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Motchenbacher C.D., Connelly J.A. — Low-noise electronic system design |
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1/f noise, definition 8 25
1/f noise, measurement 363
1/f noise, model 84 86 88 113 122 142 150 153 162 191 291
A/D converter 252 269 272 279 282
Accelerometer 196
Accuracy, noise measurement 361
Addition of noise 18
Amplifier(s) see also Specific amplifier such
Amplifier(s), ac 135 333 336
Amplifier(s), biasing 225
Amplifier(s), dc 135 334 335
Amplifier(s), design 223 330
Amplifier(s), high impedance 333
Amplifier(s), selection for noise 210
analog-to-digital converters 252 269 272 279 282
Analyzer, noise 350
Answers to problems 406
Attenuator 347
Available noise power 8
Avalanche, breakdown and noise 133 297
Avalanche, damage to transistors 134
Avalanche, diode noise 297
Averaging, noise 351 361
Axis crossings, noise 11
Bandgap voltage reference 324
Bandwidth limiting 213 354
Bandwidth, errors 353 362
Bandwidth, noise 8 11
Bandwidth, noise measurement 364
Battery noise 299
Beta-cutoff frequency 111
Biasing, bipolar transistor 225 330
Biasing, capacitors 228
Biasing, stability criteria 227
Bipolar diode voltage reference 316
Bipolar transistor bias 225
Bipolar transistor noise, measured data 385
Bipolar, model 110
Bit error 252 279
Bit error noise 275
Bit factor 255
Bolometer detector 186
Boltzmann’s constant 8
Brownian motion 8
Burst noise 126 248
Bypass capacitors 228
Capacitance, shunt 177
Capacitive bypass of noise 228
Capacitors, bypass 228
Capacitors, coupling 228
Capacitors, noise 296
Capacity multiplier filter 309
Carbon resistor noise 295
Cascade amplifier 331
Cascaded, noise 47 231
Cascode amplifier 236 237 332
CC-CE amplifier 234
CE amplifier 225
CE-CB amplifier 236 242
Circuit analysis, design 207
Circuit analysis, noise 22
Circuit configuration 224
Circuit diagrams, cascode amplifier 236
Circuit diagrams, CC-CE 234
Circuit diagrams, CE-CB 236 242
Circuit diagrams, common source-common emitter 232
Circuit diagrams, common-emitter 225
Circuit diagrams, differential amplifier 242 335
Circuit diagrams, emitter coupled amplifier 242
Circuit diagrams, feedback amplifier 334
Circuit diagrams, parallel-stage amplifier 335
Circuit-caused avalanching 134
CMOS divider voltage reference 314
Coil, noise 178 195
Coil, sensor model 178 195
Common, emitter configuration 225
Common-mode, isolation 243 300 306
Comparator noise 271
Component noise, avalanche diodes 297
Component noise, batteries 299
Component noise, capacitor 296
Component noise, resistor 289
Component noise, transformers 299
Component noise, zener diodes 297
Computer Aided Design 79
Computer noise analysis, amplifier model 79
Computer noise analysis, biased resistive sensor model 187
Computer noise analysis, bipolar transistor model 113
Computer noise analysis, coil-RLC noise model 179
Computer noise analysis, D/A converter 261
Computer noise analysis, diode model 190
Computer noise analysis, integration method 101
Computer noise analysis, noise program 79
Computer noise analysis, photo diode model 190
Computer noise analysis, piezoelectric sensor model 197
Computer noise analysis, resistive sensor model 185
Computer noise analysis, sample problem 82 87 90 93 99 179
Computer noise analysis, transformer model 202
Computer program, SPICE 80 179
Contact noise 25
Contours of noise figure 124
Correlation 19 21 23 38 41 344
Coupling capacitors 228
Coupling network noise 173
Crest factor 353 355
Cryogenic 163
CS-CE amplifier 323
CS-CG amplifier 237
Current noise, amplifier 38
Current noise, excess 25
Current noise, measurement 41
Current noise, shot 27
Current noise, thermal 18 29
Current source noise 322
D/A converters 252 255 282
D/A spice simulation 261
DC amplifier 335
Design examples, resistive sensor 218
Design examples, transformer coupled amplifier 198 219
Design, computer aided 79
Design, low-noise amplifier 334
Design, procedure 207
device selection 210
Differential amplifier 55 239 247 335
digital-to-analog converters 252 255 282
Diode, equation 28
Diode, noise 29 190 297
Diode, sensor model 188
Dynamic microphone 194
electrolytic capacitors 296
Electronic charge 28
Electrostatic shielding 6 343 349
Emitter biasing 229
Emitter resistance 111
Equipment, noise measurement 346
Equivalent circuits, analysis 172
Equivalent circuits, biased resistor 175 186
Equivalent circuits, bipolar transistor 110 128 226
Equivalent circuits, capacitance 177
Equivalent circuits, coil 178 194
Equivalent circuits, diode 188
Equivalent circuits, field effect transistor 141 152
Equivalent circuits, inductance 194
Equivalent circuits, input noise 39 173
Equivalent circuits, models 17 172
Equivalent circuits, networks 18 172 185
Equivalent circuits, noise, amplifiers 172
Equivalent circuits, piezoelectric sensor 197
Equivalent circuits, popcorn noise 127
Equivalent circuits, resistance 17 185
| Equivalent circuits, resonant circuit 178 194
Equivalent circuits, transformer 198
Equivalent input noise, application 172 207 212 214 231
Equivalent input noise, bipolar transistor 114 123
Equivalent input noise, computer calculation 79 82 83
Equivalent input noise, derivation 39 173
Equivalent input noise, equation 41 172
Equivalent input noise, measurement 165 340
Excess noise 25 84 88 290
Feedback in Low noise design 53 188 212 349
Feedback, amplifiers 333
Feedback, noise model 53
Feedback, positive 67
Ferroelectric ceramic elements 196
FET noise, measured data 142 377
FET noise, measurement 162
FET noise, model 41 152
Fiber optic detector 188
Field effect transistor amplifiers 224 333
Field effect transistor amplifiers, common source 232
Field effect transistor amplifiers, differential 239
Field effect transistor amplifiers, high impedance 333
Film resistors 294
Filtering, power supply 308
Flash A/D converter 269 279
Flicker effect 25 84
Gain 40 115 173 341
Gain-bandwidth 111
Gallium Arsenide FET fabrication 155
Gallium Arsenide FET noise 154 158
Gaussian noise, axis crossings 11
Gaussian noise, crest factors 11
Gaussian noise, definition 6 95
Gaussian noise, distribution 6
Gaussian noise, peaks 353
Generation-recombinationcenters 26 127 152 153
Generator, noise 358
GR noise 187 191
Guarding 191
High impedance amplifier 334
Hybrid- noise model 109
Hydrophone 196
IC noise, measured data 215 368
IC resistors 296
Inductive sensor model 178 194
Infrared cell sensor 186 188
Infrared detector 188 193
Input impedance 40 85 143
Integrated BJT amplifier 237 244
Integrated transistors 111 247
Integrated voltage references 312
Integration, noise 101 247
Inverting amplifier 59 63
Iterative design 208
Johnson noise 8
Kirchoff’s law 22
KT/C noise 8 30
Laser detectors 188
Lateral transistors 248
Limiting noise, bipolar transistor 116 119
Linear integrated circuit, measured noise data 368
Load resistance noise 175 186
Low frequency noise 25
LVDT 194
Macromodels 103
Magnetic shielding 6 301 349
Matching, transformer 198 299
Measured noise data, BJT 216
Measured noise data, FET 164 167 215
Measured noise data, integrated circuits 368
Measurement, bandwidth 353
Measurement, circuit 346
Measurement, current 166
Measurement, equipment 346
Measurement, FET 164
Measurement, noise figure 345
Measurement, noise generator method 356
Measurement, noise, accuracy 361
Measurement, popcorn noise 129
Measurement, sine wave method 340
Measurement, voltage 166
Metal film resistor 294
Metal foil resistor 294
Meters, average responding 353 355
Meters, noise 352
Meters, peak reading 356
Meters, power output 352 357
Meters, rms 354
Microphone 196
Micropolasma noise 128
Miller effect 143 149
Models, noise 38 83 172
Monolithic IC resistors 296
MOS diode voltage reference 319
MOS field effect transistor, application 146
MOS field effect transistor, measured noise 368
MOS field effect transistor, noise model 146
Multistate noise 298
Negative feedback in low noise design 53 208 212
Negative feedback, amplifiers 189 212 333
Negative feedback, noise model 53
NEP 192
Noise analysis D/A converter 255
Noise bandwidth, calculation 98
Noise bandwidth, definition 11 98
Noise bandwidth, measurement of 356
Noise current 116
Noise current, definition 38 83
Noise current, measurement 41 165 342
Noise data, measured 43 215
Noise diode 297 358
Noise equivalent power (NEP) 192
Noise factor 44
Noise figure, bipolar transistor 120 123
Noise figure, calculation 98
Noise figure, contours 125
Noise figure, definition 44
Noise figure, measurement 345
noise floor 9
Noise generator program 95
Noise index, definition 25 291
Noise index, graph 293
Noise index, modeling 88 290
Noise index, values 263 293
Noise integration 101
Noise measurement 164 361
Noise models, amplifier 38 172
Noise models, analysis 172
Noise models, biased resistance 186
Noise models, capacitance 177
Noise models, computer 83
Noise models, derivation 39 172
Noise models, diode 29
Noise models, field effect transistor 141
Noise models, hybrid- 112 128
Noise models, input noise 39
Noise models, integrated circuit 112
Noise models, network 17 172
Noise models, photo diode 188
Noise models, piezoelectric transducer 197
Noise models, popcorn 126
Noise models, resistor 17 185
Noise models, resonant circuit 178
Noise models, transformer 201
Noise models, zener diode 297
Noise of cascaded networks 47
Noise of passive components 289
Noise of reactive components 296
Noise power 9
Noise resistance 46 150
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