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Hernandez D. — Qualitative Representation of Spatial Knowledge |
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Meaning, attribution of 17
Measurement 8
Mental model 141 153
MERCATOR system 144
Mereology 139
Meta-knowledge 15
Metric diagram 136
Metric knowledge (see Knowledge metric)
Model construction 142
Modeling process 14 17
Modified triangular model 47
Molec 94
Multiple constraints, effect of 69
N-queens problem 74
NALIG system 135
Naming, distances 121
Naming, sizes 119
Natural language and relations 152
Natural language as access media 4
Natural language, context-dependent generation 152
Natural language, descriptions of space 141 145
Natural language, generating images from, description 135
Natural language, navigation 143
Natural language, query system 106
Natural language, spatial prepositions in (see Prepositions spatial)
Natural language, structure of 18
Navigational system, qualitative 41
Negligible 120
Neigh() (see Orientation neighboring)
Neighborhood, conceptual 11 130 136
Neighborhood, structure 81
Neighbors 10 131
Next common coarse relation 91
Node consistency (see Consistency node)
Non-spatial knowledge (see Knowledge)
Numeral system, arabic 16
Numeral system, binary 16
Numeral system, roman 16
Numeric constraint propagation 151
NX robot 144
O(M) system 120
Object-calculus 138
Object-centered description 128
Objects in close proximity 50
Objects, consistency 123
Objects, convex 27 122
Objects, extended 88 138
Observer 17
Observer, external 27 40
Oct-trees 135
ODA (see Office Document Architecture)
Office Document Architecture 133
Opp() (see Orientation opposite)
Opposite 43 16
Opposite, geocentric 41
Opposite, mirror 45
Opposite, sector model 44
Opposite, system anthropocentric 40
Opposite, tandem 45 20
Opposite, transformation 45
Order dependency 115
Order-of-magnitude reasoning 120
Orientation 138
Orientation and arrangement 43
Orientation of triangles 30
Orientation relations (see Relations orientation)
Orientation, composition for solids 68
Orientation, constant 66
Orientation, neighboring 43
Orth() (see Orientation orthogonal)
overlapping 49 50
Overlapping with extension 46—51
Overlapping, prototype 152
Overlapping, prototypical 141
Overlapping, without holes 122
Path 145
Path, algebra 138
Path, consistency (see Consistency path)
Path, knowledge (see Knowledge path)
Peano relation model 146
Perception, multiple channel 136
Physical space, properties 11
Physical support 118
Pictorial representation (see Representation pictorial)
Place vocabulary 136
Point 30 138
Point of view 28
Point of view, change in 77
Point-in-polygon queries 147
Position, determining factors 28
Position, relative 28 45 154
Position, vector 30
Poverty conjecture 136
Premise 92
Prepositions, directional 145
Prepositions, locative 152
Present moment 130
Primary object 28
Priority lists 100
Procedural representation (see Representation procedural)
Process 7
Program/data duality 20
Projective 29 145
Projective, spatial 29 141 145
Projective, topological 29 145
propagate 84 90
Propositional representation (see Representation prepositional)
Propositional/analogical distinction 20—22
Pruning 74
Quad-tree 147
Quadrant information 133
Qualitative areas 133
Qualitative kinematics 136
Qualitative physics 7
Qualitative points 133
Qualitative prediction 138
Qualitative relations, discriminating power 10
Qualitative relations, granularity 10
Qualitative relations, informative content 10
Qualitative representation 149 153
Qualitative representation, analogical 78—80
Qualitative representation, properties 8—10
Qualitative representation, reasoning tasks 55
Qualitative representation, reasoning with 55—103 154
Qualitative simulation 7 17 137
Qualitative triangulation 139
Qualitative vs. quantitative 8 15 22—23
Qualitativeness 4 7—11
Quality 8
QUALNAV model 144
Quantitative approaches, drawbacks 3
Quantitative knowledge 8
quantity 8 150
Quantity Lattice 150
Quantity space 7 11
Reason maintenance 92
Reason maintenance system 92
Reason maintenance, garbage collection version 97
Reason maintenance, multi-level version 98
Recognition 8 122
Recognition of places problem 108
Reconstruction 9 112 122
Recovery of 3D from 2D 122
Rectangular domains 40
Reference duration 119
Reference frame 154
| Reference frame, canonical 46
Reference frame, deictic 45
Reference frame, explicit 4
Reference frame, extrinsic 45
Reference frame, implicit 4
Reference frame, intrinsic 45
Reference frames 44—46 138
Reference interval 87 130
Reference object 28 87
Reference world 17
Reflection operator 133
Region queries 147
Related work 129—147
Relation continuum 119
Relational algebra 146—147
Relational encodings 134
Relations, Cartesian tuples of 132—134
Relations, coarse 10 38 132
Relations, combined structure 75—76
Relations, complete 33
Relations, composition 61—65
Relations, connected 64 65
Relations, consecutive 11
Relations, convex 11
Relations, cyclic binary order 139
Relations, derivation 34
Relations, fixed-point 65 154
Relations, locative 4
Relations, mutually exclusive 33
Relations, neighborhood structure 37—39
Relations, neighboring 38 91
Relations, ordinal 150
Relations, orientation 28 39—51 154
Relations, positional 133
Relations, positional, specificity 87
Relations, possible variations 65
Relations, properties 34—37
Relations, sets of 81
Relations, size dependencies 118
Relations, subset 61
Relations, subsumed 91
Relations, topological 28 33—39 137 138 154
relative 21
Relative orientation node 4—3 65 77
Relative topological and orientation node 77
Relevance 145
Relevance of distinctions 17
Relsets (see Relations sets
Remedial actions 135
Representation of numbers 16
Representation of positions 25—54 133 150
Representation of spatial knowledge other approaches 140—147
Representation of uncertainty 141 144
Representation, absolute 21
Representation, allocentric 111
Representation, analogical 11 22 140
Representation, aspects 16
Representation, compositional 21
Representation, declarative 20
Representation, depictorial 140—141
Representation, diagrammatical 23 65 82
Representation, domain 16
Representation, egocentric 111 132
Representation, examples 51—54
Representation, explicit 20
Representation, Fregean 21
Representation, geocentric 111
Representation, holistic 21
Representation, hybrid 140 143
Representation, imaginal 143
Representation, implicit 20
Representation, modalities 19—23 140—143 150
Representation, object-centered 151
Representation, object-oriented 82
Representation, operational correspondance 16
Representation, other qualitative approaches 129—139
Representation, other relational approaches 134—139
Representation, perceptual 153
Representation, procedural 20
Representation, propositional 11 21 140—142
Representations, informationally equivalent 18
Representations, non-equivalent 18
Represented world 16
Representing world 16
Resolution 8 18
Retrieval mechanism 92
RMS 97 (see also Reason maintenance system)
Robot navigation 32
RON (see Relative orientation node)
Route, finding 143—145
Route, planning 144
S-percept (see Symbolic percept)
Saliency 145
Scene axioms 141
Segment 30
Semantics 17
Semi-interval 130
Sense shift 145
Sentential 21
Set, bit-string representation 81
Set, boundary 34
Set, closure 34
Set, complement 34
Set, interior 34
Set, intersection 61
Set, theory 34
SHAPE 27 113 122—128
Shape, 2D basic vocabulary 122
Shape, 3D basic vocabulary 122
Shape, complex 123
Shape, continuity properties 128
Shape, contour properties 128
Shape, disambiguation 127
Shape, equality 127
Shape, equivalence 127
Shape, extension 128
Shape, general form 128
Shape, matching 127
Shape, proportioning 123
Shape, similarity 127
Shape, spatial structure 127
Shape, visualizing 128
Shortest path rule 65 83 154
Side orientations 88
Sign concept 18
Signifiant 18
Signifie 18
Situated cognition 153
SIZE 27 113 118—121
Size, ranges 120
Size, relative 133
Small scale 151
Soundness 140
Soundness, cognitive 2 153
Soundness, exploiting structure of 75—103
Soundness, geographic 138
Soundness, hierarchical decomposition of 36
Soundness, hierarchical organization of 26
Soundness, large scale 143 151
Soundness, mathematical 1
Soundness, metaphorical 1
Soundness, n-dimensional 27
Soundness, occupancy 135
Soundness, physical 1
Soundness, physical properties (see Physical space properties)
Soundness, psychological 1
SPACES system 136
SPAM system 144
Spatial constraints 99
Spatial database, management of 146
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