.R. 246
Harrison, M. 278
Hart, S.D. 288 292 293 296
Hartig, M.E. 324
Haskell, N.A. 204 205 238 338—341 355
Haug, A. 13
Heelan, P.A. 122
Heins, A.E. 288
Hencky, H. 10
Herrick, C 341
Herrmann, G.A. 324
Hersey, J.B. 246
Hiiter, T. 325
Hillier, K.W. 278
Hirono, T. 247
Holden, A.N. 324
Homma, S. 15 269 358
Honda, K 56 175 350 365 368
Hubert, W.E. 187
Hudson, G.E. 312 313
Hughes, D.S. 325
Huygens’ principle 16
Imperfectly elastic media 7
Incompressibility, coefficient of 6
Ingard, U. 71
Inouye, W. 341
Integration, contour 44 98—104
Interface, liquid-liquid 78
Interface, liquid-liquid, liquid-solid 79
Interface, liquid-liquid, solid-solid 83
Interface, liquid-liquid, waves generated at 114
Interference, constructive 140
Internal friction 7 272
Jacobi, W.J. 319 322 323
Jardetzky, W.S. 18 30 114 135 225 232 238 245 348
Jeans, J.H. 268
Jeffreys, B.S. 365 367
Jeffreys, H. 29 61 74 93 121 156 167 198 205 210 214 215 229 257 342 346 347 367 371—373
Jobert, N. 266
Joos, G. 94
Junger, M.C 21
Kahan, T. 246
Kanai, K. 15 113 192 194 204—207 210 211 222 238 274 342
Kane, T.R. 288
Karman, von 279
Kato, T. 373
Katz, S. 250
Kaufman, S. 70
Kawasumi, H. 15
Keilis-Borok, V.I. 194
Keller, J.B. 10
Kelvin, Lord 69 144 164 367
King, L.V. 21
Kinsler, L.E. 325
Kirchhoff’s formula 16
Kling, A. 123
Knopoff, L. 34 70
Knott, C.G. 74
Kolsky, H. 272 306
Koppe, H. 112
Krasnushkin, P.E. 335
Kriiger, M. 87 105 115
Kupradze, V. 13 120
Lamb, H. 10 13 34 36 47 50 54 62—70 44 111 121 135 281 288 296 319 322 323
Lamb’s problem 34 69
Lampariello, G. 279
Landisman, M. 341
Lapwood, E.R. 34 36 56 97 223
Lavrent’ev, M. 362
Lawrence, P.L. 33 200—203
Lazutkin, D.F. 325
Leaking modes 184
Lebedev, N.F. 325
Lee, A.W. 187 193 232 234 235
Lee, E.H. 325
Leet, L.D. 337
Levine, H. 325
Lewy, H. 279
Lg, Rg waves 187—189 212 219
Lieber, P. 279
Lindsay, R.B. 238
Line source 34 49
Linehan, D. 341
Liquid bottom 127
London, A. 325
Longitudinal vibrations 283 306
Longuet-Higgins, M.S. 157 186 187
Love waves 174 205 227 274 293 341 371
Love waves, across continents 213
Love waves, across oceans 216
Love, A.E.H. 9 17 70 111 112 124 189 193 194 259 265 269 270 272 319 350
Lunts, Y.L. 325
Lurye, J. 249
Macdonald, H.M. 21
Macelwane, J.B. 21 22 249
MacKenzie, J.K. 359
Mainka, C 22
Malvern, L.E. 325
Mantle waves 198 199 278
Marcelli, L. 216
Marsh, H.W. 362
Martin, M.H. 21 278
Mattice, H.C 279
Matumoto, T. 266
Matuzawa, T. 279 342 343 358
Maxwell solid 276
McLachlan, N.W. 71
McLemore, E.W. 246
McSkimin, H.J. 325
Meissner, E. 341 342 347 349
Meres, M.W. 87
Method, of stationary phase 144 164 367
Method, of stationary phase, of steepest descent 365
Miche, M. 186
Microseisms 156 185—189 260
Milne, E.A. 362
Mindlin, J.A. 325
Mindlin, R.D. 288
Minis, R.L. 325
Mode, normal 138 370
Mohorovicic, A. 94 172 216 221
Morse, P. 22
Morse, R.W. 326 335
Murnaghan, R.D. 10
Murphy, L.M. 188
Muskat, M. 87 93 121
Nakamura, K. 56 175 365 368
Nakano, H. 34 60 64—66 213 368
Naryskina, E.A. 64 66 121
National Research Council 249
Neumark, M.A. 194
Newlands, M. 60 132 192 223 224 276 351 353 368 369
Newton, R.G. 22
Niessen, K.F. 104
Nishimura, G. 238 266 288
Nishizawa, Y. 248
Nolle, A.W. 279
Nomura, Y. 279
Normal mode 138 370
Northwood, T.D. 70
Norton, K.A. 104
Oestreicher, H.L. 279
Officer, C.B., Jr. 142 156
Oldham, R.D. 69
Oliver, J. 70 102 113 172 196 198 217—219 222 265 287 310 312—314
Osborne, M.F.M. 288 292 293 296
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