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Steen W.M. — Laser material Processing |
Предметный указатель |
Holography 29
Hot machining 101
Humps 122
Huygens 40
Hydrogen potential 135
ierfc(u) 150
In-process control 223
In-process diagnostics 222
In-process sensing 225
Induction hardening 186
Infrared red scanning pyrometers 234
Inspection 32
Intelligent control 223
Intelligent In-Process Control 237
Intelligent machines 220
Intelligent processing 235 254
Interference 53
Interference coupling 47
Interferometer 24
Inverse Bremsstrahlung 44 121
Inverted population 229
Ionisation potential 130
Iron powder 102
Irrigation pipes 98
Isotope separation 36
Japan 69
JK Laser 4
Job shops 94
Joining efficiency 108 110 121
Joint geometries 124
Joule Thomson cooling 19
Just in Time (JIT) 95
Kaleidoscope 181
Kerf 70 76 79 80 88
Kevlar 97
Keyhole 72 108 113 121 135 165
Keyhole, monitoring 234
Keyhole, neck 116
Keyhole, twin vortices 114
Keyhole, welding 114
Laguerre polynomial 53
Laguerre — Gaussian Distribution Function 53
Laguerre — Gaussian polynomial 58
Laser beam analyser 225 226
Laser cavity 102
Laser Chemical Vapour Deposition 200 208
Laser cladding 168 199 234 237
Laser cladding, blown powder 202
Laser cladding, operating window 202
Laser cladding, preplaced powder 200
Laser classification 248
Laser Doppler Anemometer 27 205
Laser Doppler velocimeter 27
Laser dulled sheets 205
Laser Ecosse 9 16 64
Laser engraving 36 97
Laser enhanced electroplating 208
Laser guidance 24
Laser induced electroless deposition 208
Laser light show 24
Laser machining 99
Laser Physical Vapour Deposition 200 208
laser pointers 24
Laser power 85 225
laser printers 36
Laser radar 25
Laser safety officer 245 249
Laser shock hardening 75
Laser soldering 140
Laser surface alloying 196
Laser surface alloying, applications 198
Laser surface cladding 196
Laser surfacing, advantages 172
Laser surfacing, heat treatment 176
Laser surfacing, surface melting 187
Laser theodolite 24
Laser tuning 228
Laser, applications 23
Laser, argon 34 35
Laser, cavity 53
Laser, CL10 16
Laser, CO 12 19 121
Laser, CO2 3 7 15 33 71 87 99 110 121
Laser, comparison 22
Laser, diode 13 20
Laser, dye 36
Laser, excimer 3 4 14 20 35 71 98 121 138 255
Laser, face pumped 20
Laser, fast axial flow 4 12 16 55
Laser, He-Cd 211
Laser, He/Ne 7 24
Laser, iodine 7
Laser, Nd-Glass 3 13
Laser, Nd-YAG 3 4 7 13 19 67 71 75 85 87 99 110 121 255
Laser, phase matched diode arrays 255
Laser, plate laser 255
Laser, slab 20
Laser, slow How 4 12 15 55
Laser, solid state 19
Laser, TEA 4
Laser, transverse, flow 4 12 16 55
Laser, triangular 27
Laser, waveguide 4
Latent heat 119 164
Lens 56
Lens, aspheric 61
Lens, CdTe 71
Lens, cylindrical 65
Lens, doublet 61
Lens, GaAs 71
Lens, holographic 65
Lens, holographic, kinoforms 65
Lens, piano convex 60
Lens, quartz 71
Lens, shape 60
Lens, spherical 59
Lens, ZnSe 71
Levelling 24
Lidar 27 46
Line source 84 119
Liquation cracking 135
Lithium niobate 33
Long beam path 98
Lumonics 4 13
Lumped heat capacity 72 76 119
M2 concept 58
Mach shock disc 89
Magnesium alloys 135
Magnetic domain control 209
Magnetic field 43
Maiman 2
Manual Metal Arc welding 141
Marangoni flow 168
Marangoni type forces 114
Market 37
Marquetry 97
Martensite, non-homogeneous 183
Material properties 85 94 117 133
Maximum Permissible Exposure, levels 245
Maximum welding speed 119
Measurement of length 24
Mechanisation 220
medical 34 84
Medical, AIDS 35
Medical, blocked arteries 34
Medical, cytometry 35
Medical, eye surgery 34
Medical, eye surgery, detached retina 34
Medical, eye surgery, glaucoma 34
| Medical, photodynamic therapy 35
Medical, surgery 34
Medical, surgery, kidney and gall stones 34
Medical, surgery, ulcer 34
Melt pool, flow 196
Melting point 94
Metal optics 64 65
Metal optics, rotating polygon 65
Metallic glasses 189
Metastable alloys 198
Microlithography 98
Microstructure 147
Microstructure, fineness 185
Mirror, cleaning 64
Mirror, parabolic 65
Mirror, plane 64
MODE 9 15 52 53 57 61 85 87 121
Mode structure 119 227
Mode, burst 13
Mode, control 19
Mode, power distribution 16
Mode, pulse 15
Multiple reflections 72 114
Nailhead 132
Napoleon 148
Navier Stokes equation 168 196
Near and Far Field Effects 61
Neural logic 231 239
Newton 40
Nitrogen 11
Nominal hazard zone 246 248
Non Fourier conduction 45
Non Linear Effects 45
Nozzle 71
Nozzle, "clean cut" 92
Nozzle, alignment 92
Nozzle, design 80
Nozzle, high pressure 89
Nozzle, multiple 92
Nuemann functions 160
Occlusion Time 26
One Dimensional Heat Flow 150
Open loop control 222
Operating cost 22
Operating efficiency 12 13
Optical components 61
Optical fibre 46 66 254
Optical fibre, damage threshold 66
Optical fibre, graded or stepped silica 67
Optical fibre, insertion 66
Oscillator-amplifier 13 37
Overall heat balance 121
Overlap 119
Oxygen 80
Paint stripping 214
Panic button 250
Paraxial point 59
Particle injection 204
Patel.C.K.N. 3 11
Peclet number 146 160 181
penetration 103 118 119 124 132 133 162 254
Phase transformation 183
Phonon 44 47 188
Phonon frequency 46
Photodynamic therapy 35
photoelectric effect 40
Photolysis 208
Photon 40 84 229 255
Photon, energy 42
Photon, momentum 41
Photon, pressure 35 42 228
Photon, velocity 43
Photonic computing 33
Piezo electric detector 228
Pinch effect 122
Planck 41
plasma 10 44 55 113 114 119 229
Plasma absorption 79 162 165
Plasma Charge Sensor 234
Plasma density 133
Plasma processes 112
Plasma reradiation 116
Plasma torch 85
Plasma, blocking 116 130
Polarisation 48 52 56 63 70 76 85 86 102 116 121 126 176
Pollution detection 27
Population inversion 11
Porosity 114 116 133 135
Powder filler 132
Power 22 227
Power control 236
power density 108
Power supply, DC, RF 7 16
Power, continuous 118
Power, pulsed 119
Powerful light 24
Preheat 133
Printing 36
probability matrix 239
Production volumes 220
Profile cutting 95 96
Prototype Car Production 97
Pulse rate 133 135
Pulse repetition frequency 119
Pulse shape 75
Pulsed beam 80
Pulsing 156
Punching 99
Pyrolysis 208
Pyrometer 234
Q switch 19
Quality of a hole 74
Quanta-Ray 4
Quantronix 4
Quantum efficiency 13
Quantum theory 41
Quartz 114
Quartz tubes 96
Quench rates 156
Radiation, coherent 30
Radiation, diffraction 40
Radiation, electromagnetic 40 43
Radiation, x-rays 45
Radioactive materials 98
Raman spectrum 27
Rapid solidification 135 187
Rate of penetration 72 74
Rates of solidification 147
Rayliegh Scattering Law 52
Reactive fusion cutting 80
recording 32
Reflection 40 46
Reflection coefficient 47
Reflective dome 189 202
Reflectivity 49 64 94 176 188 228
Reflectivity, surface film 47
Reflectivity, temperature 47
Reflectivity, wavelength 47
Refraction 40 43 50 60
Refractive index 47 48 50 67
Relaxation 164
Repetition rates 13
Residual stress 187 191
Resistance trimming 4 19 98
Resistance welding 110
Retained austenite 185 191
Reynolds number 89 146
Rimming steel 135
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