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Selig J.M. — Introductory robotics
Selig J.M. — Introductory robotics

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Название: Introductory robotics

Автор: Selig J.M.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Технология/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1992

Количество страниц: 152

Добавлена в каталог: 22.10.2005

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
A-matrix      112
A-matrix, Puma      40—42 59 128
A-matrix, Scara robot      43 126
A-matrix, Stanford manipulator      43 126
Acceleration      82 96 109 114
Acceleration due to gravity      106
Acceleration screw      109
Active transformations      31—32
Algebraic equations      44—45 57
Algorithm      112
Angle of rotation      15 21
Angular velocity      68—71 103
Anthropomorphic design      28 see
Anticlockwise      15 21 34
Antisymmetric matrix      22 72 98 101 120 136 137 146
Axis of a rotation      15 20 21 66 68 117 118
Axis of a screw motion      20 32 66
Axis of a wrench      86 88 94 141 143
Bearing      106 107
Bin picking problem      5
Centre of mass      97 101—102 107—108 110 144—146
Centre of rotation      12—14 66 116
chebyshev      79
Chebyshev polynomial      80
Cincinnati Milacron $T^{3}$      38 71
Classical mechanics      96
Closed loop structure      23 28—9
Co-operating arms      6
Collision      6
Commutativity      16 see
Compliance      93—94
Compliance matrix      93
Computer controlled machine tools      3
Conformations      57
Conjugation      13 17 19 27
Cylinder      25
Degree of a polynomial      45
Degrees-of-freedom      23 26 28 30 34 48 55 62 89
Denavit — Hartenberg parameters      40
density      97 99
Design parameters      34 39—40 47 48
Determinant      9 44 62 66 79 89 119 122 134
Devol, George      3
Diagonal matrix      105 146
Discontinuity      76 80
Domestic robot      5
Dot product (or scalar product)      92 124
Dual set of screws      91
Duck      2
Eigenvalue      14 19 22 117
Eigenvector      14 19 22 117
Elasticity      5 see
Elbow up      47 53
Elbow-down      47 53 83
Elephant      1
Embedded co-ordinate frame      31—32
End-effector      1 30 34 36 57 59 92 see
Engelberger, Joe      3
Equations of motion      98 102 104 114 147
Equilibrium      85 93
Errors      61—62 75 79
Euler angles      17—18 23 26 48
Euler's equation      103 104
fingers      86 89
flexibility      5 7 96
Flip      49
force      85—86 91 95 96 104 106 110 143
Forward kinematics      34—43 59 134—135
Forward kinematics, 3-R wrist      36—38 131
Forward kinematics, planar manipulator      34—36 130
Forward kinematics, planar parallel manipulator      55—57
Forward kinematics, Puma      40—43 127—128
Forward kinematics, Stanford manipulator      43 126—127 132—133
Four-bar mechanism      29—30
Friction      87 89—90 96 115 147
Gauss elimination      63 139
Gravity      106 110—111 113 147
Gravity screw      110—111 113
Gripper      5 42 43 44 49 51 see
Gripping problems      86—90
Helicoidal surface      25
Home position      7 23 34 65 112 134
Home position, 3-R wrist      37 49
Home position, planar manipulator      36 62
Home position, Puma      40 42 51 127
Home position, Scara robot      126
Home position, Stanford manipulator      127
Hook's law      93—94
Horner's method      77
Identity matrix      8 10 42 98
Identity transformation      11
Inertia matrix      98—115 144—147
Infinity (point at)      14 45
Instantaneous screw      70—71 72 86 90—93 97—99 102 103 105—115
Interpolation      73
Interpolation, Hermite      81
Interpolation, Lagrange      79—80
Interpolation, linear      76
Interpolation, rational      84 140
Inverse kinematics      28 44—58 73
Inverse kinematics, 3-R wrist      48—50 130 131 138
Inverse kinematics, numerical method for      62—65
Inverse kinematics, planar manipulator      45—47 52 129 130—131 137
Inverse kinematics, Puma      51—55 57 74 132 139
Inverse kinematics, Stanford manipulator      57 132—133
Inverse matrix      9 32 63 91 123 139 see
Inverse transformation      11 32 52
Jacobian      59—72 79 93—94 109 134 139
Jacobian, 3-R wrist      69
Jacobian, Cincinnati Milacron $T^{3}$ wrist      71 136
Jacobian, parallel manipulator      144
Jacobian, planar manipulator      60—61 64 67—68
Jacobian, planar parallel manipulator      65 135
Joint      23 25—27
Joint offset      39
Joint screw      71 106 110—114
Joint space      28
Joint stiffness      93
Joint variable (or angle)      27 28 34 44 59 60 73—74 107 109 111 112 138—139
Joint variable (or angle), errors      61—62 79
Joint variable (or angle), numerical solution for      62—65
Joint velocity      66
Joint, cylindric (C)      25
Joint, planar (E)      25
Joint, prismatic or sliding (P)      25 27 32 71 95 106
Joint, revolute (R)      25 27 28 32 34 38 39 71 92 106
Joint, screw or helical (H)      25 44 106 114
Joint, spherical (ball and socket - S)      25 30 94
Kinematic equations, 3-R wrist      37
Kinematic equations, planar manipulator      36 60
Kinematic transformation matrix, 3-R wrist      37 48 54
Kinematic transformation matrix, Cincinnati Milacron $T^{3}$      38 125—126
Kinematic transformation matrix, planar manipulator      36
Kinematic transformation matrix, Puma      42
kinetic energy      115 146—147
Left-hand thread      19
Lefty      53
Legged vehicles      5 see
Lift-off phase      74 81—83
Linear approximation      60 74—76 137
Linear momentum      97 102
Linear velocity      66—68 69—71
Link      23—25 105—111
Link length      39
Link velocity      66
Mass      96 102 106
Moment of force      85 96
Moment of inertia      99—102
Momentum      96 see
Motors      2 28 82 93 96 106 108
Multi-fingered hand      2 6 86 see
Newton — Euler equation      104 107—108
Newton — Raphson method      62—65
Newton's Laws      96
No flip      49
Numerical methods      55 62—65 74
Open loop structure      23 28 see
Order of transformations      11 116 see
Paint spraying      1 28
Pairing      90—93 106—108 110 113—114
Parallel axis theorem      101
Parameterization      17 59
Partial derivatives      60 68 71 115
Partitioned matrix (form)      11—14 18 66 98 102 104 107 114
Passive transformations      31—32
Pitch of a joint      32 70
Pitch of a screw motion      19 20 27 32 69 120 122
Pitch of a wrench      85 88 94 141 143
Planar manipulator      34 50 51 71 83
Planar manipulator, forward kinematics      34—36 38 52 130
Planar manipulator, inverse kinematics      45—47 53 63 131
Planar manipulator, Jacobian      60—61 64 67—68
Planar parallel manipulator      55—7 58 133
Planar parallel manipulator, Jacobian      65 135
Planar transformations      7—15
Polynomials      44—45 77 138
Postures      47—48 49 50 53 55 57 65 75 83 133
Power      90—91
Principle moments of inertia      146
Programming      1 5
Proper rigid transformation      9
Protheses      5
Puma      3 28 30 34 59 74
Puma, A-matrices      40—42
Puma, forward kinematics      40—43 128
Puma, home position      40 42 43
Puma, inverse kinematics      51—55 57 74 130
Puma, kinematic transformation matrix      42
Puma, postures      53 55
Puma, wrist      36
Rank of a matrix      62
Reaction wrench      92 106—107 142
Recursion      112—114
Redundant manipulators      5
Reflection      9 17
Reflection in 2-D      10
Reuleaux lower pairs      25—26 89
Reuleaux, Franz      25
Right-hand thread      19
Righty      53
Rigid (body) motion in 2-D      10—12 14—15 66
Rigid (body) motion in 3-D      18—22 26—27 32 34 36 44 59 65 73 102—104
Rigid bodies      7—8 23 66 69—70 85 94 96 102 105 107 115
Rigid transformations in 2-D      10—14 15 23
Rigid transformations in 3-D      15—22 23—25 32 34 103 136
Rotation about an arbitrary point      12
Rotation in 2-D      8—10
Rotation in 3-D      15—19 72
Rotation, effect on vectors      8
Rotation, inverse      9
Rotation, matrix      8 71 100 102
Rotation, successive or composite or combined      8 16
Scalar product (or dot product)      9 20 21
Scalar triple product      21 86 147
SCARA robot      4 34
Scara robot, A-matrices      43 126
Scara robot, home position      126
Screw motion      19 26 69 122
Sensor fusion      5
sensors      2 79
Serial manipulator (or robot)      6 44 55 57 59 70 92—93 110 115
Set-down phase      74 81 82—83
Sheep shearing      5
Similarity transformation      100 121
Singular point (singularity)      48 50 57 62 75 134 138
Singular solution of polynomial equations      45
Skew symmetric matrix      22
SOAP      90
Spherical manipulator      34
Spherical mechanism      37
SPLINE      81
Stanford manipulator, A-matrices      43 126—127 132
Stanford manipulator, forward kinematics      43 126—127 132
Stanford manipulator, home position      127
Stanford manipulator, inverse kinematics      57 132—133
Stanford manipulator, postures      133
Stanford manipulator, wrist      36
Stewart platform      2 30 94 142—143
Stewart platform, forward kinematics      55 57
Stewart platform, inverse kinematics      55
Stiffness      93
Stiffness matrix      93
Surface of revolution      25 90
Surface of translation      25 90
Sylvester's theorem      146
Symmetric matrix      98 146—147
Taylor's theorem      60 63
Telechir      3
Tensor property      100
Tool      1 see
topology      17 59
torque      85—86 91—93 104 106 108—109 110 112 114
Torus      65 134
Trace of a matrix      121
Trajectory following      73—84
Trajectory planning      6
Translations in 2-D      9—10 71
Translations in 3-D      18—19 72 101 103
Trigonometry      36 47
Trigonometry, identities      8 45 49
Twist angle      39
Vector product ($\wedge$)      21 24 68 85 96 103 137 146
Vector product ($\wedge$) of screws      104—105
Vector triple product      97 100 124
Velocity screw      107 109 115
Via points      76 78 79
Vibrations      5 79
Volume integral      97
Walking machine      2 see
Wall climbing robot      5
Weight      92 106 111
Welding      1 28 73
Work done      144
Work space      28 48 59 76 84 139
Wrench      85 90—93 98 102 104—108 112—114 140—144
Wrench due to gravity      110
Wrist      18 28 34
Wrist, 3-R or spherical      36—38 48—50 51 66 83 130 131
Wrist, Cincinnati Milacron $T^{3}$      38 71 125—126
Wrist, roll-pitch-yaw      37—38
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