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Geiter H. — E-Z ECG Rhythm Interpretation
Geiter H. — E-Z ECG Rhythm Interpretation

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Название: E-Z ECG Rhythm Interpretation

Автор: Geiter H.


Use analogies to make basic ECG concepts comprehensible and memorable for your students! The anatomy of the heart is like a house with rooms and doors. The intra-atrial and internodal pathways are like highways. Your students will absorb ECG interpretation like a sponge! This diverting, EZ-to-read approach, coupled with sound educational theory, encourages learning in students who are frustrated by the non-descriptive, formulaic writing found in most other textbooks. It's an alternative to the staid, jumpy approach found in other introductory ECG texts: . Well written, and in a style that is lighthearted and entertaining . A highly visual approach with illustrations and boxes that engage students . Peppered with analogies that make learning fun . "Building block" approach that progressively layers the content for students from simple to complex This is the book your students will use to understand the basic concepts of ECG, develop their ability to identify rhythms (especially life-threatening ones), and learn the appropriate response to patients with life-threatening rhythms. "I think the "Now You Know" section is crucial to summarizing what was covered in the chapters...particularly if a person is short on time and wants to get the highlights. I also like the fill in the blanks at the end of each chapter. I think it's a good way to self assess...It reminds me a little of the book I used to learn EKGs by Dubin, but I think this one is set up a little better. It also explains things more clearly."

Язык: en

Рубрика: Разное/

Статус предметного указателя: Неизвестно

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Год издания: 2007

Количество страниц: 533

Добавлена в каталог: 27.01.2011

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