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Klas W., Schrefl M. — Metaclasses and Their Application: Data Model Tailoring and Database Integration
Klas W., Schrefl M. — Metaclasses and Their Application: Data Model Tailoring and Database Integration

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Название: Metaclasses and Their Application: Data Model Tailoring and Database Integration

Авторы: Klas W., Schrefl M.


Conventional object-oriented data models are closed: although they allow users to define application-specific classes, they usually come with a fixed set of modelling primitives. This constitutes a major problem, as different application domains, e.g. database integration or multimedia, need special support. Using an extended metaclass concept, this book provides for the solution of this problem a simple but extendible open object-oriented data model, a so-called RISC model. By introducing the basic concepts of the open object-oriented database management system VODAK, it demonstrates how the extended metaclass concept can be integrated homogeneously into object-oriented data models.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Computer science/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1995

Количество страниц: 202

Добавлена в каталог: 05.12.2010

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
$M^{d}$      28
$P^{d}$      28
$t_{m, ii}$      39
$t_{m, i}$      26 36 38
$t_{m, o}$      33 35 38
$t_{p, ii}$      38
$t_{p, i}$      26 36 38
$t_{p, o}$      33 35 38
ActArgList      35 37
ArgList      17
CD      23 26
class      27 33 35 38
Class, BACKING      121
Class, CLAIM      121
Class, COMPLEX-PART      92—122
Class, DATUM      121
Class, EMPLOYEE      86—91
Class, LICENSED-PART      96—122
Class, METACLASS      65—69
Class, ON_ACCOUNT_OF      121
Class, PART      92—122
Class, PERSON      86—91
Class, REBUTTAL      121
Class, SIMPLE-PART      92—122
Class, SINCE      121
Class, SINGLETON-CLASS      86—91
Class, SINGLETON-CLASS, extension of      92—122
Class, SO      121
Class, STUDENT      86—91
Class, TOULMIN-LINK-CLASS      118
Class, TOULMIN-NODE-CLASS      118
Class, UNLESS      121
Class, UNLICENSED-PART      96—122
Class, VML-CLASS      53
Class, WARRANT      121
ClassDef      23 26
ClassID      15
CreateObject      31
Datatypes      57
DBSchema      57
Defclass      58
defdatatype      58
defobjtype      58
destroyobject      31
disptbl      44
DispTbls      44
DomArgList      24
DomExpr      24 30
DomExprV      24
DTD      16 57
DTypeId      15
i-tc      26
i-type      23 25 26 36 38
ii-type      38
INIT      35 37
instinstMeths      44
instMeths      44
Map, globally defined, $M^{d}$      28
Map, globally defined, $P^{d}$      28
Map, globally defined, $\eta$      16 57
Map, globally defined, $\psi$      27 32 35 37 57
Map, globally defined, $\rho$      18 57
Map, globally defined, $\sigma$      30 44
Map, globally defined, $\zeta$      23 26
MethDef      17
MethDen      43 44 55
MethName      15
meths      18
o-tc      33 35 36 38
o-type      33 35 38
Object      30 44
ObjectDef      27 32 35 37
objectdefs      57
ObjectMem      29 30 44
objecttypes      57
ObjId      15
od      27 32 35 37 57
OTD      15 18 57
OTypeDef      15 18
OTypeId      15
ownMeths      44
PrimTypeId      16
PropDef      17
PropName      15
props      18
Selection      46 55
send      45 54
State      30 44
TC      24
TCM      25
TCP      25
Type, data, Date      21 56
Type, object, $\Theta$      18 60 65
Type, object, Aggregation_InstInstType      100
Type, object, Aggregation_InstType      101
Type, object, CategorySpec_InstInstiype      93—122
Type, object, CategorySpec_InstType      93—122
Type, object, Claim_Type      119
Type, object, CompClass_InstInstType      105
Type, object, CompClass_InstType      105
Type, object, Content_Type      119
Type, object, Datum_Type      120
Type, object, KernelApplicationClass_InstType      63
Type, object, LinkClass_InstInstType      117
Type, object, LinkClass_InstType      117
Type, object, Metaclass_InstInstType      65
Type, object, Metaclass_Instiype      65 67—68
Type, object, NodeClass_InstInstiype      116
Type, object, NodeClass_InstType      116
Type, object, Person_Type      21
Type, object, RoleCompClass_InstInstType      109 111
Type, object, RoleCompClass_InstType      110 111
Type, object, RoleSpecToulminNode-Class_InstInstType      118
Type, object, RoleSpecToulminNode-Class_InstType      118
Type, object, RoleSpec_InstInstType      86—91
Type, object, RoleSpec_InstType      86—91
Type, object, SingletonClass_InstInstType      86 87
Type, object, SingletonClass_InstInstType, extension of      93—122
Type, object, SingletonClass_InstType      86 87
Type, object, SingletonClass_InstType, extension of      93—122
Type, object, ToulminLinkClass_InstInstType      118
Type, object, ToulminLinkClass_InstType      118
Type, object, ToulminNodeClass_InstInstType      118
Type, object, ToulminNodeClass_InstType      118
Type, object, VML-Class_InstInstType      61—64
Type, object, VML-Class_InstType      61—64 67—68
Type, object, VML-Object_Type      61—64
Type, primitive, Arglist      54
Type, primitive, Bool      16
Type, primitive, Char      16
Type, primitive, domains of      16
Type, primitive, Float      16
Type, primitive, Integer      16
Type, primitive, Oid      16
Type, primitive, Result      54
Type, primitive, Sel      16 54
Type, primitive, String      16
Type, primitive, Void      16
TypeExpr      16
TypeExprV      17
Value      30 44 54
VarName      15
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